Page 28 - bon-dia-aruba-20200731
P. 28

                        Friday 31 July 2020
               Vehicles burned in

               Mexico to protest

               U.S. water payment

              Mexican  President  Andres  Manuel  Lopez  Obrador  gives   Livestock sellers bring their sheep to be washed on the beach before they are offered for sale for
              his daily, morning press conference in front of the former   the upcoming Islamic holiday of Eid al-Adha, on the beach in Dakar, Senegal Thursday, July 30,
              presidential plane at Benito Juarez International Airport in   2020.
              Mexico City, Monday, July 27, 2020.                                                                                           Associated Press
                                                   Associated Press
              By MARK STEVENSON                                       Livestock prices stress Muslims
              Associated Press
              MEXICO  CITY  (AP)  —  Demonstrators  in  northern      in Africa ahead of Eid al-Adha
              Mexico  have  burned  several  government  vehicles,
              blocked  railway  tracks  and  set  afire  a  government   By  BABACAR  DIONE  and  three  months  now.  "They  people  are  struggling  to
              office and highway tollbooths to protest water pay-     KRISTA LARSON                wouldn't  even  cost  80,000  find  money.  Only  civil  ser-
              ments to the United States.                             Associated Press             CFA ($137) in normal times."  vants  come  in  large  num-
              Mexico has fallen behind in the amount of water it      DAKAR,  Senegal  (AP)  —  During  Eid  al-Adha,  or  the  bers.  And  some  of  them
              must send north from its dams under a 1944 treaty,      Even  in  the  best  of  times,  festival of sacrifice, Muslims  don't agree to pay much."
              but farmers in the northern state of Chihuahua want     many  Muslims  in  West  Af-  commemorate  the  proph-    The cheapest ram a person
              the water for their own crops.                          rica  scramble  to  afford  a  et Ibrahim's test of faith by  can find in Dakar goes for
              President Andrés Manuel López Obrador said Thurs-       sheep  to  slaughter  on  Eid  slaughtering  livestock  and  about  80,000  CFA  ($137),
              day that the protests were being fanned by oppo-        al-Adha,  a  display  of  faith  animals and distributing the  though  more  handsome
              sition politicians for their own motives. He said there   that often costs as much as  meat to the poor.          ones  can  be  sold  for  four
              was  enough  water  to  comply  with  the  treaty  and   a month's income.           It's also a time when families  times that amount. Unhap-
              support local crops. "Some people are taking advan-     Now COVID-19 is wreaking  gather to prepare and en-       py  buyers say their money
              tage  now  for  their  own  benefit  ...  opposition  politi-  havoc  on  people's  bud-  joy a large feast, and many  doesn't  seem  to  be  going
              cians, in this case," López Obrador said.               gets from Senegal to Nige-   typically  shell  out  for  new  as far this year.
              The president criticized "the attitude of confrontation"   ria  to  Ivory  Coast,  putting  outfits  for  the  whole  fam-  "I  want  a  good  sheep  for
              and the burning of federal property, and promised       an  important  religious  tra-  ily. Now there is less money  225,000 francs ($387). What
              "the farmers, the inhabitants will not lack water." And   dition just beyond financial  for  those  luxuries,  and  for  the  sellers  are  offering  me
              he noted that further west along the border — no-       reach. Even those who can  the hawkers who sell fancy  is not good," said Mariama
              tably in the Colorado River basin — Mexico receives     afford  an  animal  are  get-  carving knife sets to drivers  Thiaré,  a  businesswoman.
              four times more water from the United States than it    ting a smaller one this year.  stuck in traffic. Business also  "Last year, I had a big sheep
              gives under the treaty. Photos from Delicias showed     "The situation is really com-  has been slow for the ven-  for the same amount."
              that demonstrators used heavy equipment to drag         plicated by the coronavirus  dors  selling  barbecue  grills  Some  searching  for  deals
              pickup trucks belonging to the national water com-      — it's a tough market," said  by roadsides.               have  traveled  further  out-
              mission  to  nearby  train  tracks  where  they  were   Oumar  Maiga,  a  livestock  Senegal's Livestock Minister  side the capital, only to find
              flipped over and and set afire. Someone, apparently     trader  in  Abidjan,  Ivory  Samba Ndiobène Ka insists  nothing  cheaper.  Others
              demonstrators, also set fire to a building where the    Coast's largest city. "People  there is not a problem with  who prepaid for their rams
              commission has its offices, and flames ravaged a se-    are not coming in the way  supply,  saying  the  country  say now the sellers are de-
              ries of toll booths on a nearby highway.  Under the     they usually would. We are  has more than the estimat-    manding 25% more to get
              1944  treaty,  Mexico  owes  the  United  States  about   in  a  situation  we've  never  ed  803,000  animals  need-  the  animals  delivered  by
              405,000 acre-feet (500 million cubic meters) this year   seen in other years."       ed. Livestock sellers who do  Friday.
              that must be paid by Oct. 24. Payment is made by re-    In Senegal's capital, Dakar,  their peak business this time  On  Wednesday,  Alioune
              leasing water from dams in Mexico. Mexico has fallen    thousands  of  sheep  oblivi-  of year say they're hurting,  Ndong  said  he  still  didn't
              badly behind in payments from previous years and        ous  to  their  fate  stood  on  too, as consumers cut back  know  how  he'd  come  up
              now has to quickly catch up on water transfers.         display outside the Léopold  amid  the  economic  slow-   with the money for his fam-
              The expansion of water-hungry crops has meant that      Senghor  stadium.  With  just  down. Abdou Ka, a young  ily's feast, and he called on
              Mexico has used 71% of the northward-flowing Con-       48  hours  to  go  before  the  salesman  from  the  interior  Senegal's  government  to
              chos River, while under the treaty it should use only   holiday  expected  Friday,  of the country, remembers  help struggling families like
              62% of the water, letting the rest of it flow into the Rio   Abdou  Karim  Seck  strug-  this time last year there was  his. "COVID-19 has drained
              Bravo, also known as the Rio Grande, on the border.     gled to find a deal.         a "big rush" of customers.   my  money,  said  the  tailor
              In the past, Mexico has delayed payments, hoping        "My budget is 120,000 CFA  "This year, I'm a bit worried.  based in the town of Mbour
              that periodic tropical storms from the Gulf would cre-  ($206),  and  the  sheep  I'm  We only see a few custom-  outside  the  capital.  "How
              ate  occasional  windfalls  of  water.  But  while  Hanna   being  offered  at  this  price  ers  and  they  have  a  low  do  you  expect  me  to  be
              made landfall in Texas earlier this month, the storm's   are  too  small,"  he  said.  budget,"  Ka  said.  "It's  be-  able to buy a ram? I pray
              rains did not reach far enough inland to fill dams in   His  sales  as  a  trader  have  cause  of  the  coronavirus.  God to be able to get one
              Chihuahua. q
                                                                      been  falling  for  nearly  I  have  the  impression  that  before Friday."q
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