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LOCALFriday 25 September 2015

Hot Weekend Promotions at Tropicana Aruba Resort & Casino!

EAGLE BEACH –The Tropi-         than this: On FRIDAY, Free    The predictions for this      olis Colts, Atlanta Falcons    cials during all the games.
cana Aruba Resort & Ca-         Gift Giveaway (gift of the    weekend are that the          vs. Dallas Cowboys, and at     While the NFL’s top teams
sino is excited to introduce    week is a Waffle Maker);      New York Giants, Seattle      4:05pm the San Francisco       face off on the gridiron, our
their hot new Weekend           on SATURDAY, Free Play;       Seahawks and Baltimore        49’ers vs. Arizona Cardi-      guests and sports fan are
Promotions, which will have     on SUNDAY, Bingo starting     Ravens are going to win       nals, at 4:25pm, the Seat-     going to able to order from
sports fans and casino lov-     at 4pm - progressive over     their first games, and do     tle Seahawks vs. Chicago       the Double Down Snack
ers cheering for more!          $16,500; and ALL DAYS OF      so convincingly Sunday in     Bears, Miami Dolphins vs.      Menu serving touchdown-
At the all-new Trop Club &      THE MONTH, Comps to Gas       Week 3 of the NFL season.     Buffalo Bills, and at 8:30PM   worthy eats specially de-
Casino at the Tropicana         & Groceries!                  Top games to watch will       the Detroit Lions vs. Denver   signed for the season by
Aruba Resort & Casino Aru-      And NFL Fanatics, when it     be Thursday Night, with the   Broncos, and on Monday         our Chef Pierre Fingal and
ba, high rollers and penny      comes game time, Double       Washington Redskins vs.       Night, the Green Bay Pack-     his team.
slots players alike can bet     Down is the spot for fans     New York Giants at 8:25pm,    ers vs. Kansas City Chiefs at  Double Down offers Daily
on having a great time.         to cheer for their favorite   and on Sunday, at 1pm
Enjoy Vegas-style thrills       teams while sipping on ice-   the Pittsburg Steelers vs.    8:30PM.                        Happy Hour 2-for-1 from 12-
and ambiance without the        cold beers and delicious      St. Louis Rams, Minnesota     During the NFL season The      noon till 2pm, and 7pm till
Vegas-sized crowds. Try         cocktails, taking in every    Vikings vs. San Diego Char-   Tropicana Aruba Resort &       9pm.
your hand at seven table        game live in real time. The   gers, Tampa Bay Bucca-        Casino will show all the ma-   Come and eat, play, and
games (including Roulette,      Trop Club & Casino is home    neers vs. Houston Texans,     jor games on all our giant     win, and enjoy the big
Blackjack, Three-Card Pok-      to Aruba’s best sports bar &  N.Y. Jets vs. Philadelphia    screens and HDTV’s, and        game too at the Tropicana
er, and Let-it-Ride). Set the   grill - Double Down Sports    Eagles, Carolina Panthers     there will be awesome spe-     Aruba Resort & Casino!q
wheels spinning in motion       Bar & Grill. Catch all the    vs. New Orleans Saints,
towards your next huge          games, try our signature      New England Patriots vs.
jackpot at over 100 of the      chicken wings and stay        Jacksonville Jaguars, Balti-
newest and most exciting        up-to-date on your fantasy    more Ravens vs. Cincinnati
slots.                          team with the free Wi-Fi in   Bengals, Oakland Raiders
Sizzling slots – with equally   the restaurant and lounge     vs. Cleveland Browns, Ten-
sizzling payouts - are here.    area.                         nessee Titans vs. Indianap-
In the denominations you
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sive Slot and Reel Slot titles
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et-out technology.
Casino weekend promo-
tions don’t get better
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