Page 28 - bon-dia-aruba-20200507
P. 28

                      Thursday 7 May 2020

              Clashes between Arabs,                                  In Latin America, face masks
              non-Arabs in Sudan                                      become a form of expression

              province kill 30

                                                                                                                                several  swimwear  brands
              CAIRO  (AP)  —  Suda-      the  Arab  and  non-Arab                                                               whose bikinis usually sell for
              nese    authorities   say  tribes  date  back  to  the                                                            $100  through  U.S.  retailers
              tribal  clashes  between  Darfur  conflict  that  be-                                                             like  Nordstrom's,  Blooming-
              Arabs  and  non-Arabs  in  gan in 2003, when ethnic                                                               dales  and  Amazon.  The
              the  country’s  South  Dar-  Africans  rebelled,  accus-                                                          masks  are  made  with  the
              fur  province  have  left  at  ing  the  Arab-dominated                                                           same colorful prints of tou-
              least  30  people  dead  Sudanese government of                                                                   cans,  jaguars,  humming-
              and a dozen wounded. A  discrimination.                                                                           birds  and  other  tropical
              statement from the Prime  The  government  of  for-                                                               motifs as the swimsuits.
              Minister’s  office  says  the  mer  President  Omar  al-                                                          "We  wanted  to  be  part  of
              clashes erupted on Tues-   Bashir in the capital Khar-                                                            what  is  happening  in  the
              day  and  continued  into  toum  at  the  time  was                                                               world  right  now"  said  Car-
              Wednesday  but  have  accused  of  retaliating                                                                    olina  Ordoñez,  chief  de-
              since subsided. The fight-  by arming local nomadic     A  man  wears  a  mask  featuring  the  smile  of  comic  book   signer at Palo Rosa beach-
              ing  poses  a  significant  Arab  tribes  and  organiz-  character The Joker, amid the spread of the new coronavirus in   wear,  a  Bogota  company
              challenge  to  efforts  by  ing  them  into  a  militia   Caracas, Venezuela, Monday, March 30, 2020.             with  15  seamstresses.  "We
              Sudan’s  transitional  gov-  known as the Janjaweed                                              Associated Press   also  needed  to  find  work
              ernment to end decades-    and  unleashing  them  on    By ANDREA RODRIGUEZ          de Janeiro, samba schools    for the people who sew for
              long  rebellions  in  areas  civilian  populations.  The   Associated Press          suspended  production  of    us,  so  we  are  reinventing
              of  the  country  including  militias became notorious   HAVANA  (AP)  —  Rarely  flashy  Carnival  costumes      ourselves."
              Darfur. Tensions between  for massacres and rapes.                                                                                                                                           used in Latin America out-  and  began  churning  out   In Bolivia, the Mujeres Cre-
                                                                      side  hospitals  before  the  colorful masks.             ando feminist association is
              Flooding in Kenya                                       coronavirus     pandemic,  Guatemalan         President   making masks that empha-
                                                                                                   Alejandro  Giammattei  ap-
                                                                      face masks are now com-
              has killed nearly                                       pulsory  for  subway  riders,  peared on television wear-  size  womens'  rights.  "Stay-
                                                                                                                                ing at home is not the same
              200 in past 3 weeks                                     supermarket shoppers and  ing  a  mask  emblazoned        as  staying  quiet,"  says  one
                                                                                                   with  the  country's  name,
                                                                      even joggers in some coun-
                                                                      tries — and they're becom-   and  his  government  com-   Many  entrepreneurs  think
              By TOM ODULA               vious  years.  More  than    ing  a  colorful  part  of  the  missioned  the  production   masks  will  be  popular  for
              Associated Press           120  people  died  from      region's daily life.         of  4  million  of  the  masks   some time.
