Page 12 - MIN TTC SEPT 25, 2015
P. 12


LOCALFriday 25 September 2015

      Tarmey Family Honored by the Aruba Tourism Authority

PALM BEACH - Recently the Aruba Tourism Au-        preciation to guests who visit Aruba for 20-to-34   ba very much because of the friendly people,
thority had the great pleasure of honoring a       consecutive years. The honorees were Mr. John       the gorgeous sunsets and the trade winds. They
very nice couple as Goodwill Ambassadors at        and Mrs. Sandy Tarmey from Florida, who were        say being on Aruba and staying at the Casa del
the Casa del Mar Beach Resort.                     honored on the occasion of their 28th consecu-      Mar is like being in paradise.
 The symbolic honorary title is presented in the   tive visit! John and Sandy are loyal guests at the  The certificates were presented by Mrs. Marous-
name of the Minister of Tourism as a token of ap-  Casa del Mar Beach Resort, and they love Aru-       ka Heyliger of the Aruba Tourism Authority. q
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