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                                                                                                 u.s. news Dialuna 14 Maart 2022

                         Census: Black population grows in suburbs, shrinks in cities

            (AP)  —  A  longtime  area  hoods that are starved for in-  termined to hang on.
            staple  with  its  wagon  vestment  is  often  more  of  a
            wheel  décor  and  “Roy  necessity  than  a  choice,  and  For others, though, the sub-
            Rogers ribeye,” The Ranch  those who do settle into new  urbs offer a fresh choice.
            Steak  House  is  fighting  suburban lives often find ra-
            to  reopen  as  one  of  the  cial inequities there, too.  Cousins-Cain  and  her  hus-
            last  sit-down  restaurants                               band  surprised  themselves
            in  the  once-flourishing  From 1990 to 2000, 13 of the  in  choosing  Lansing,  which
            Black  Chicago  neighbor-    United  States’  biggest  cities  wasn’t  always  friendly  to
            hood of Roseland.            lost Black residents. By 2020,  Black people.
                                         it  was  23.  According  to  the
            About  13  miles  (21  kilo-  census, roughly 54% of Black  Settled  by  Dutch  and  Ger-
            meters)  away  near  Indiana,  residents within the 100 big-  man immigrants, the city has
            Christopher  Cain  and  wife  gest  American  metro  areas  seen a roughly 50% increase
            Deja Cousins-Cain sought a  were  suburbanites  in  2020,  in  its  Black  residents,  who
            new market for their wine bar  up  from  43%  two  decades  now  represent  almost  half
            that  promises  “Good  Vibes  ago, according to Bill Frey of  the  population.  Lansing  re-
            Only,” settling on the suburb  the Brookings Institution.  cently  elected  its  first  Black  or we can take a walk around  es,  including  a  candy  shop,
            of Lansing, where growth has                              trustee.                     the block as a family without  are shuttered. The vacancies
            included a steady increase in  While New York, Los Ange-                               looking over my shoulder?”   extend down a once-thriving
            Black residents.             les  and  Philadelphia  all  lost  The trends are nuanced. Part                        business  corridor  that  Pres-
                                         Black  residents  from  2010  of  the  explanation  is  that  Crystal Fenn left in 2015 for  ervation Chicago has deemed
            The two enclaves of roughly  to  2020,  the  change  was  es-  Black  residents  are  continu-  law  school  in  suburban  At-  among  Chicago’s  “most  en-
            30,000  people  reflect  how  pecially  notable  in  Chicago,  ing to move to Southern cit-  lanta, where she’s now an at-  dangered places.”
            Black  migration  patterns  in  which gained population but  ies in a reversal of the Great  torney.
            the  21st  century  are  chang-  lost 85,000 Black people, the  Migration, a movement that                          Kisha  Pleasant,  41,  bought
            ing  the  makeup  of  metro-  highest number after Detroit,  began  in  the  1910s  and  re-  Once a Dutch enclave, Rose-  her  first  home  in  Roseland,
            politan areas nationwide. For  according to the 2020 census.  sulted  in  millions  leaving  land  was  annexed  into  Chi-  but  violence  and  dwindling
            decades, Black residents have  Those  numbers  could  vary  the  South  for  northern  cit-  cago in 1892. Within decades,  amenities pushed her out.
            been leaving some of the na-  slightly,  as  the  Census  Bu-  ies  to  escape  discrimination.  there was an influx of Black
            tion’s largest cities while sub-  reau  reported  last  week  that  But  more  recently,  some  of  families.       Activists say Lansing has had
            urbs  have  seen  an  increase  3.3%  of  the  Black  popula-  the starkest changes are hap-                        its fair share of issues involv-
            in  their  Black  populations.  tion  was  undercounted  in  pening within metro areas as  Marc Pullins, 56, recalls four  ing  race.  In  2017,  a  Black
            Those two trends have now  the 2020 census, a rate higher  suburbs  of  major  cities  see  nearby grocery stores and has  teenager was held down and
            spread to even more areas of  than in 2010.               Black population growth.     fond memories of Kohn El-    threatened  by  a  white  off-
            the country, according to the                                                          ementary School.             duty  police  officer,  a  con-
            2020 U.S. census.            The official count found that  Black  residents,  who  repre-                          frontation  that  led  the  city
                                         a  section  of  Roseland  mea-  sented roughly 40% of Chi-  Kohn  is  located  within  the  to  enter  a  memorandum  of
            The patterns echo the “white  suring less than 1 square mile  cago’s  population  in  1980,  section of Roseland that lost  understanding  with  activists
            flight”  that  upended  urban  lost  1,600  Black  residents.  now make up less than 30%.  more  than  1,600  Black  resi-  and the U.S. Department of
            landscapes in the 20th centu-  Now,  the  area  near  where  Their  presence  increased,  dents. The school sits vacant,  Justice.
            ry. Like those who left cities  former  President  Barack  meanwhile,  in  dozens  of  a  green  “For  Sale”  sign  out
            before them, Black residents  Obama was a community or-   Chicago  suburbs  from  2010  front. It is among the roughly  Pastor  David  Bigsby  of  In
            often move because of wor-   ganizer  —  located  about  20  to 2020.                  55 schools targeted by former  The Upper Room Ministries
            ries about crime and a desire  minutes south of downtown                               Mayor Rahm Emanuel in the  recently  held  a  community
            for reputable schools, afford-  —  doesn’t  even  have  a  gro-  The deciding factor for him,  nation’s  largest  mass  school  call  about  disproportionate
            able  housing  and  amenities.  cery store. That makes Judy  he  said,  was,  “Where  can  I  closure.              traffic  stops,  noting  a  major
            But there are key differences:  Ware, who bought the Ranch  live  where  my  kids  can  go                          thoroughfare  largely  divides
            Leaving Black city neighbor-  restaurant in 2018, more de-  outside  and  ride  their  bikes,  Nearby homes and business-  Black and white residents.

