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                      Thursday 7 May 2020
            With camps shut, families face summer in the great indoors

            By GILLIAN FLACCUS                                                                                                  the  session  shorter,  presi-
            Associated Press                                                                                                    dent Trey Devey said.
            Welcome  to  summer  in                                                                                             The  Girl  Scouts  of  Oregon
            the  great  indoors.  Parents                                                                                       and southwest Washington
            around  the  country  are                                                                                           canceled in-person camps
            learning  their  children's                                                                                         for  thousands  but  will  roll
            summer camps will be can-                                                                                           out  virtual  experiences  in
            celed,  delayed  or  moved                                                                                          June, said Allie Roberts, di-
            online  as  the  fallout  from                                                                                      rector  of  programs  for  the
            the  coronavirus  seeps  into                                                                                       Girl  Scouts  in  33  Oregon
            another facet of American                                                                                           counties  and  three  coun-
            life.  From  New  Hampshire                                                                                         ties in Washington state.
            to  California,  camps  and                                                                                         The Girl Scouts' 111 councils
            parents  are  scrambling  as                                                                                        nationwide  are  each  find-
            Zoom  campfires  and  "vir-                                                                                         ing an approach that suits
            tual  cabins"  in  the  living                                                                                      their  region  and  member-
            room become more likely.                                                                                            ship.  "It's  a  heartbreaking
            It's  a  blow  for  children  —                                                                                     decision  but  it's  the  right
            and  their  parents  —  who                                                                                         decision  for  the  safety  of
                                                                                                                                our girls," Roberts said.
                                                                                                                                Other  camps  are  shutting
                                                                                                                                down completely.  Admin-
                                                                                                                                istrators in Florida realized it
                                         In this July 6, 2015, photo released by Camp Kiwanis, games instructor John Griffin, right, shouts   was impossible to practice
                                         directions through a megaphone as campers look on at Camp Kiwanis in the Ocala National
                                         Forest near Ocala, Fla.                                                                proper  social  distancing
                                                                                                               Associated Press  at Camp Kiwanis, a sleep-
                                                                                                                                away camp tucked along
                                         have spent weeks cooped  ing to the American Camp  all  or  part  of  the  tuition  or  a lake in the Ocala Nation-
                                         up  during  school  closures  Association.    The  associa-  apply it to next year.    al Forest. Each week, over
                                         and had considered camp  tion, which represents more  That  backfired  for  Galileo  100  kids  spend  four  nights
                                         a  reward  for  adhering  to  than  3,100  camps,  has  Learning,  a  San  Francisco-  and then go back to their
                                         weeks  of  social  isolation  hired  independent  health  area  camp  that  enrolls  homes  in  Marion  County,
                                         and homeschooling. It also  experts to draft recommen-    thousands of children, after  which  is  seeing  new  coro-
                                         will squeeze nonprofits that  dations  for  camps,  and
                                         rely on the infusion of cash  many  still  hope  to  open,
                                         from camp payments and  said Tom Rosenberg, group
                                         put  young  counselors  out  president and CEO. Camps
                                         of work.                     also  are  awaiting  guid-
                                         "When we finally found out  ance from the U.S. Centers
                                         that schools were going to  for  Disease  Control  and
                                         be closed for the rest of the  Prevention  and  input  from
                                         year, I was like, 'Well, there's  state and local health de-
                                         always  summer  camp.'  I  partments, he said.
                                         was  really  holding  out  for  "Most camps are not asking
                                         that," said Rasha Habiby of  if they're going to open but
                                         Los Angeles.                 how they're going to open.
                                         Her  10-year-old  daughter's  It's  essential,"  Rosenberg
                                         first-ever sleep-away camp  said.  "Right  now,  20  million
                                         has  been  canceled,  and  kids  that  would  normally    In this undated photo released by Camp Kiwanis, a lifeguard
                                         they're both devastated.     be going to camp are cast    chair  stands  as  the  sun  sets  on  Mill  Dam  Lake  in  the  Ocala
                                         Habiby  and  her  husband  adrift in a sea of screens."   National Forest, where Camp Kiwanis has hosted local children
                                         have    demanding     work  Camp  Walt  Whitman,  a       since 1948 near Ocala, Fla.
                                         schedules  but  kept  their  seven-week       overnight                                            Associated Press
                                         kids away from her parents  camp  in  New  Hampshire's
                                         to avoid possibly spreading  remote  White  Mountains,  it  canceled  and  credited  navirus  cases  daily,  camp
                                         the virus. Now, she said she  sent  parents  a  letter  with  families for next year. After  director Scott Mitchell said.
                                         may be forced to ask them  three  options:  canceling,  an  outcry,  the  company  The  camp  has  been  a  fix-
                                         to baby-sit.                 postponing  or  going  for-  asked   parents   whether  ture for 72 years, and one-
                                         "I panic. I cry. I do all those  ward  with  social  distanc-  they  would  like  a  full  or  quarter of the children get
                                         things.  But  what  other  op-  ing and other precautions.  partial  refund  or  a  credit.  scholarships from the local
                                         tions  are  there?"  Habiby  The  camp,  which  charges  A Galileo statement said it  Kiwanis Club, he said.
                                         said. "I know we're not the  $13,000  for  the  full  session,  had  laid  off  or  furloughed  "Go on Netflix and find the
                                         only  ones  in  this  situation.  will  decide  after  May  20,  more  than  80%  of  year-  cheesiest  summer  camp
                                         I'm  keenly  aware  of  that  director Jed Dorfman said.   round  staff.    Other  camps  movie  you  can  find,  and
                                         —  but  somehow  it  doesn't  For smaller camps, cancel-  are racing to move online.   that's  us.  It's  a  traditional,
                                         make it any easier."         ing  could  mean  financial  Interlochen  Arts  Camp,  good  old-fashioned  sum-
                                         An  estimated  20  million  ruin.  Many  nonprofits  rely  which enrolls 2,800 kids and  mer  camp,"  Mitchell  said.
                                         U.S.  children  attend  sum-  on camp fees for their bud-  teens  from  50  countries  "It's  kind  of  a  sad  day  for
                                         mer  camp  each  year,  fu-  gets and to pay contracts  in  its  prestigious  summer  our community. ... But if you
                                         eling an $18 billion industry  signed  in  advance.  Some  program  in  Michigan,  will  look  at  other  places  that
                                         that employs over a million  that  have  canceled  are  switch to virtual lessons and  have  really  been  hit,  it's  a
                                         seasonal  workers,  accord-  urging  parents  to  donate  workshops  while  making  small price to pay."q
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