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                                                                                         world news Dialuna 5 OctOber 2020

                               US push for Arab-Israel ties divides Sudanese leaders

            CAIRO  (AP)  —  Sudan's  "We need Israel ... Israel is a  ment.
            fragile interim government is  developed  country  and  the  Less  than  $1  billion  in  cash
            sharply divided over normal-  whole world is working with  was being offered, mostly to
            izing relations with Israel, as  it,"  he  said.  "We  will  have  be paid by the Emirates, said
            it  finds  itself  under  intense  benefits  from  such  relations  a Sudanese official who took
            pressure from the Trump ad-  ... We hope all look at Sudan's  part in the meetings. The Su-
            ministration  to  become  the  interests."                danese team, had asked for $3
            third  Arab  country  to  do  so  Such comments would have  billion to help rescue Sudan's
            in  short  order  —  after  the  been  unthinkable  until  re-  economy.
            United  Arab  Emirates  and  cently  in  a  country  where  Dagalo,  the  military  official,
            Bahrain.                     public hostility toward Israel  tweeted  Friday,  after  meet-
            Washington's  push  for  Su-  remains strong.             ing  with  the  U.S.  envoy  to
            dan-Israel  ties  is  part  of  a  The  top  civilian  official  in  Sudan,  Donald  Booth,  in
            campaign  to  score  foreign  the coalition, Prime Minister  South Sudan that he received
            policy achievements ahead of  Abdalla Hamdok, has argued  a  promise  to  remove  Sudan
            the U.S. presidential election  that  the  transitional  govern-  from the terror list "as soon  nation briefly hosted Osama  Qaida network while he was
            in November.                 ment does not have the man-  as possible."                bin Laden and other wanted  living in Sudan.
            Sudan seemed like a natural  date to decide on foreign pol-  An  Israeli  official  said  the  militants.  Sudan  was  also  However,  questions  about
            target  for  the  pressure  cam-  icy issues of this magnitude.   talks  on  normalization  re-  believed  to  have  served  as  a  the  fairness  of  the  proposed
            paign because of U.S. lever-  When U.S. Secretary of State  main  purely  between  the  pipeline  for  Iran  to  supply  compensation  deal  to  non-
            age — Khartoum's desperate  Mike Pompeo visited Sudan  U.S. and Sudan.                 weapons to Palestinian mili-  American  victims,  includ-
            efforts to be removed from a  last  month,  Hamdok  urged  "We're still not there," said the  tants in the Gaza Strip.  ing those who were working
            U.S. list of states sponsoring  him  to  move  forward  with  official, who spoke on condi-  Osman  Mirghani,  a  Suda-  for  the  embassies  and  have
            terrorism. Sudan can only get  removing Sudan from the list  tion of anonymity because he  nese analyst and editor of the  subsequently  become  U.S.
            the  international  loans  and  of state sponsors of terrorism  was discussing a confidential  daily newspaper al-Tayar, said  citizens, have stalled its con-
            aid  that  are  essential  for  re-  and not link it to recognizing  diplomatic  matter.  He  said  Sudanese  leaders  don't  have  sideration in Congress which
            viving  its  battered  economy  Israel.                   the Israeli government hopes  unlimited time to decide.   must approve the agreement.
            once that stain is removed.  "It  needs  a  deep  discussion  a  deal  can  be  wrapped  up  "The U.S. offer of incentives  Meanwhile, some families of
            While  Sudan's  transitional  within  our  society,"  Ham-  before  the  U.S.  election  on  .. will not last too long. It is  the victims of the September
            government has been negoti-  dok told reporters earlier this  Nov. 3.                  related to the U.S. presiden-  11  attacks  have  also  started
            ating the terms of removing  week.                        For Israel, a cordial relation-  tial election on one side, and  procedures to claim compen-
            the country from the list for  Several  Sudanese  officials,  ship with Sudan would be a  the  number  of  Arab  states  sation  from  Sudan,  though
            more  than a  year, U.S.  offi-  who  spoke  on  condition  of  symbolic victory.      that normalize," he said.    the country's links to that ter-
            cials  introduced  the  linkage  anonymity because they were  Sudan,  a  Muslim-majority  With   Sudan's   long-time  ror  plot  are  less  clear.  Their
            to  normalization  with  Israel  not  authorized  to  brief  the  African  country,  has  long  autocratic  leader  Omar  al-  complaint  has  complicated
            more recently.               media,  said  civilian  leaders  said it supports the Palestin-  Bashir  deposed  and  facing  the  embassy  bombing  com-
            Top  Sudanese  military  lead-  prefer  to  wait  with  any  deal  ian people in their calls for an  war crimes and other charges,  pensation deal and could fur-
            ers, who govern jointly with  until after the U.S. election.   independent state. Khartoum  Sudan's  transitional  authori-  ther deter the U.S. Congress
            civilian technocrats in a Sov-  The  officials  said  military  hosted  the  historic  Arab  ties  believe  that  the  reasons  from  removing  Sudan  from
            ereign Council, have become  leaders  seek  a  quick  U.S.-  League summit after the 1967  behind  the  terrorism  listing  the list.
            increasingly  vocal  in  their  Sudan  deal,  including  nor-  Mideast  War  in  which  Is-  have evaporated.       In  the  meantime,  Sudan's
            support  for  normalization  malization  with  Israel,  in  rael captured the West Bank,  But many in the U.S. main-  government  realizes  it  has
            with Israel as part of a quick  exchange for an aid package.  Gaza Strip and east Jerusalem  tain  Sudan  should  atone  for  only so many cards to play.
            deal  with  Washington  ahead  The officials said the military  — lands the Palestinians seek  its previous government's ac-  "We should get ourselves off
            of the U.S. election.        fears incentives being offered  for that state. The conference  tions.                 that  list,  which  the  U.S.  is
            "Now, whether we like it or  now could be withdrawn af-   approved  a  resolution  that  Sudan  has  already  agreed  using as leverage to get some
            not,  the  removal  (of  Sudan  ter the U.S. election.    became known as the "three  with  the  U.S.  State  Depart-  benefits  out  of  the  relation-
            from  the  terror  list)  is  tied  One  sticking  point  is  the  no's" — no peace with Israel,  ment,  in  theory,  to  a  com-  ship  that  it  has  with  Sudan,
            to  (normalization)  with  Is-  size  of  future  aid  to  Sudan.  no  recognition  of  Israel  and  pensation  deal  for  victims  which  is  completely  legiti-
            rael," the deputy head of the  A meeting in Abu Dhabi last  no negotiations.           of the 1998 bombings of the  mate," Sudan's acting Foreign
            council,  Gen.  Mohammed  month — attended by Suda-       The designation of Sudan as  American embassies in Kenya  Minister  Omar  Qamar  al-
            Dagalo, told a local television  nese,  U.S.  and  Emirati  offi-  a "state sponsor of terrorism"  and Tanzania, which were or-  Din told reporters in Geneva
            station on Friday.           cials — ended without agree-  dates to the 1990s, when the  chestrated by bin Laden's al-  last month.