                             US ends asylum restrictions for children traveling alone

            (AP)  —  Unaccompanied  child  health authorities.                      expulsion of unaccompanied nonciti-  and  gave  the  administration  a  week
            migrants trying to enter the Unit-                                      zen children is not warranted to pro-  to appeal. Instead, the CDC lifted the
            ed States will no longer be denied  The  Centers  for  Disease  Control  tect the public health.”           order — but only for unaccompanied
            a  chance  to  seek  asylum  under  and  Prevention,  in  announcing  the                                   children.
            new guidance announced by U.S.  change  late  Friday  night,  said  “that  The  change  was  announced  shortly
                                                                                    before a court order was to take ef-  The  Associated  Press  left  a  phone
                                                                                    fect  that  would  have  allowed  the  message with the office of Texas At-
                                                                                    Biden administration to expel unac-  torney General Ken Paxton and also
                                                                                    companied  children  seeking  asylum  sent an email. There was no immedi-
                                                                                    under Title 42 authority, which was  ate response.
                                                                                    introduced in March 2020 to prevent
                                                                                    spread of COVID-19. The order re-   Migrants  have  been  expelled  more
                                                                                    mains in place for adults and families  than 1.6 million times under Title 42,
                                                                                    traveling with children.            named for a 1944 public health law.
                                                                                                                        Biden has kept the order in place but
                                                                                    Testing  and  other  preventive  mea-  exempted  unaccompanied  children
                                                                                    sures  allow  children  traveling  alone  during his first days in office.
                                                                                    to  be  released  to  sponsors  in  the
                                                                                    United States, the CDC said. Spon-  Prominent Democrats and advocacy
                                                                                    sors are typically family or other close  groups have been pressing to end Ti-
                                                                                    relatives.                          tle 42 for all migrants. “It is not a hu-
                                                                                                                        mane or effective solution to securing
                                                                                    A federal judge ruled in a lawsuit by  our border,” U.S. Sen. Dick Durbin,
                                                                                    the state of Texas that the CDC failed  an Illinois Democrat, tweeted on Fri-
                                                                                    to  explain  why  children  traveling  day.
                                                                                    alone were exempted from Title 42,
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