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                                                                                         world news Dialuna 14 Maart 2022

                                Iran claims missile barrage near US consulate in Iraq

            (AP)  —  Iran  claimed  re-  missile barrage.
            sponsibility  Sunday  for
            a  missile  barrage  that  An  Iraqi  official  in  Baghdad
            struck  near  a  sprawling  initially  said  several  missiles
            U.S.  consulate  complex  had  hit  the  U.S.  consulate
            in  northern  Iraq,  saying  in  Irbil,  which  is  new  and
            it  was  retaliation  for  an  unoccupied,  adding  that  it
            Israeli strike in Syria that  had  been  the  intended  tar-
            killed two members of its  get of the attack. Later, Lawk
            Revolutionary Guard ear-     Ghafari,  the  head  of  Kurd-
            lier this week.              istan’s  foreign  media  office,
                                         said none of the missiles had
            No injuries were reported in  struck  the  U.S.  facility  but
            Sunday’s  attack  on  the  city  that  residential  areas  around
            of Irbil, which marked a sig-  the compound had been hit.
            nificant  escalation  between
            the  U.S.  and  Iran.  Hostility  Following  a  Cabinet  meet-
            between  the  longtime  foes  ing, the Iraqi government in
            has often played out in Iraq,  Baghdad reiterated its refusal
            whose  government  is  allied  to  allow  Iraq  to  be  used  to
            with both countries.         settle  scores  between  other
                                         countries  and said it  has re-
            The  attack  drew  harsh  con-  quested an explanation from
            demnation  from  the  Iraqi  the Iranian leadership.
            government,  which  called  it
            a  “violation  of  international  Satellite  broadcast  channel
            law  and  norms”  and  de-   Kurdistan24,  which  is  locat-  out  its  largest  known  mass  ly warned about the increas-  drone  strike  near  the  Bagh-
            manded an explanation from  ed  near  the  U.S.  consulate,  execution in its modern his-  ing  threats  of  attacks  from  dad airport killed a top Irani-
            the Iranian leadership.      went on air from their studio  tory  with  over  three  dozens  Iran and Iranian-backed mi-  an general. In retaliation, Iran
                                         shortly after the attack, show-  Shiites killed.          litias  on  troops  and  allies  in  launched  a  barrage  of  mis-
            The  United  States  said  the  ing shattered glass and debris                         Iraq and Syria.              siles at al-Asad airbase, where
            missile strike emanated from  on their studio floor.      Iraqi  security  officials  said                          U.S.  troops  were  stationed.
            Iran and strongly condemned                               there were no casualties from  In an interview with The As-  More than 100 service mem-
            it.                          The attack came several days  the  Irbil  attack,  which  they  sociated  Press  in  December,  bers suffered traumatic brain
                                         after Iran said it would retali-  said occurred after midnight  Marine Gen. Frank McKen-  injuries in the blasts.
            Iran’s  powerful  Revolution-  ate  for  an  Israeli  strike  near  and  caused  material  damage  zie said that while U.S. forc-
            ary Guard said on its website  Damascus,  Syria,  that  killed  in  the  area.  They  spoke  on  es  in  Iraq  have  shifted  to  a  More recently, Iranian prox-
            that  it  attacked  what  it  de-  two members of its Revolu-  condition  of  anonymity  in  non-combat role, Iran and its  ies  are  believed  responsible
            scribed as an Israeli spy center  tionary  Guard.  On  Sunday,  line with regulations.  proxies  still  want  all  Ameri-  for  an  assassination  attempt
            in Irbil. It did not elaborate,  Iran’s  state-run  IRNA  news                         can troops to leave the coun-  late last year on Iraq’s Prime
            but in a statement said Israel  agency  quoted  Iraqi  media  One of the Iraqi officials said  try. As a result, he said, that  Minister  Mustafa  al-Kadhi-
            had  been  on  the  offensive,  acknowledging the attacks in  the  ballistic  missiles  were  may trigger more attacks.’  mi.
            citing  the  recent  strike  that  Irbil,  without  saying  where  fired from Iran, without elab-
            killed  two  members  of  the  they originated.           orating. He said the Iranian-  The  Biden  administration  And  officials  have  said  they
            Revolutionary  Guard.  The                                made  Fateh-110  missiles  decided  last  July  to  end  the  believe  Iran  was  behind  the
            semi-official  Tasnim  news  The  missile  barrage  coin-  likely were fired in retaliation  U.S. combat mission in Iraq  October  drone  attack  at  the
            agency  quoted  an  unnamed  cided with regional tensions.  for  the  two  Revolutionary  by  Dec.  31,  and  U.S.  forces  military outpost in southern
            source  as  saying  Iran  fired  Negotiations in Vienna over  Guards killed in Syria.  gradually moved to an advi-  Syria where American troops
            10  Fateh  missiles,  including  Tehran’s  tattered  nuclear                           sory role last year. The troops  are based. No U.S. personnel
            several  Fateh-110  missiles,  deal hit a “pause” over Rus-  U.S.  forces  stationed  at  Ir-  will  still  provide  air  support  were killed or injured in the
            which have a range of about  sian demands about sanctions  bil’s  airport  compound  have  and  other  military  aid  for  attack.
            300 kilometers (186 miles).  targeting Moscow for its war  come under fire from rocket  Iraq’s fight against the Islam-
                                         on Ukraine. Meanwhile, Iran  and drone attacks in the past,  ic State.                 Al-Kadhimi  tweeted:  “The
            The source claimed the attack  suspended  its  secret  Bagh-  with  U.S.  officials  blaming                        aggression which targeted the
            resulted  in  multiple  casual-  dad-brokered  talks  aimed  at  Iran-backed groups.   The U.S. presence in Iraq has  dear  city  of  Irbil  and  spread
            ties.  There  was  no  immedi-  defusing  yearslong  tensions                          long  been  a  flash  point  for  fear  amongst  its  inhabitants
            ate comment from Israel on  with regional rival Saudi Ara-  The top U.S. commander for  Tehran,  but  tensions  spiked  is an attack on the security of
            the allegations or the Iranian  bia, after Saudi Arabia carried  the Middle East has repeated-  after  a  January  2020  U.S.  our people.”

