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A30     world news
                   Dialuna 5 OctOber 2020

                          Over 100,000 march in Belarus against authoritarian leader

                                                                      approaching  a  water  cannon  The  government  has  since  Association of Journalists, 11
                                                                      vehicle,  opening  a  hatch  on  scaled down on the violence,  Belarusian reporters were de-
                                                                      its side and removing pieces  but  kept  the  pressure  on,  tained Sunday in several cit-
                                                                      from inside the vehicle. Me-  detaining  hundreds  of  pro-  ies.  Last  week,  Belarus'  For-
                                                                      dia reports say the water can-  testers  and  prosecuting  top  eign  Ministry  rescinded  the
                                                                      non malfunctioned after that  activists.  Many  prominent  accreditation  of  all  journal-
                                                                      and drove away.              members  of  the  Coordina-  ists working for foreign news
                                                                      The  Viasna  human  rights  tion Council, formed by the  outlets  and  said  they  must
                                                                      center said that about 120,000  opposition to push for a tran-  apply for new credentials.
                                                                      took part in a rally on Sunday.  sition  of  power,  have  been  Tsikhanouskaya,  who  en-
                                                                      Mass  protests  have  rocked  either  arrested  of  forced  to  tered the presidential race to
                                                                      Belarus  for  almost  two  leave the country.             run  instead  of  her  husband
                                                                      months, with the largest ral-  More  than  10,000  people  Siarhei, a popular opposition
                                                                      lies taking place on Sundays  have  been  detained  since  blogger jailed in May, issued
                                                                      and  drawing  up  to  200,000  the election and at least 244  a statement Sunday support-
                                                                      people.  The  unprecedented  people have been implicated  ing the protest and demands
                                                                      wave of unrest was triggered  in  criminal  cases  on  various  to free political prisoners.
                                                                      by  the  results  of  the  Aug.  charges  related  to  the  pro-  She  herself  was  forced  to
                                                                      9  presidential  election  that  tests,  Viasna  human  rights  leave Belarus in fear for her
                                                                      handed  Lukashenko,  who  center  leader  Ales  Bialiatski  safety  and  that  of  her  chil-
                                                                      has run Belarus with an iron  told  The  Associated  Press.  dren and is currently in exile
                                                                      fist  for  26  years,  a  crushing  Over  70  people  have  been  in Lithuania.
                                                                      victory with 80% of the vote.  declared political prisoners.   "These  are  the  people  who,
                                                                      His  main  challenger,  Svi-  On Sunday, dozens of people  like  Siarhei  Tsikhanouski,
                                                                      atlana  Tsikhanouskaya,  got  were detained in Minsk and  haven't seen their family and
                                                                      only 10%. She and her sup-   other  cities.  Viasna  released  children for several months.
                                                                      porters  refused  to  recognize  a  list  of  detained  protesters  These  are  the  people  who
                                                                      the results as valid, saying the  on its website that by Sunday  suffered  for  their  convic-
                                                                      outcome of the vote was ma-  evening had over 160 names  tions,  and  are  still  suffering.
            (AP)  —  More  than  100,000  dent Alexander Lukashenko,  nipulated.                   on it.                       Our goal is to free them. So
            people  marched  in  Belarus'  and  freedom  for  political  In  the  first  days  after  the  "A campaign of intimidation  I support everyone who takes
            capital  on  Sunday  to  protest  prisoners.  Police  used  wa-  vote,  Belarusian  authorities  and  persecution,  unprece-  to the streets in their city to-
            against the country's authori-  ter cannons in an attempt to  cracked down brutally on the  dented for Europe, has been  day," Tsikhanouskaya said.
            tarian  leader,  who  won  his  disperse the crowds, but the  protesters,  with  police  de-  launched  in  Belarus  against  "Let  the  whole  world  see:
            sixth term in office in an elec-  protesters  remained  unde-  taining thousands and injur-  peaceful  citizens  who  want  Belarusians  want  to  live  in
            tion widely seen as rigged.   terred.                     ing  scores  with  truncheons,  one thing — free elections,"  freedom, not in prison," she
            The demonstrators demand-    One  video  from  the  rally  rubber bullets and stun gre-  Bialiatski said.           added.
            ed  the  resignation  of  Presi-  showed a group of protesters  nades.                 According  to  the  Belarusian

                          Man assaulted, wounded outside synagogue in German city

            (AP) — A man was assaulted  then taken to a hospital with  tioning him was difficult.  nearby  kebab  stall  after  fail-  "This  is  not  an  isolated  case
            and wounded outside a syna-  injuries  that  were  described  News  agency  dpa  reported,  ing to force his way into the  —  this  is  repugnant  anti-
            gogue in Hamburg on Sun-     as  "significant"  but  not  life-  without  citing  sources,  that  building.         Semitism  and  we  must  all
            day, police said. The suspect-  threatening.              the suspected assailant had a  Security  has  since  been  in-  stand  up  against  it,"  Ger-
            ed  perpetrator  was  arrested,  Officers  who  were  on  hand  piece of paper with a swastika  creased at Jewish institutions  man Foreign Minister Heiko
            and Germany's foreign min-   to protect the synagogue ar-  in his pocket.              across the country.          Maas tweeted.
            ister denounced the assault as  rested  the  suspect,  a  police  The assault, which occurred
            "repugnant anti-Semitism."   statement said. It added that  during the Jewish holiday of
            The 26-year-old victim, who  the background to the assault  Sukkot, comes amid height-
            was apparently about to enter  is under investigation.    ened  concern  in  Germany
            the  synagogue  grounds,  was  The  Sueddeutsche  Zeitung  over  anti-Semitism  and  far-
            hit in the head with what ap-  newspaper,  which  first  re-  right extremism.
            peared to be a folding spade,  ported on the assault, said that  Nearly  a  year  ago,  a  heav-
            police  said.  The  suspect,  a  the victim is a Jewish student  ily armed white supremacist
            29-year-old  German  man,  who was wearing a skullcap.  targeted  a  synagogue  in  the
            was  wearing  military-style  Police later said that the sus-  eastern German city of Halle
            clothing.                    pect, a German with Kazakh  on  Yom  Kippur,  the  holiest
            The  victim  was  given  first  roots, left an "extremely con-  day  in  Judaism.  He  killed
            aid at the scene by passers-by,  fused impression" and ques-  a  passer-by  and  a  man  at  a

                               US, Russia to hold latest nuclear arms talks in Finland

              (AP) — The United States and Russia will hold  office of the Finnish President Sauli Niinisto said  would meet both representatives after the talks.
              a round of nuclear arms control talks in the Fin-  in a brief statement late Sunday.          The  talks  are  aimed  at  producing  a  new  agree-
              land's capital, Helsinki, on Monday to follow up  The  office  said  nuclear  arms  negotiators  from  ment to replace the New START treaty that ex-
              on negotiations in Austria this summer, the Finn-  Washington and Moscow met a previous time in  pires in February — the last remaining pact con-
              ish president's office said.                   Finland in 2017.                               straining  the  arsenals  of  the  world's  two  major
              "The  round  of  discussions  on  strategic  stability  "Finland  welcomes  the  negotiators,  this  time  nuclear powers.
              and nuclear weapons between the United States  (U.S.)  Ambassador  (Marshall)  Billingslea  and  According to Russian news agency TASS, the pre-
              and Russia, which began in Vienna in the sum-  (Russian) Deputy Foreign Minister (Sergei) Ry-  vious round of consultations between Billingslea
              mer, will continue in Helsinki on Monday," the  abkov," the statement said, adding that Niinisto  and Ryabkov were held in Vienna on Aug. 17-18.
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