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                                                                                                 u.s. news Dialuna 5 OctOber 2020

                              Ex-Bridgeport officials expected to plead guilty to fraud

            (AP)  —  The  former  police  the process that led to the city  the  police  chief  exam  and
            chief  of  Connecticut's  larg-  hiring Perez as chief in 2018.  other materials to Perez and
            est  city  and  another  former  Both were charged with wire  tailored  the  scoring  criteria
            official are expected to plead  fraud, conspiracy to commit  for that exam in Perez's favor.
            guilty  Monday  in  their  fed-  wire  fraud and  with  making  Perez, investigators said, also
            eral fraud case.             false statements to investiga-  had  two  police  officers  se-
            A  change  of  plea  hearing  is  tors.                   cretly  take  the  written  por-
            scheduled for former Bridge-  Dunn  will  plead  guilty  to  tion of the exam for him.
            port  Police  Chief  Armando  one count of conspiracy and  Email and telephone messag-
            Perez and former acting Per-  one  count  of  making  a  false  es seeking comment were left
            sonnel Director David Dunn.  statement, his attorney, Fred  Saturday for Perez's attorney.
            Perez and Dunn resigned last  Paoletti, said in an email.  Public access to the change of
            month  after  being  arrested  According  to  the  criminal  plea hearing will be available
            on  federal  fraud  charges.  complaint,  Dunn  gave  an-  via  video,  according  to  the
            They  are  accused  of  rigging  swers  to  the  oral  portion  of  U.S. District Court docket.

