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sports Diasabra 31 OctOber 2020
Returning to Imola, Hamilton still has vivid Senna memories
(AP) – Lewis Hamilton Red Bull hasn't done in more
was a nine-year-old kart- than four years.
ing driver when he learned "I remember when we de-
his idol Ayrton Senna died bated in 2014 internally
after crashing into a con- what we could set as a tar-
crete wall during the 1994 get," Mercedes team princi-
San Marino Grand Prix. pal Toto Wolff said. "And we
said, 'Winning a champion-
More than a quarter of a cen- ship would be fantastic.' And
tury later, Hamilton still has (engineering director) Aldo
vivid memories of when his Costa said, 'We are not am-
father broke the news as the bitious enough. We should
pair repaired his kart. write down that our aim is
"I remember I had to walk to win multiple champion-
away from my dad, because ships.'
my dad would never let me "If someone would have told
cry in front of him," Hamil- us back then that it would be
ton said on Friday while pre- seven I would have clearly
paring for his first Formula thought he would need some
One race on the Imola track support. And here we go, we
where Senna lost his life. have achieved it."
"I had to go to a different
place and it was not so easy," grand prix wins, after eclips- of Senna's race helmets by the past have raced at those SHORTENED WEEK-
Hamilton added, his voice ing Michael Schumacher last Senna's family at a Brazilian places," the Mercedes driver END
quavering with emotion. weekend by winning a record GP. "I went around today and added. "That's heartwarming Inserted into the revised cal-
"But I remember trying to 92nd race in Portugal. it was a really special lap just to know that I was able to be endar due to the coronavirus
challenge that sadness into Austrian driver Roland Rat- going around seeing this his- here and do what he was do- pandemic, this race will be
adrenaline and I think I won zenberger was also killed dur- toric track, passing the hard ing 26 years ago." held with an abbreviated for-
that weekend. But the fol- ing the 1994 race weekend in reminder of where Ayrton mat.
lowing weeks were tough." a high-speed crash but Senna crashed. CONSTRUCTORS TI- No practice was held on Fri-
This weekend's Emilia Ro- was a three-time F1 champi- "It is very surreal still for me TLE day, leaving only one practice
magna GP marks the first on and considered among the when I go to places, where Mercedes can clinch a re- session on Saturday before
F1 race at Imola since 2006, series' greatest drivers. you drive through the tun- cord seventh consecutive qualifying.
when Hamilton raced in GP2 "It's just something we'll al- nel in Monaco or you drive constructors' title on Sunday No fans will be allowed in
at the circuit. He returns ways remember," said Ham- at the British GP where unless Red Bull outscores it due to rising virus cases in
as F1's new holder of most ilton, who was given one you know that the greats in by 34 points -- something Italy.
Herb Adderley, 81, cornerback great with 6 NFL titles, dies
(AP) - Herb Adderley, the Hall of pecting to compete for a starting job
Fame cornerback who joined the against future Hall of Fame running
NFL as a running back and be- backs Jim Taylor and Paul Hornung.
came part of a record six cham- Midway through the season, Packers
pionship teams with the Packers coach Vince Lombardi switched Ad-
and Cowboys, has died. He was derley to defense to replace injured
81. starter Hank Gremminger.
The move paid immediate dividends.
His death was confirmed on Twitter Adderley's speed and instincts made
on Friday by cousin Nasir Adderley, him a quick learner in his new posi-
a safety for the Los Angeles Chargers. tion, which helped propel him into
No details were given. He called him a stalwart of Green Bay's second-
a "unique soul who has had such an ary. Adderley intercepted 48 passes,
incredible influence on my life." returning them for 1,046 yards and
Herb Adderley played in four of the seven touchdowns for his career.
first six Super Bowls and won five The 6-foot-1, 205-pound Adderley
NFL championships with Green Bay had a career-best seven interceptions
and one with Dallas during his 12- in 1962. He also led the league in
year career. interceptions in 1965 and 1969. Ad-
But he was always a Packer at heart. derley also returned kickoffs in all but
"I'm the only man with a Dallas Cow- the final year of his playing days with
boys Super Bowl ring who doesn't the Packers, averaging 25.7 yards per
wear it. I'm a Green Bay Packer," Ad- return.
derley said in the book "Distant Re-
play," a memoir by former Packers In the early days of football on televi-
teammate Jerry Kramer. sion, Adderley made his appearances derley means to our defense, it scares tion lawsuit against the NFL Players
Along with former teammates Fuzzy count and is most remembered for me to think of how I almost mishan- Association, alleging nonpayment of
Thurston and Forrest Gregg, Adder- his postseason contributions. dled him." licensing fees. He had received only
ley is one of three players in pro foot- He was a member of all five of Lom- Adderley played in two more Super $126.85 per month in pension from
ball history to play on six champion- bardi's NFL title teams and played Bowls with Dallas in 1971 and 1972, the NFL.
ship teams. He was enshrined in the in the first two Super Bowls. In the winning his sixth title with the Cow- He became the lead plaintiff in the
Pro Football Hall of Fame in 1980. second Super Bowl in 1968, he re- boys in his final season. Adderley was case on behalf of more than 2,000 re-
Born on June 8, 1939, in Philadel- turned an interception 60 yards for an All-Pro seven times from 1962-67 tired players who claimed the NFL-
phia, Adderley was a three-sport the clinching touchdown over the and again in 1969. PA breached licensing and marketing
star in high school. He excelled at Raiders. After his retirement, Adderley was terms by using their images in video
running back at Michigan State and "I was too stubborn to switch him a crusader for the rights of former games, sports trading cards and other
was the 12th pick overall of the 1961 to defense until I had to," Lombardi players. In 2007, Adderley and two items. The case was settled for $26.25
draft. He came to training camp ex- said. "Now when I think of what Ad- other retired players filed a class-ac- million in 2009.