              NAIROBI,  Kenya  (AP)  —  flooding  and  mudslides.     Motifs showing up on masks  that  were  handed  out  for   "They're  here  to  stay,"  said
              Kenya’s government says  Aid  groups  worry  that       are varied, often reflecting  free.                       designer   Leon   Campa,
              at least 194 people have  the  new  flooding  com-      local  cultures.  There  are  In  Peru's  capital,  designer   who runs Benik, a Mexican
              been  killed  in  the  last  plicates  efforts  to  cope   lucha  libre-themed  masks  John   Sanchez   stopped   company  that  makes  col-
              three  weeks  by  flooding  with both the coronavirus   in  Mexico,  logos  of  soccer  printing  designs  on  mugs   orful  wallets,  pencil  cases
              caused by heavy rains.     pandemic and the worst       clubs in Argentina, Batman  and  T-shirts,  and  used  his   and backpacks inspired by
              Minister   Eugene    Wa-   locust  outbreak  Kenya      characters in Peru and col-  equipment  to  make  face    the  country's  cultural  mo-
              malwa  said  Wednesday  has seen in 70 years. Save      orful  swimsuit  prints  in  Co-  masks with patriotic slogans   tifs.  The  company,  based
              that over 100,000 people  the Children has said the     lombia.                      like "Resist Peru" or with the   in the central state of Gua-
              have  been  displaced  three natural disasters will     Some  activists  sport  masks  logos of institutions like the   najuato,  now  makes  500
              from  their  homes.  Kenya  devastate  the  chances     with political statements.   national police force.       face masks each day that
              is  in  its  first  rainy  season  of  survival  for  malnour-  "It's  a  garment  that  has  a  "My  previous  production   feature similar prints.
              of  the  year.  Its  second  ished  children  in  Kenya   strong  visual  impact,"  says  ground to a halt," Sanchez   Campa  expects  masks  to
              rainy season late last year  and neighboring Somalia    Lauren Fajardo, one of the  said. "So I started to make   continue evolving.
              saw  unusually  high  rain-  and  Ethiopia  especially   owners  of  Cuban  fashion  face  masks  that  had  an   "Shoes  would  be  a  good
              fall after droughts in pre-  as crops are destroyed.q   brand  Dador.  "It  is  also  a  added  value  —  like  mes-  comparison," he said. "You
                                                                      way  to  express  yourself.  I  sages  that  keep  people   can live without them, but
              Powerful earthquake                                     don't even have to talk for  positive."                   using them provides bene-
                                                                      someone  to  see  what  I'm  More than 40 fashion com-
                                                                                                                                fits, and they've evolved in
              shakes Indonesia;                                       trying  to  say  with  my  face  panies  in  Colombia  are   all kinds of sizes, styles, col-
                                                                                                   producing masks, including
              no injuries expected                                    When  the  virus  first  started                          ors and materials."q
                                                                      to spread in Latin America,
              JAKARTA,  Indonesia  (AP)  city, Saumlaki, it said.     pharmacies  quickly  ran
              — A powerful earthquake  The earthquake triggered       out  of  conventional  face
              shook  islands  in  eastern  moderate  shaking  and     masks,  pushing  up  prices
              Indonesia on Wednesday  was  unlikely  to  cause  in-   and  even  forcing  medical
              evening, but no damage  juries or economic losses,      personnel  to  go  without
              or injuries were expected.  USGS said.                  them.  But  with  lockdowns
              The  quake  measured  a  Indonesia,  a  vast  archi-    putting the brakes on busi-
              preliminary   magnitude  pelago of 260 million peo-     ness  activity,  local  manu-
              6.8 and was centered be-   ple, is frequently struck by   facturers  reacted  quickly,
              low the sea at a depth of  earthquakes,    volcanic     and  grassroots  producers
              107  kilometers  (67  miles),  eruptions  and  tsunamis   also jumped in.
              the  U.S.  Geological  Sur-  because of its location on   In  Havana,  women  work-
              vey  said.  It  was  located  the “Ring of Fire,” an arc   ing  at  home  on  their  sew-
              205 kilometers (128 miles)  of  volcanoes  and  fault   ing machines used leftover   A boy wears a Spiderman face mask amid the spread of the
              northwest  of  the  nearest  lines in the Pacific Basin.q  fabric  to  make  free  face   new coronavirus in Bogota, Colombia, Thursday, April 30, 2020.
                                                                      masks for neighbors. In Rio                                           Associated Press
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