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locAl Thursday 7 May 2020
Sustainable Island Solutions through Science, Technology,
Engineering and Mathematics (SISSTEM)
1.5-year, 90 EC multidisci- crop import. This project is a tions for real-life situations.
plinary master program, collaboration between the Eventually they have the
PhD projects for sustainable University of Aruba and the ambition to provide locally
development in small is- University of Leuven. They produced fruits and vege-
land states and a research will investigate the possibili- tables making Aruba's food
and development center. ties of indoor vertical farm- production economy more
The SISSTEM project is the ing on the small island of sustainable.
result of a collaboration Aruba. They will optimize
between the University of the ideal conditions with Development of an opti-
Aruba, KU Leuven and the respect to climate and mized sustainable waste
initial phase is funded by light quantity and quality to management system for
the EU as part of the EDF-11 grow plants in a controlled Aruba
fund. indoor farm. They will grow By Colleen Weekes (PhD gies, taking into account
favorable specialty crops student of the University of the specific socio-econom-
We wish to inform you more (such as strawberries) with Aruba), Jo Van Caneghem, ic context of Aruba. Inves-
BONAIRE, KRALENDIJK — about two recently started a short storage life, to re- Wim Dewulf and Karel Van tigated technologies may
On August 1, 2019 the SIS- SISSTEM PhD projects: duce the dependency Acker (Katholieke Universit- include the fermentation
STEM project kicked off at of import. They also have eit Leuven) Rapidly increas- of organic fractions, small-
the University of Aruba, an Vertical Farming on Aruba: the ambition to translate ing waste generation is scale waste incineration
ambitious program aimed opportunities for Small Is- knowledge on plant physi- posing significant challeng- with energy recovery or
at the development of criti- land States ology and photobiology, to es to small island devel- component remanufactur-
cal capacity for Sustainable By Kryss Facun PhD student agricultural and innovative oping states (SIDS) where ing technologies. The de-
Island Solutions. SISSTEM of the University of Aruba vertical farming applica- geographic isolation, high velopment of these waste
advances sustainability and KU Leuven, Belgium population densities, lim- management systems will
policies at an academic (Sandwich PhD), Promotor: ited regulatory frameworks be based on life cycle and
level, supporting resilience Bram Van de Poel and competing land uses material flow analysis. Re-
in small island states while compound issues related search is incipient with fo-
educating a new gen- Vertical farming it is a rising to municipal solid waste cus being placed on data
eration of academics that trend and is being imple- (MSW) management. This collection and identifica-
have the skills and capac- mented mainly in urban ar- is particularly the case in tion of data gaps as it re-
ity to make these policies a eas to boost local and sus- Aruba where the majority lates to waste mass flows
reality. tainable food production. of waste has been depos- and composition as well as
Small Island States, such as ited without pre-treatment the waste collection and
SISSTEM offers a 3-year, 180 Aruba, are lacking land for at landfill. The main aim of treatment strategies cur-
EC bachelor program in massive agricultural devel- this PhD research is to im- rently being employed on
STEM with specializations opment, so growing verti- prove MSW management the island.
in bio-environmental sci- cally and indoors is a great by maximizing local reuse
ences, technology and opportunity to become and recycling as well as For more information on SIS-
engineering, and informat- more self-sufficient, and employing energy and re- STEM, please contact Eric
ics and data sciences; a partly independent on agri- source recovery technolo- Mijts ( q
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ORANJESTAD — In these difficult ba to me is …….. (Email: news@aru-
times we would like to reach out to Please do note: By
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posed to spend their tropical vaca- materials, you give permission to
tion on Aruba or who had to break The Aruba Today newspaper, Ca-
up their vacation due to the COV- ribbean Speed Printers and any of
ID-19 situation. Aruba Today invites its affiliated companies to use said
you to send us your picture and materials, as well as names, likeness,
words expressing your memory of etc. for promotional purposes with-
our island or your dream vacation out compensation.
for the future. Today we share a wonderful mes-
sage from Carmela & Joseph Villari
Send us your picture(s) together who wrote:
with completing the sentence: Aru- “Missing Aruba sunsets!” q