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                                                                                                 u.s. news Diasabra 31 OctOber 2020

                        Stocks slump again as Wall Street’s miserable week continues

            (AP)  -  Stocks  are  falling
            again Friday as Wall Street
            closes  out  a  punishing
            week and its first back-to-
            back  monthly  loss  since
            worries  about  the  pan-
            demic  were  peaking  in

            The S&P 500 was 1.6% lower
            in  afternoon  trading  and  on
            pace  for  a  6.1%  loss  for  the
            week,  which  would  be  its
            worst since March. The Dow
            Jones Industrial Average was
            down 327 points, or 1.2%, at
            26,330, as of 2:22 p.m. East-
            ern  time,  after  earlier  being
            down  502  points.  The  Nas-
            daq  composite  was  down

            Worries  about  whether  ex-
            pectations built too high for
            some  of  the  stock  market’s
            biggest  stars  helped  drive
            the  losses.  They  piled  on
            top of fears that built earlier
            this week about coming eco-
            nomic damage due to surging
            coronavirus  counts  around
            the  world,  Washington’s  in-
            ability to provide more sup-
            port  for  the  economy  and
            uncertainty  surrounding  the
            upcoming  presidential  elec-
                                         pecting,  just  like  the  other  ket  value  having  reported,
            “Today,  you  have  investors  stock in the Big Five did ear-  84% of companies have beat         Georgia governor
            who  are  taking  profits  in  lier  this  week.  But  also  like  expectations,  according  to
            the tech stocks that they ex-  Microsoft, most nevertheless  Credit Suisse.                quarantining; exposed to
            pected to do well in the third  fell  as  investors  found  rea-  Analysts say that's an indica-
            quarter,”  said  Sam  Stovall,  sons for concern within their  tion  that  expectations  may
            chief investment strategist at  reports.                  have  built  too  high  through           infected person
            CFRA.  “And  now  the  focus                              the market's big rally and that
            once  again  is  on  Covid-19,  Apple  dropped  6%  after  in-  investors' attention may sim-
            and investors are just selling  vestors  focused  on  weaker  ply be elsewhere given all the
            ahead of a weekend.”         revenue than expected for its  uncertainties  sweeping  the
                                         iPhones  and  sales  in  China.  market.
            Much  of  the  market's  focus  Amazon fell 5.5%, and Face-  Much  of  the  market’s  focus
            Friday  was  on  Apple,  Ama-  book lost 6.7%.            has been on what’s to come
            zon,  Facebook  and  Google’s                             for the economy when coro-
            parent  company.  They  are  Twitter, another high-profile  navirus  counts  are  rising  at
            four  of  the  five  biggest  tech  stock,  slumped  20.6%  troubling rates across Europe
            stocks  in  the  S&P  500  by  for  the  largest  loss  by  far  and the United States.
            market  value,  which  gives  among stocks in the S&P 500.
            their  movements  outsized  It  also  reported  better-than-  Several  European  govern-
            sway on the index, and they  expected earnings for the lat-  ments  have  already  brought
            were principal forces behind  est quarter. Investors focused  back  restrictions  on  busi-
            Wall Street’s huge rally since  instead on its growth in daily  nesses to slow the spread of
            March.                       users, which fell short of ana-  the virus. Even if the strictest
                                         lysts’ expectations.         lockdowns  don’t  return  in
            All  four  reported  profit  for  Google’s  parent  company,  the United States, the worry
            the  summer  that  was  even  Alphabet, was an outlier and  is the pandemic's rising death   (AP)   —   Republican  who received a positive test
            better than analysts were ex-  rose  4.4%  after  reporting  toll will drive customers away   Georgia   Gov.   Brian  result for COVID-19.”
                                         growth  in  digital  ad  spend-  from businesses by itself and   Kemp and his wife have  Hall  said  both  have  re-
                                         ing.                         undercut profits.              gone  into  quarantine  ceived  a  coronavirus  test,
                                                                                                     after  being  exposed  to  though  he  did  not  say  if
                                         A similar trend has been oc-  “Because of the spike in Co-  someone  who  tested  they’d  received  the  results
                                         curring  across  the  market:  vid-19  overseas,  with  Ger-  positive  for  COVID-19,  yet.
                                         Stocks  are  not  getting  the  many  and  France  in  lock-  his   spokesman    an-   Georgia has had more than
                                         bounce they usually do after  down  mode  once  again,  the   nounced Friday.          350,000  confirmed  cases
                                         reporting  results  that  beat  implication  is  that  we  could                       of  the  virus.  More  than
                                         analysts'  expectations.  And  be heading into a double-dip   The  spokesman,  Cody  7,900  people  in  the  state
                                         they’ve been giving investors  recession in Europe, and that   Hall,  said  in  a  statement  have died after contracting
                                         plenty of opportunities to do  would  have  negative  future   that  Kemp  and  first  lady  the virus, according to data
                                         so:  With  nearly  three  quar-  implications  for  our  eco-  Marty Kemp “were recent-  from the state Department
                                         ters of the S&P 500 by mar-  nomic growth.” Stovall said.   ly exposed to an individual  of Public Health.
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