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A28    u.s. news
                   Dialuna 5 OctOber 2020

                           California wildfires on the brink of burning 4 million acres

                                                                      brush after weeks of scorch-  march  toward  scenic  com-  57% contained.
                                                                      ing  weather  and  years  of  munities.                   Two inmate firefighters were
                                                                      drought, fires could explode  "The good news is that with  injured Friday afternoon and
                                                                      in rural areas, grasslands and  the  lack  of  wind,  we  didn't  were  airlifted  from  a  steep
                                                                      dense forest even without the  have  continued  control  is-  area in the northern zone of
                                                                      push of winds.               sues,"  said  Ben  Nicholls,  a  the fire to a local hospital, in-
                                                                      Above-normal  temperatures  Cal Fire division chief.      cident commander Sean Ka-
                                                                      and  low  humidity  persisted  "However," he added, "due to  vanaugh said.
                                                                      Saturday, heightening the fire  that lack of wind, the smoke  One  was  released  while  the
                                                                      danger.                      has stayed in place" and hin-  other  remained  hospitalized
                                                                      "It just leaves us kind of ner-  dered aircraft from attacking  Saturday, Kavanaugh said.
                                                                      vous that we're not out of the  the blaze.                Altogether,  wildfires  have
                                                                      woods yet when it comes to  Evacuation  orders  for  many  killed  31  people  and  de-
                                                                      what  might  happen  in  Cali-  of the 5,000 residents of Cal-  stroyed  8,200  structures  in
                                                                      fornia," said Jonathan Cox, a  istoga  were  reduced  Friday  California this year. Many of
            (AP) — Red flag warnings of  the wine country and the far  deputy  chief  with  the  Cali-  to  warnings,  although  trees  the largest fires were started
            extreme fire danger subsided,  north continued to burn.   fornia  Department  of  For-  and some homes on the town  by  lightning  strikes  in  mid-
            but  warm  and  dry  weather  Powerful  winds  that  had  estry  and  Fire  Protection,  borders were burning.      August  and  most  of  the  de-
            continued  to  challenge  fire-  been expected to drive flames  known as Cal Fire.     The  fire,  which  had  de-  stroyed  acreage  has  come
            fighters  battling  more  than  since Wednesday hadn't ma-  A  cooling  trend  is  expected  stroyed about 600 homes and  since then.
            two  dozen  blazes  across  terialized,  and  warnings  of  to  slowly  begin  on  Sunday.  other  buildings,  still  threat-  About 17,000 firefighters are
            California on Saturday as the  extreme  fire  danger  for  hot,  Long-range  forecast  models  ened around 29,000 homes.  still battling nearly two dozen
            state approaches an astonish-  dry  and  gusty  weather  ex-  hinted  at  the  possibility  of  The  fire  had  burned  97.4  major blazes.
            ing milestone: 4 million acres  pired Saturday morning as a  rain early next week.     square miles (252 square ki-  Numerous    studies   have
            burned by wildfires this year.  layer of fog rolled in. Clearer  The  easing  winds  proved  a  lometers) and was only 10%  linked bigger wildfires in the
            The  state  is  about  20,000  skies  in  some  areas  allowed  mixed  blessing  at  the  Glass  contained.         U.S. to climate change from
            acres  from  reaching  the  un-  large  air  tankers  to  drop  re-  Fire  in  Sonoma  and  Napa  In  Shasta  County  in  the  the  burning  of  coal,  oil  and
            precedented  figure,  fire  of-  tardant  after  being  sidelined  counties.  Although  the  fire  north  end  of  the  state,  the  gas.  Scientists  say  climate
            ficials  said.  Meanwhile,  two  by  smoky  conditions  several  raged on, crews got a break as  Zogg Fire that began Sunday  change  has  made  California
            major  fires  that  have  killed  days earlier.           they struggled to keep flames  has killed four people and de-  much  drier,  meaning  trees
            four  people  and  inciner-  But with California a tinder-  from  jumping  containment  stroyed nearly 180 structures.  and  other  plants  are  more
            ated  hundreds  of  homes  in  box  of  dead  trees  and  dried  lines  and  renewing  their  Containment slightly grew to  flammable.

