Page 32 - bon-dia-aruba-20201031
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A32    sports
                 Diasabra 31 OctOber 2020

                Ronaldo tested negative for coronavirus                                                  Alexander Zverev denies

                                                                      A club statement says a swab   accusations of domestic abuse
                                                                      test provided a negative result
                                                                      and  Ronaldo  “is  no  longer
                                                                      subjected to home isolation.”
                                                                      Ronaldo  first  tested  posi-
                                                                      tive during the international
                                                                      break while with Portugal.
                                                                      He  missed  Juventus’  draws
                                                                      with  Crotone  and  Hellas
                                                                      Verona in Serie A as well as
                                                                      a  loss  to  Barcelona  in  the
                                                                      Champions League.
                                                                      He  could  return  on  Sunday
                                                                      for Juve’s game at Spezia or
            (AP) – Juventus says Cris-   after  19  days  and  three  on Wednesday at Ferencvaros
            tiano  Ronaldo  has  recov-  missed  matches  for  the  in the Champions League in
            ered from the coronavirus  team.                          Budapest.
                                                                                                   (AP)  —  Alexander  Zverev  denied  accusations  of  do-
             Russian Olympic flagbearer loses appeal in                                            mestic  abuse  on  Friday,  saying  they  are  "simply  not
                                     Sochi doping case                                             The 23-year-old German tennis player was responding to an

                                                                                                   interview former girlfriend Olga Sharypova gave to Russian
            (AP) — Russia's flagbear-                                 a World Anti-Doping Agency   sports website Championat on Thursday. Sharypova, a for-
            er at the 2014 Sochi Olym-                                request  to  extend  the  two-  mer Russian tennis player, said Zverev attempted to strangle
            pics  opening  ceremony                                   year  bans  because  of  aggra-  her with a pillow and hit her head against a wall at a New York
            lost  his  appeal  on  Friday                             vating  circumstances.  The   hotel before the U.S. Open in 2019. She said she feared for
            against  being  banned  for                               bans expire in December.     her life at the time.
            doping  in  a  state-backed                               All  four  were  banned  in   Sharypova  initially  accused  an  unnamed  ex-boyfriend  of
            program  to  win  a  gold                                 January  2019  by  the  Inter-  abuse on Instagram.
            medal.                                                    national  Bobsled  and  Skel-  Zverev responded to the latest interview on Twitter, writing
                                                                      eton  Federation.  It  accepted   that he has known Sharypova since they were children, but he
            The  Court  of  Arbitration                               an  earlier  CAS  ruling  that   rejected the claims of abuse.
            for Sport said its judges up-                             the four took part in Russia's   "I very much regret that she makes such statements. Because
            held two-year bans imposed                                orchestrated scheme to swap   the accusations are simply not true," the U.S. Open finalist
            by bobsled's governing body                               steroid-tainted  samples  for   wrote. "We had a relationship, but it ended a long time ago.
            on  four  athletes  including                             clean urine.                 Why Olga is making these allegations now, I just don't know. I
            Alexander  Zubkov.  He  was  Sochi.                       Zubkov  was  later  elected  to   really hope that the two of us will find a way to deal with each
            disqualified after piloting his  CAS  said  it  dismissed  their  lead Russia's bobsled federa-  other again in a reasonable and respectful way."
            four-man  crew  to  victory  at  appeals,  though  also  refused  tion.
                             Tokyo Olympics to give refunds to ticket buyers in Japan

