Page 10 - MIN TTC SEPT 25, 2015
P. 10
Friday 25 September 2015
Playa Linda Housekeepers Demonstrate Positive Attitudes
PALM BEACH – The effect An informative lecture on and in taking part in the
of positive attitudes, mak- island’s activities. Celebra-
ing a positive difference, Tuesday, by Belquis Moreu, tions ended as they start-
are readily on display each ed, with additional toasts
day from the Housekeep- addressed best life prac- on Friday evening, where
ing Department at the a lovely dinner out pro-
Playa Linda Beach Resort. tices, while the act of en- vided yet more reasons to
As the heart of the house, it delight in a well-deserved
is housekeepers that make joying life’s sweet moments night out. “We are a family
the largest contribution in at the Playa Linda, and we
making the resort a home was literally realized with a support each other. So this
for Playa Linda’s time- Housekeeping Week we
share owners and guests, competition of Caribbean took the opportunity to fur-
as well as for their fellow ther emphasize how impor-
employees. In recognition desserts, held on Wednes- tant we are to each other.
of not only what they do,
but also how they do it, re- day.
cent Housekeeping Week
celebrations at the Playa Thursday was a daylong
Linda provided activities
that ensured proper rec- affair at De Palm Island, How by working together overcome any challenge,”
ognition was paid to these and having a positive at- comments Playa Linda Ex-
hardworking individuals. where housekeepers titude, and encouraging ecutive Housekeeper In-
others to do so, we can grid Todd.q
The weeklong schedule kicked back, and enjoyed
began last Monday with a
festive opening ceremony, each other’s company
complete with a Mariachi
Band, and toasts made to over lunch, on the beach
help celebrate each indi-
vidual housekeeper for his
or her daily contributions.