                               Official: Drone that crashed in Croatia carried a bomb

                                                                      (AP)  —  A  military  drone  Thursday.  About  40  parked
                                                                      that  apparently  flew  all  cars  were  damaged  in  the  Air  crash  investigators  have
                                                                      the  way  from  the  Ukrai-  large  explosion,  but  no  one  pulled  most  of  the  drone’s
                                                                      nian war zone over three  was injured.                    remaining parts from a large
                                                                      European  NATO-mem-                                       crater  it  created  on  impact,
                                                                      ber  states  before  crash-  “Traces  of  explosives  and  including  a  partly  damaged
                                                                      ing  in  an  urban  zone  of  clues  suggesting  that  this  black box that should reveal
                                                                      the  Croatian  capital  was  was not a reconnaissance air-  the drone’s flight path. Croa-
                                                                      armed  with  an  explosive  craft  were  found.  We  found  tian  officials  have  criticized
                                                                      device,  Croatia’s  defense  parts of an air bomb,” Croa-  NATO  for  what  they  called
                                                                      minister said Sunday.        tian Defense Minister Mario  a slow reaction to a very se-
                                                                                                   Banozic said at the crash site.  rious incident and called into
                                                                      The  Soviet-made  aircraft                                question the readiness of the
                                                                      crossed  Romania  and  Hun-  He said that this further rais-  military  alliance’s  member
                                                                      gary  before  entering  Croa-  es a question about whether  states to respond to a possible
                                                                      tia,  slamming  into  a  field  the drone belonged to Russia  attack.
                                                                      near a student dormitory late  or Ukraine.
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