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                                                                                         world news Diasabra 31 OctOber 2020

                         Partial lockdown imposed in Belgium, EU’s worst-hit country

                                                                      breaking point.              will be extended for an extra  He said that the true total of
                                                                                                   week.                        infections  is  higher  than  re-
                                                                      “We  have  to  make  sure  it  After  surpassing  the  spring  ported  because  testing  has
                                                                      does not collapse," said Prime  record  on  Thursday,  the  been reduced for specific cat-
                                                                      Minister Alexander De Croo,  number  of  hospital  patients  egories of people.
                                                                      as  he  announced  the  mea-  in Belgium, a nation of 11.5
                                                                      sures.                       million,  broke  the  6,000-  Patients  in  intensive  care
                                                                                                   mark  and  stood  at  6,187,  a  units reached 1,057 from 993
                                                                      The  European  Center  for  rise of 263 in a day.         the  day  earlier,  and  virolo-
                                                                      Disease Prevention and Con-                               gists  have  warned  that  un-
                                                                      trol  on  Friday  ranked  Bel-  “Unfortunately,  we  cannot  less  tougher  measures  have
                                                                      gium  as  the  worst  affected  yet  see  the  long-expected  a quick impact the saturation
                                                                      nation in the 27-nation bloc,  turnaround  in  figures,”  said  point of 2,000 patients will be
                                                                      with 1,600 cases per 100,000  virologist Steven Van Gucht.  reached on Nov. 6.
                                                                      people.  Hotspots  like  Spain
                                                                      and  Italy  have  less  than  a
                                                                      third of that total, highlight-
            (AP)  —  Belgium  has  im-   minimum of one outside the  ing how acute the crisis is.
            posed  a  partial  lockdown  closest cluster for the next 6
            in a new bid to gain con-    weeks. Remote work will be  France,  with  proportionally
            trol of the pandemic that  mandatory.                     fewer than half the cases, an-
            has hit the country worse                                 nounced  a  second,  full  na-
            than any other in the Eu-    Hospitals  and  experts  have  tionwide lockdown Wednes-
            ropean Union.                long  complained  that  Bel-  day.  Belgium,  however,  will
                                         gium's measures were too lax  still allow people to travel to
            As  COVID-19  infections  over  the  summer,  when  the  their hotel or secondary resi-
            continued  their  record  rise  pandemic eased, and warned  dence, often on the coast or
            on  Friday,  the  government  recently that unless there was  in the verdant Ardennes hills.
            moved  to  restrict  travel  and  a  drastic  lockdown  the  na-
            shopping. Family contact will  tion's  once-vaunted  health  The  one-week  school  vaca-
            also be reduced to an absolute  system  would  soon  face  tion  which  started  Friday

                           Ukraine's president moves to dissolve top court over ruling

            (AP)  —  Ukraine  faced  a  access  to  officials'  income  could cost the country West-  The  court's  decision  also  their aspiration of a prosper-
            new political crisis Friday  declarations unconstitutional  ern support.               drew  a  negative  reaction  ous and democratic Ukraine.
            as the president moved to  and  also  outlawed  criminal                               from the ambassadors of the  Too much progress has been
            dissolve  the  nation's  top  punishment  for  providing  “We will have no money, no  Group  of  Seven  leading  in-  made.  Ukraine  must  not  go
            court  following  its  deci-  false income information.   support,”  the  president  said  dustrialized nations.    back to the past.”
            sion  to  freeze  the  coun-                              during  a  meeting  with  of-
            try's  anti-corruption  re-  The judges also ruled to strip  ficials.  “We  will  have  a  big  “The  G7  Ambassadors  are  The  Constitutional  Court's
            forms.                       the  National  Anti-Corrup-  hole in the state budget, and,  alarmed  by  efforts  to  undo  ruling  was  made  on  appeal
                                         tion Agency of most of its key  more  importantly,  we  don't  the  anti-corruption  reforms  from  the  Opposition  Plat-
            President  Volodymyr  Zelen-  powers.                     know  what  kind  of  surprise  that  followed  the  Revolu-  form  for  Life,  a  pro-Russia
            skiy's  action  came  after  the  Zelenskiy,  a  former  come-  the Constitutional Court will  tion of Dignity,” they said in  political  grouping  that  has
            Constitutional  Court  ruled  dian  without  prior  political  present for us tomorrow.”  a  statement,  referring  to  the  links  with  several  top  ty-
            to  annul  key  parts  of  anti-  experience,  was  elected  in  He argued that the Constitu-  2014 upheaval that led to the  coons.
            corruption  legislation  that  April  2019  on  promises  to  tional Court's ruling lacked a  ouster  of  one  of  Zelenskiy's  Several  hundred  protest-
            Ukraine approved under per-  uproot  endemic  corruption.  valid legal basis and violated  predecessors. “We stand with  ers  rallied  outside  the  court
            sistent Western demands.     He  sharply  criticized  the  legal procedures.           the Ukrainian people as they  building  Friday,  demanding
            The  court  declared  public  court's ruling, warning that it                          continue  to  fight  to  realize  the judges' ouster.

                          Alabama court refuses to reinstate man's suit over abortion

            (AP) — The Alabama Su-       overturn Roe v. Wade, the de-  might reverse precedent and
            preme  Court  refused  to  cision that legalized abortion  allow  states  to  ban  the  pro-
            reinstate a lawsuit filed by  in 1973, and a later decision.  cedure. Mitchell encouraged
            a man whose ex-girlfriend                                 other  courts  to  “raise  their
            ended her pregnancy, and  While  the  legality  of  abor-  judicial voices” against court
            four  members  of  the  all-  tion  was  not  directly  an  is-  precedents  allowing  abor-
            Republican court used the  sue in Magers' case, Mitchell  tion.
            decision  Friday  to  argue  said  he  wanted  to  state  his  Magers  filed  suit  last  year
            the  U.S.  Supreme  Court  view  —  politically  popular  against  the  clinic  in  Hunts-
            should  overturn  past  rul-  among Alabama Republicans  ville where he said his former
            ings that allowed abortion  — “because abortion is a sub-  girlfriend  obtained  an  abor-
            nationally.                  ject that does not frequently  tion  pill  after  she  got  preg-
                                         come  before  our  Court.”  nant in 2017. Magers and the
            Associate Justice Jay Mitchell,  Three  other  justices  con-  woman, who were both teen-
            in a special concurrence as the  curred with Mitchell.    agers at the time, later broke
            nine-member  court  turned                                up.
            away an appeal by Ryan Mag-  Conservatives  emboldened
            ers in his suit against Alabama  by  an  expanded  majority  on  A judge dismissed the wrong-
            Women’s  Center  Reproduc-   the U.S. Supreme Court are  ful death suit, which Magers  Supreme  Court  upheld  that  a  judicial  rule  so  it  had  no
            tive  Alternatives,  said  the  seeking ways to get abortion  filed on behalf of himself and  decision  saying  Magers'  ap-  reason to overturn the lower
            U.S. Supreme Court should  before  the  high  court  so  it  the  embryo.  The  Alabama  peal  did  not  comply  with  court.
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