                       Egypt reveals 59 ancient coffins found near Saqqara pyramids

            (AP) — Egypt's tourism and  "I consider this is the begin-  hundreds of tombs of ancient  precious stones. The name of  El-Anany  said  the  Saqqara
            antiquities  minster  said  on  ning  of  a  big  discovery,"  el-  officials  and  other  sites  that  its owner, Priest Badi-Amun,  coffins would join 30 ancient
            Saturday  archaeologists  have  Anany said, adding that there  range  from  the  1st  Dynasty  is written on its base, he said.  wooden  coffins  that  were
            unearthed dozens of ancient  is  an  unknown  number  of  (2920 B.C.-2770 B.C.) to the  Egyptian  antiquities  officials  discovered in October in the
            coffins  in  a  vast  necropolis  coffins that have yet to be un-  Coptic period (395-642).  had announced the discovery  southern  city  of  Luxor,  and
            south of Cairo.              earthed in the same area.    Mostafa  Waziri,  secretary  of the first batch coffins last  will be showcased at the new
            Khalid el-Anany said at least  He  spoke  at  a  news  confer-  general  of  the  Supreme  month,  when  archaeologists  Grand  Egyptian  Museum,
            59  sealed  sarcophagi,  with  ence at the famed Step Pyr-  Council  of  Antiquities,  said  found 13 of the containers in  which Egypt is building near
            mummies  inside  most  of  amid  of  Djoser  in  Saqqara  initial  studies  show  that  the  a newly discovered 11 meter-  the Giza Pyramids.
            them,  were  found  that  had  where  the  coffins  were  decorated coffins were made  deep (36 feet) well.         The Saqqara discovery is the
            been  buried  in  three  wells  found.  The  sarcophagi  have  for  priests,  top  officials  and  The Saqqara site is part of the  latest  in  a  series  of  archeo-
            more than 2,600 years ago.   been  displayed  and  one  of  elites  from  the  Pharaonic  necropolis of Egypt's ancient  logical  finds  that  Egypt  has
                                         them was opened before re-   Late Period (664-525 B.C.).  capital  of  Memphis  that  in-  sought to publicize in an ef-
                                         porters to show the mummy  He  said  archaeologists  also  cludes the famed Giza Pyra-  fort to revive its key tourism
                                         inside. Several foreign diplo-  found a total of 28 statuettes  mids, as well as smaller pyra-  sector,  which  was  badly  hit
                                         mats attended the announce-  of  Ptah-Soker  the  main  god  mids at Abu Sir, Dahshur and  by the turmoil that followed
                                         ment ceremony.               of  the  Saqqara  necropolis,  Abu Ruwaysh. The ruins of  the 2011 uprising. The sector
                                         The Saqqara plateau hosts at  and  a  beautifully  carved  35  Memphis  were  designated  a  was also dealt a further blow
                                         least  11  pyramids,  including  cm  tall  bronze  statuette  of  UNESCO  World  Heritage  this year by the global coro-
                                         the Step Pyramid, along with  god  Nefertum,  inlaid  with  site in 1970s.             navirus pandemic.
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