                               NYC seeks to reinstate virus restrictions in some spots

            (AP) — New York City's mayor said  Over the past two weeks, the num-    new cases per day citywide as recently  dent  Michael  Mulgrew  praised  the
            Sunday  that  he  has  asked  the  state  ber of new cases of the virus has been  as Sept. 7.               decision. "This is the right decision,
            for  permission  to  close  schools  and  rising in pockets of the city, predomi-  Overall,  the  city's  infection  rate  re-  one  that  helps  protect  our  schools,
            reinstate restrictions on nonessential  nantly  in  neighborhoods  in  Brook-  mains relatively low, with around 420  our  neighborhoods,  and  ultimately
            businesses  in  several  neighborhoods  lyn and Queens that are home to the  new cases a day over the past few days,  our city," Mulgrew said Sunday.
            because of a resurgence of the coro-  city's large Orthodox Jewish popula-  but those have been concentrated in a  The staff at Public School 164 in the
            navirus.                            tion.                               handful of neighborhoods. The nine  Borough  Park  section  of  Brooklyn,
            The action, if approved, would mark  Nearly 1,100 people have tested posi-  ZIP codes singled out by the mayor  one  of  the  affected  neighborhoods,
            a disheartening retreat for a city that  tive in Brooklyn in just the last four  have been responsible for more than  sent a letter to de Blasio on Thursday
            enjoyed a summer with less spread of  days, according to state figures.  20% of all new infections in the city  demanding that the school be closed.
            the virus than most other parts of the  De  Blasio  made  the  announcement  over the past four weeks, though they  Teacher Frances Hidalgo said it was
            country, and had only recently cele-  shortly  after  Gov.  Andrew  Cuomo  represent only 7% of the population.  unrealistic to think the school would
            brated the return of students citywide  complained  that  local  governments   De Blasio had said in the past that  be immune from infection when stu-
            to in-person learning in classrooms.  with coronavirus hot spots had "not  public schools were largely unaffect-  dents and staff interact with people in
            Shutdowns  would  happen  starting  done  an  effective  job"  of  enforcing  ed  by  the  rise  in  virus  infections  in  the neighborhood daily.
            Wednesday in nine ZIP codes in the  social distancing rules.            Orthodox Jewish neighborhoods, but  Hidalgo,  a  fourth  grade  teacher,
            city, Mayor Bill de Blasio said.    "If a local jurisdiction cannot or will  he said Sunday that public schools in  pointed  to  the  high  positivity  rate
            About  100  public  schools  and  200  not  perform  effective  enforcement  the hot spot neighborhoods would be  in Borough Park. "We don't live in a
            private schools would have to close.  of  violating  entities,  notify  the  state  closed "out of an abundance of cau-  bubble.  We're  part  of  the  neighbor-
            Indoor  dining,  which  just  resumed  and we will close all business activ-  tion."                        hood," she said in a phone interview
            a few days ago, would be suspended.  ity  in  the  hot  spots  where  the  local  United Federation of Teachers Presi-  Saturday.
            Outdoor  restaurant  dining  would  governments cannot do compliance,"
            shut down in the affected neighbor-  Cuomo said.
            hoods as well, and gyms would close.  Cuomo  did  not  immediately  com-
            Houses of worship would be allowed  ment  on  de  Blasio's  proposed  shut-
            to remain open with existing restric-  down in the areas where the virus is
            tions in place, de Blasio said.     spiking.As  many  as  500,000  people
            The mayor, a Democrat, said he was  live  in  the  neighborhoods  affected
            taking  the  action  in  an  attempt  to  by the proposed shutdown, de Blasio
            stop the virus from spreading deeper  said. He said the lockdown could be
            into  the  city  and  becoming  a  "sec-  lifted in 14 days or 28 days if the per-
            ond  wave,"  like  the  one  that  killed  centage of people testing positive for
            more than 24,000 New Yorkers in the  COVID-19 declines.
            spring.                             The  coronavirus  was  estimated  to
            "We've  learned  over  and  over  from  have  hit  between  1  and  2  million
            this disease that it is important to act  people in New York City, mostly in
            aggressively, and when the data tells  the spring before testing was widely
            us it's time for even the toughest and  available. Thousands of people fell ill
            most rigorous actions we follow the  each  day.  By  the  summer's  end,  the
            data, we follow the science," de Blasio  city appeared to have the virus partly
            said.                               in  check,  averaging  fewer  than  240
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