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A30    world news
                     Dialuna 14 Maart 2022

                             Anti-war protests across Europe, small rallies in Russia

                                                                      Moscow time.                 media  carry  frequent  pro-  the attacks must stop “before
                                                                                                   Russia reports about the war.  cities are reduced to cemeter-
                                                                      There  was  a  heavy  police                              ies.”
                                                                      presence  at  central  loca-  One day after rallies in Flor-
                                                                      tions  including  Manezhnaya  ence and Naples, Italians and  In Cyprus, dozens of Russian
                                                                      Square  near  the  Kremlin,  Ukrainians who live in Italy  nationals  joined  Ukrainians
                                                                      with  officers  carrying  dem-  turned  out  for  protests  in  in the coastal resort town of
                                                                      onstrators  away  to  waiting  Milan and Rome on Sunday  Limassol  Sunday  to  protest
                                                                      police vans, in footage posted  against the war in Ukraine.  the  war  in  Ukraine.  About
                                                                      by Russian media. The num-                                50  Russians  converged  on
                                                                      ber  of  people  protesting  na-  In the first row of a march in  Limassol’s  promenade  prior
                                                                      tionwide  appeared  to  be  far  Milan,  Italy’s  financial  capi-  to  joining  with  other  pro-
                                                                      fewer than the last major pro-  tal,  protesters  held  bloodied  testers to chant slogans such
                                                                      tests a week ago, when OVD-  cloth  bundles  to  represent  as “Stop the war, stop Putin”
                                                                      Info  listed  more  than  5,000  children killed in Russian at-  and  waving  blue  and  white
                                                                      people who were detained.    tacks  on  Ukrainians.  Some  flags  they  said  where  the
                                                                                                   children  held  drawings,  and  Russian national flag without
            (AP) — Tens of thousands  Russian  Embassy,  said  the  Anti-war  protests  were  also  many marchers streaked their  the red stripe that represent-
            of  people  rallied  Sunday  images  from  Ukraine  re-   staged  in  Warsaw,  London  cheeks  in  the  colors  of  the  ed “blood and violence.”
            in cities across Europe to  minded him of the bombing  and  the  German  cities  of  Ukrainian flag.
            protest  against  Russia’s  of cities during World War II.  Frankfurt,  Hamburg  and                                Protester  Evgeniya  Shlyko-
            ongoing  war  in  Ukraine,                                Stuttgart.                   Before the march, protesters  va, who has been living and
            with  small  vigils  taking  Several  participants  at  the                            stretched  out  an  enormous,  working  in  Cyprus  for  five
            place  in  Russia  as  well  Berlin protest said they were  A  small  far-right  party  or-  rainbow-colored  peace  flag  years,  told  The  Associated
            despite  a  crackdown  by  Russians ashamed about what  ganized  a  protest  in  Serbia’s  in a Milan square.       Press  that  despite  Russian
            authorities  against  such  their country was doing.      capital,  Belgrade,  in  sup-                             propaganda, Ukraine “didn’t
            demonstrations.                                           port  of  Russia’s  invasion  of  In Rome’s march, one of the  deserve this action from our
                                         “We’re against this war so we  Ukraine.                   participants held a cardboard  government”  and  that  pro-
            German  trade  unions  called  wanted to show our solidar-                             sign  that  read,  “Close  the  testers demand an immediate
            a  protest  in  Berlin,  where  ity,”  said  Aleksandra  Beloz-  The  occupants  of  dozens  of  Sky,” an apparent reference to  end to the war “that we don’t
            sunny  weather  boosted  the  erova, a Russian studying in  cars waved Russian and Ser-  Ukraine’s  plea  to  NATO  to  support.”
            turnout. The march led from  Germany.  “It’s  the  least  we  bian flags, honked horns and  establish  a  no-fly  zone  over
            the  city’s  Alexanderplatz  —  can do in this situation.”  chanted  slogans  in  favor  of  Ukraine against Russian war-  “I do believe that the person
            a  large  square  named  after                            Russian  President  Vladimir  planes.  Italy’s  government,  who  did  the  most  to  make
            Russian  Tsar  Alexander  I  —  Her friend, Aliia Biktagirova,  Putin.  Some  cars  had  “Z”  like  that  of  fellow  NATO  Russia weak and not united is
            to  a  site  near  the  Branden-  held a sign with letters for the  painted on them — the letter  allies,  have  ruled  out  a  no-  Putin  himself,” said Shlyko-
            burg Gate.                   Russian phrase for “No War”  is  used  on  Russian  armored  fly  zone  option,  contend-  va  who  faulted  the  Russian
                                         represented as asterisks to re-  vehicles  in  Ukraine  and  is  ing such a move would risk  president  and  his  support-
            Many  participants  carried  flect the censorship she said  now a symbol of support for  vastly  widening  the  conflict  ers  for  bringing  the  world’s
            flags  in  the  blue  and  yel-  is taking place in Russia con-  Russian troops.       in Europe.                   wrath on Russia that is proud
            low colors of Ukraine, while  cerning the conflict.                                                                 of  its  humanistic  values  and
            others  bore  banners  reading                            Despite formally seeking Eu-  Pope  Francis  decried  the  culture.  “But  now  Russia  is
            “Stop  the  War”  and  “Peace  In  Russia,  where  demon-  ropean  Union  membership,  “barbarianism”  of  the  kill-  the  aggressor  for  the  whole
            and Solidarity for the people  strations  against  the  war  in  Serbia has refused to join in-  ing of children and other de-  world, and we protest it.”
            in Ukraine.”                 Ukraine  have  been  typically  ternational  sanctions  against  fenseless civilians in Ukraine.
                                         met  with  a  heavy  police  re-  its ally Russia despite voting  He told a crowd estimated by  Earlier  Sunday,  Ukrainian
            Norbert  Herring,  who  held  sponse,  rights  group  OVD-  in favor of the U.N. resolu-  the Vatican to number 25,000  nationals in Taiwan and sup-
            up a sign that read “What are  Info  said  more  than  668  tion  condemning  Moscow’s  people gathered in St. Peter’s  porters also staged a march in
            you doing to your neighbor?”  people had been detained in  aggression.  The  country’s  Square  for  his  customary  Taipei to protest the Russian
            as  the  crowds  filed  past  the  36 cities as of late afternoon  dominant   state-controlled  Sunday noon appearance that  invasion of Ukraine.