                         Alone among nations, US moves to restore UN Iran sanctions

            (AP)  —  The  United  States  pected  in  the  coming  days  are  if  you  violate  the  U.N.  in  the  past,  we  will  stand  that  the  nuclear  pact  should
            slapped  additional  sanctions  and weeks.                arms  embargo  on  Iran  you  alone  to  protect  peace  and  be preserved. At a conference
            on  Iran  on  Monday  after  "The United States has now  risk sanctions," he said.     security at all times. We don't  of  the  International  Atomic
            the  Trump  administration's  restored  U.N.  sanctions  on  However,  nearly  all  of  the  need  a  cheering  section  to  Energy  Agency  in  Vienna,
            disputed  unilateral  weekend  Iran," Trump said in a state-  targets  identified  on  Mon-  validate our moral compass."  Salehi  said  the  Joint  Com-
            declaration  that  all  United  ment  issued  shortly  after  he  day — including the Iranian  In a letter to the president of  prehensive Plan of Action, or
            Nations  penalties  eased  un-  signed  an  executive  order  defense ministry, its procure-  the  Security  Council,  Craft  JCPOA, has been "caught in
            der the 2015 nuclear deal had  spelling  out  how  the  U.S.  ment arm, Iran's atomic en-  said  the  U.S.  move  meant  a  quasi-stalemate  situation"
            been restored.               will  enforce  the  "snapback"  ergy  agency,  several  Iranian  that outright bans on Iranian  since Trump pulled out.
            The announcement came in  of the sanctions. "My actions  scientists  and  Venezuelan  uranium  enrichment,  re-     While insisting it is not pur-
            defiance  of  nearly  all  U.N.  today send a clear message to  leader  Nicolas  Maduro  —  processing  and  heavy  water-  suing a nuclear weapon, Iran
            members, including U.S. al-  the Iranian regime and those  were already subject to U.S.  related  programs  are  once  has been steadily breaking re-
            lies in Europe, who have re-  in the international commu-  sanctions  that  the  adminis-  again  in  place  as  is  a  bar  on  strictions outlined in the deal
            jected  U..S.  legal  standing  nity  who  refuse  to  stand  up  tration  had  re-imposed  after  any activity involving nuclear  on the amount of uranium it
            to  impose  the  international  to Iran."                 Trump  withdrew  from  the  capable ballistic missiles. She  can enrich, the purity it can
            sanctions. It set the stage for  The sanctions include freezes  nuclear deal in 2018.  said the U.S. expected U.N.  enrich it to, and other limita-
            an ugly showdown at the an-  on  any  assets  those  targeted  Trump's   executive   order  member states to also observe  tions. At the same time, Iran
            nual  U.N.  General  Assem-  may  have  in  U.S.  jurisdisc-  mainly  affects  Iranian  and  and enforce asset freezes and  has far less enriched uranium
            bly this week and also came  tions,  bar  Americans  from  foreign  entities  involved  in  travel bans on dozens of Ira-  and  lower-purity  uranium
            as  President  Donald  Trump  doing  business  with  them  conventional  weapons  and  nian  officials  that  had  been  than it had before signing the
            seeks  to  portray  himself  as  and,  perhaps  most  impor-  ballistic  missile  activity.  A  eased as a result of the nucle-  deal, and it has continued to
            a champion for Middle East  tantly,  open  up  foreign  gov-  U.N. arms embargo on Iran  ar deal.                   allow international inspectors
            stability ahead of November's  ernments.  companies  and  is to expire in October under  The  administration  declared  into its nuclear facilities.
            presidential election.       individuals to U.S. penalties  the terms of the nuclear deal,  on  Saturday  that  all  U.N.  Trump's  opponent  in  No-
            In  addition  to  his  actions  if they engage in transactions  but Pompeo and others insist  sanctions  against  Iran  had  vember,  former  Vice  Presi-
            against  Iran,  Trump  just  last  with them.             the  snapback  has  rescinded  been restored because Tehran  dent Joe Biden, has signaled
            week  witnessed  the  signing  Speaking  to  reporters  with  its termination.         is violating parts of the nucle-  that he would rejoin the deal
            of  agreements  normalizing  fellow  Cabinet  secretaries  at  Accompanied  by  Treasury  ar deal in which it agreed to  if he's elected but also said he
            relations  between  Israel  and  the  State  Department,  Sec-  Secretary Stephen Mnuchin,  curb  its  nuclear  program  in  wants  to  negotiate  tougher
            the  United  Arab  Emirates  retary of State Mike Pompeo  Defense  Secretary  Mark  Es-  exchange for billions of dol-  terms and expand the agree-
            and  Bahrain,  both  of  which  announced  the  administra-  per,  Commerce  Secretary  lars in sanctions relief.   ment's  mandate  to  include
            reflect  increased  regional  tion  was  hitting  more  than  Wilbur  Ross,  Ambassador  But few U.N. member states  non-nuclear matters.
            concerns about Iran. Similar  two dozen Iranian  individu-  to the United Nations Kelly  believe the U.S. has the legal  Iran's  Foreign  Minister Mo-
            U.S.-brokered deals between  als and institutions with pen-  Craft  and  national  secu-  standing to restore the sanc-  hammed  Javad  Zarif  said
            Israel and Arab states are ex-  alties.  "No  matter  who  you  rity  adviser  Robert  O'Brien,  tions  because  Trump  with-  Monday  that  Tehran  was
                                                                      Pompeo  said  the  U.S.  was  drew  from  the  nuclear  deal  open  to  talks  in  general  but
                                                                      not  acting  alone  but  on  be-  in  2018.  The  U.S.  argues  it  only  if  it  was  compensated
                                                                      half of the rest of the world  retains  the  right  to  do  so  as  for  sanctions  that  have  al-
                                                                      which is refusing to confront  an original participant in the  ready been reimposed by the
                                                                      the Iranian threat.          deal  and  a  member  of  the  U.S.  He  also  said  he  would
                                                                      "The  country  that's  isolated  council.                 not  renegotiate  the  terms
                                                                      today is not the United States  The remaining world powers  of the 2015 deal, which was
                                                                      but rather Iran," Pompeo said.  in the deal — Britain, China,  a  signature  foreign  policy
                                                                      "By  these  actions  we  have  France,  Germany  and  Rus-  achievement of former Presi-
                                                                      made  very  clear  that  every  sia  —  have  been  struggling  dent Barack Obama.
                                                                      member  state  in  the  United  to  offset  the  sanctions  that  "It is up to the United States
                                                                      Nations  has  a  responsibility  the U.S. re-imposed on Iran  to  prove  to  the  rest  of  the
                                                                      to enforce these sanctions."  after  the  Trump  administra-  JCPOA participants, particu-
                                                                      Craft,  the  U.N.  ambassador  tion left the pact, which the  larly to Iran, that it's going to
                                                                      who  has  seen  her  counter-  president said was one-sided  act  responsibly,  that  it's  not
                                                                      parts  one-by-one  adamantly  in  favor  of  Tehran  and  fre-  going to make demands out-
                                                                      reject  the  administration's  quently called the worst deal  side the scope of the JCPOA,
                                                                      position, said the U.S. would  ever negotiated.           and  it's  going  to  basically
                                                                      not back down in the face of  Ali  Akbar  Salehi,  the  head  stop causing damage to Iran,"
                                                                      global opposition.           of Iran's nuclear agency, said  Zarif said at an online event
                                                                      "What makes America unique  earlier  Monday  there  is  still  hosted  by  the  Council  on
                                                                      is that we stand up for what is  a  broad  agreement  among  Foreign Relations.
                                                                      right," she said. "As we have  the international community
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