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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Thursday 7 May 2020
            3 Russian doctors fall from hospital windows during pandemic

            By DARIA LITVINOVA                                                                                                  Nepomnyashchaya       died
            Associated Press                                                                                                    May 1 in intensive care.
            MOSCOW (AP) — Two Rus-                                                                                              On  April  24,  Dr.  Natalya
            sian  doctors  have  died                                                                                           Levedeva  sustained  fatal
            and  another  was  seriously                                                                                        injuries  after  falling  out  of
            injured in falls from hospital                                                                                      a  window  in  a  hospital  in
            windows  after  they  report-                                                                                       Moscow,  where  she  was
            edly  came  under  pressure                                                                                         admitted  with  suspected
            over  working  conditions  in                                                                                       COVID-19. She ran an am-
            the coronavirus pandemic.                                                                                           bulance station in Star City,
            The  exact  circumstances                                                                                           Russia's spaceflight training
            of the separate incidents in                                                                                        facility just outside Moscow,
            the  last  two  weeks  remain                                                                                       which   reported   several
            unclear and they are being                                                                                          dozen coronavirus cases in
            investigated by police, but                                                                                         April. Levedeva died imme-
            they  underscore  the  enor-                                                                                        diately after the fall, which
            mous  strains  that  Russian                                                                                        health officials said was an
            doctors  and  nurses  have                                                                                          accident. Some media, re-
            faced during the outbreak.                                                                                          ports  however,  suggested
            Reports  said  two  of  the                                                                                         she  was  distraught  after
            doctors had protested their                                                                                         being accused of failing to
            working conditions and the                                                                                          protect  her  staff  from  get-
            third  was  being  blamed                                                                                           ting infected and had killed
            after  her  colleagues  con-  In this photo taken on Saturday, May 2, 2020, doctors work inside the intensive care unit for people   herself because of it.
            tracted the virus.           infected with the new coronavirus, at a hospital in Moscow, Russia.   Associated Press  Russia has reported 166,000
            Across Russia, doctors have                                                                                         infections  and  1,537  virus
            decried  shortages  of  pro-  ed for COVID-19, breaking  of  spreading  false  news  na      Nepomnyashchaya,  deaths, but health officials
            tective  equipment  and  several  ribs  and  fracturing  about  the  shortages  after  acting  head  of  a  hospital,  in  the  West  have  said  the
            questionable infection con-  his  skull.  In  a  video  posted  posting  the  video  and  is  fell  from  her  fifth-floor  of-  country  was  underreport-
            trol  procedures  at  dozens  earlier  on  social  media  by  under  investigation.  He  re-  fice window right after she  ing  its  infections  and  fa-
            of hospitals, with many say-  his  colleague,  Alexander  fused  to  comment  to  The  had a conference call with  talities.  There  is  no  official
            ing they have been threat-   Kosyakin, both complained  Associated Press.              regional health officials, lo-  data on how many Russian
            ened with dismissal or even  about shortages of protec-   It  is  unclear  what  caused  cal  media  reported,  citing  health  workers  have  died
            prosecution for going pub-   tive gear. In the video, the  Shulepov's  fall.  Some  lo-  anonymous sources.         working  on  the  front  lines
            lic  with  their  grievances.  37-year-old  Shulepov  said  cal  media  reports  said  The  reports  said  Nepom-   of the pandemic and Rus-
            Hundreds of medical work-    he was being forced to fin-  he  slipped  while  trying  to  nyashchaya  had  argued  sia's Health Ministry did not
            ers also have gotten infect-  ish his shift despite being di-  climb from his window for a  against converting a ward  respond  to  AP's  numerous
            ed.Dr. Alexander Shulepov,  agnosed with COVID-19.        smoke outside, while others  in  her  hospital  for  corona-  requests for comment.
            who  works  on  an  ambu-    But  later,  local  health  offi-  suggested it was due to the  virus  patients  because  of  Last week, a group of Rus-
            lance crew in the Voronezh  cials shared another video  pressure for airing his com-   severe shortages of protec-  sian  doctors  compiled  an
            region,  500  kilometers  (310  of  Shulepov  on  social  me-  plaints in public.      tive equipment and trained  online Memory List of doc-
            miles) south of Moscow, fell  dia  in  which  he  retracted  A doctor died from injuries  personnel,  but  she  failed  tors, nurses and other medi-
            from  a  second-floor  win-  his  earlier  complaints,  say-  she sustained in an April 25  to  sway  the  officials.  Kras-  cal  personnel  who  died
            dow  May  2  at  a  hospital  ing he was being emotion-   fall in the city of Krasnoyarsk  noyarsk health officials de-  during the outbreak. The list
            where he was being treat-    al.  Kosyakin  was  accused  in western Siberia. Dr. Yele-  nied such a call took place.  currently has 111 names.q

            Thai elephants, out of work due to coronavirus, trudge home

            By BUSABA SIVASOMBOON  greener pastures of home.  nic  minority  live  and  tradi-
            and GRANT PECK               The  foundation  supports  tionally keep elephants.
            Associated Press             fundraising appeals to feed  Save  Elephant's  founder,
            BANGKOK  (AP)  —  The  mil-  animals still housed at tour-  Saengduean Chailert, said
            lions of unemployed in Thai-  ist parks, but also believes it  the project to bring unem-
            land due to the coronavirus  is good for them to return to  ployed  elephants  home
            include  elephants  which  their natural habitat where  was  launched  in  response
            depend  on  the  tourist  in-  they  can  be  more  self-suf-  to appeals from their own-
            dustry  to  feed  their  vora-  ficient.                  ers.
            cious appetites. With scant  The situation is critical. Lon-  Her  group  promotes  set-
            numbers  of  foreign  visi-  don-based  World  Animal  tling elephants where they
            tors,  commercial  elephant  Protection  says  as  many  can live alongside villagers
            camps  and  sanctuaries  as  2,000  tame  elephants  in  sustainable  eco-friendly
            lack funds for their upkeep  are at risk of starvation be-  communities.  It  believes
            and  have  sent  more  than  cause their owners are un-   the animals are abused at
            100 of the animals trudging  able to feed them.           many high-profile tourist at-  In this Thursday, April 30, 2020, photo provided by Save Elephant
            as far as 150 kilometers (95  Since last month, more than  tractions.                  Foundation, a herd of 11 elephants walk with guides during a
            miles) back to their homes.  100  of  the  animals  have  Sadudee  Serichevee  owns    150-kilometer (93 mile) journey from Mae Wang to Ban Huay in
            The  Save  Elephant  Foun-   marched from all over Chi-   four  elephants  in  Chiang   northern Thailand.
            dation  in  the  northern  ang Mai to their homeland  Mai's Mae Wang district. He                                               Associated Press
            province  of  Chiang  Mai  of  Mae  Chaem,  which  is  followed  the  foundation's
            has  been  promoting  the  dotted  with  villages  where  approach  in  setting  up  his  Experience  park  with  el-  Chaem's  Ban  Huay  Bong,
            elephants'  return  to  the  members of the Karen eth-    own  small  Karen  Elephant  ephants brought from Mae  his wife's village. q
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