                              Bus full of Ukrainian refugees overturns in Italy; 1 dead

            (AP)  —  A  bus  carrying  to set the bus upright and re-  in the crash, the Italian news  it overturned, and had set out  of  them  through  its  north-
            Ukrainian  refugees  over-   move it after helping the sur-  agency  LaPresse  said.  Milan  from  western  Ukraine,  La-  eastern border with Slovenia.
            turned  on  a  major  high-  vivors to get out of the bus.  daily Corriere della Sera said  Presse said.
            way  in  northern  Italy  at                              the woman was crushed un-                                 Forli’  is  in  the  region  of
            dawn  on  Sunday,  killing  The  cause  of  the  crash  was  der the bus.              Around  35,000  Ukrainians  Emilia-Romagna, which bor-
            a  young  mother,  Italian  under  investigation.  High-                               refugees who fled after Russia  ders the Adriatic Sea.
            firefighters  and  news  re-  way  Police  official  Andrea  Earlier,  firefighters  had  said  launched war in their home-
            ports said.                  Biagioli  said  there  were  no  there were about 50 refugees  land have entered Italy, most
                                         skid marks.                  aboard the bus. But Corriere
            Italian  state  TV  said  there                           della  Sera  said  that  only  22
            were also five people injured,  Italy’s  Interior  Ministry  said  refugees had been aboard the
            but none of the injuries was  the  bus  had  set  out  from  bus  that  flipped  on  its  side,
            serious,  in  the  crash  on  the  Ukraine  and  was  heading  while  others  were  on  a  sec-
            A14  highway  near  Forli’,  a  south to Pescara, an Adriatic  ond bus that wasn’t involved
            town in the Emilia-Romagna  port city, when it overturned.  in the crash.
            region  in  northeastern  Italy.  The passengers were taken to
            It said the rest of those aboard  a  nearby  police  barracks  for  The children were taken to a
            were safely evacuated.       initial  assistance,  and  would  hospital where they were re-
                                         later  resume  their  journey,  ceiving psychological as well
            The bus landed on its side on  the ministry said.         as medical assistance, LaPre-
            a  grassy  slope  just  beyond  a                         sse said.
            highway guardrail and near a  The victim was a 32-year-old
            farm  field.  Firefighters  used  woman whose two children,  The  bus  had  been  on  the
            two  cranes  in  an  operation  ages 5 and 10, suffered bruises  road for about 20 hours when
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