                                                                      The  ticket  situation  —-  like  Hanscom  isn't  connected  sold  in  Japan,  with  970,000
                                                                      everything  else  surrounding  with  Olympic  ticketing,  but  tickets  for  the  Paralympics.
                                                                      next year's postponed Olym-  his  company  manages  big-  Organizers say a total of 7.8
                                                                      pics — is up in the air. Con-  event  tickets  for  corporate  million  Olympic  tickets  had
                                                                      ditions  will  depend  on  the  clients. He's also organized a  been available overall.
                                                                      pandemic.                    popular Facebook page that's  Hidenori  Suzuki,  the  orga-
                                                                      Organizers  and  the  Interna-  a  go-to  for  Tokyo  ticket  in-  nizing  committee's  deputy
                                                                      tional  Olympic  Committee  formation.                    executive  director  of  mar-
                                                                      say  they  intend  to  open  the                          keting,  though  he  had  very
                                                                      Olympics  on  July  23,  2021.  The  big  question  for  Tokyo  specific  local  numbers,  said
                                                                      But  there  are  few  details  so  is: How to let 15,400 Olym-  he did not know how many
                                                                      far about exactly how this can  pic  and  Paralympic  athletes  tickets had been sold outside
                                                                      happen — with or without a  into Japan, along with thou-  Japan.
                                                                      vaccine, using quarantines, or  sands  of  officials,  judges,  "We do not have an accurate
                                                                      rapid testing.               sponsors,  media  and  broad-  figure," he said. He suggested
                                                                      The  IOC  and  Tokyo  orga-  casters. Add to this the issue  it was 10-20% of the overall
            (AP) — Fans living in Ja-    tickets next year can get their  nizers  are  running  several  of fans. Will non-Japanese be  total, which could mean any-
            pan  who  bought  tickets  money back by applying on-     task forces looking at ways to  allowed to attend? Or will it  thing  between  780,000  and
            for  the  postponed  Tokyo  line  for  refunds  during  the  handle immigration and CO-  be only Japanese?          1.56 million tickets.
            Olympics have been guar-     period Nov. 10-30. The Para-  VID-19. Japan has been rela-  A major concern for the IOC  Tokyo  says  it  is  spending
            anteed  refunds,  the  local  lympic period is Dec. 1-21.  tively  safe  in  the  pandemic  is getting the Games on tele-  $12.6 billion to organize the
            organizing      committee  Organizers also said that re-  with  about  1,750  deaths  at-  vision, since selling broadcast  Olympics. But a government
            said Friday.                 funds would be made if lim-  tributed  to  the  coronavirus.  rights provides 73% of its in-  audit last year said it was like-
                                         ited seating were available at  But  conditions  elsewhere  come.  Another  18%  is  from  ly  twice  that  much.  All  but
            This  does  not  apply  to  fans  venues  because  of  the  CO-  haven't been as good.  14 top sponsors.            $5.6 billion is public money.
            who  have  purchased  tickets  VID-19 pandemic.           "You're  going  to  have  to  be                          In  addition,  neither  the  or-
            outside  Japan  through  so-  "As the host there is a possi-  comfortable  being  uncom-  Tokyo  organizers  have  bud-  ganizers nor the government
            called Authorized Ticket Re-  bility that we may not be able  fortable  for  the  next  six  to  geted $800 million in income  have  said  how  much  the
            sellers appointed by national  to provide spectating oppor-  nine months because there is  from ticket sales in Japan and  one-year delay will cost, with
            Olympic  committees.  Many  tunities to a part of the ticket  no certainty in terms of what  aboard,  their  third  largest  most estimates at between $2
            have already set terms for re-  holders," Tokyo 2020 spokes-  will happen," Ken Hanscom,  source of income. Any short-  billion or $3 billion.
            funds, which vary by nation  man Masa Takaya said, speak-  the chief operating officer of  fall  could  stress  an  already  The  University  of  Oxford
            or territory.                ing in Japanese during an on-  the  Los  Angeles-based  firm  stretched budget.        said in September that Tokyo
            Fans  in  Japan  who  already  line briefing. "In that case we  TicketManager, told AP in an  Organizers  say  4.48  million  was the most expensive Sum-
            know  they  cannot  use  their  will provide a refund."   interview.                   Olympic  tickets  have  been  mer Olympics on record.
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