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OBITUARIO/U.s. news Dialuna 14 Maart 2022
Cherry Blossom Festival marks DC’s pandemic comeback
(AP) — The National Cherry Blossom Festi-
val is returning with all its pageantry, Wash-
ington’s unofficial re-emergence from two
years of pandemic limits and closures.
“This year, more than ever, you really understand
why the festival is so important,” said Festival Pres-
ident Diana Mayhew. “We recognize that it’s more
than just a festival. It’s about spring and renewal
and a sense of new beginnings.”
This year’s cherry blossom trees will reach peak
bloom between March 22 and 25, according to
National Park Service estimates. The festival kicks
off with a March 20 opening ceremony and runs
through April 17, with concerts and other events,
including a big parade on Saturday April 9.
The weather isn’t exactly cooperating this week-
end. Snow and freezing rain are expected. But
that shouldn’t hurt, said Mike Litterst, Park Ser-
vice spokesman for the National Mall. Tempera-
tures below 27 degrees can damage the blooms —
something that happened in 2017, when a late frost
killed about half the blossoms.
Trees in some Washington neighborhoods have be- from gathering at the Tidal Basin to observe the will take place as usual, but residents will also be
gun to blossom but not around the Tidal Basin — pinkish blooms. encouraged to hold their own smaller kite flying
the main focus for tourists and photographers. events in featured area parks.
This year marks the 110th anniversary of the origi-
“They’re still tightly in their buds,” said Litterst. nal 1912 gift of 3,000 Japanese cherry trees from “We’re spreading it out and being as cautious and
“The armor of the buds is protecting the blossoms. the mayor of Tokyo. Japan’s government remains health conscious as possible,” she said. “There’s
Another week or so down the road, if this were to heavily involved in the festival and regularly re- so many people who want to connect, even if they
happen, we’d have some major concerns. I think places about 90 trees per year. can’t make it.”
we’ll be OK this time.”
At the event announcing this year’s festival sched-
During a recent even announcing this year’s plans, ule, Ryo Kuroishi, public affairs counselor for
D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser said, “We want D.C. the Japanese Embassy, joked that, “It feels a little
to be the face of spring for the nation. Let me say, strange to have all these people right in front of me
without equivocation, that D.C. is open!” instead of little Zoom squares.”
A similar event two years ago was dominated by Festival president Mayhew said this year’s events
questions about whether the festival would happen will incorporate a hybrid of the traditional and pan-
at all in the face of the steadily advancing COV- demic innovations that were developed over the
ID-19 virus. past two years for those who are still leery of at-
tending large public gatherings or flying in for the “Señor ta mi wardador, mi’n tin falta di nada
Sure enough, within days, Bowser declared a pub- event. Den cunucu di yerba berde e ta ponemi sosega.
lic health emergency and banned all mass gather-
ings. Festival organizers spent the month frantical- Activities like Petal Porches — where residents E ta hibami na awa trankil,
ly coming up with safe long-distance ways for resi- are encouraged to decorate their own porches in Pa mi bolbe haña forsa”.
dents and visitors to enjoy the annual rite of spring, cherry blossom themes and post the pictures on- Salmo: 23
include a live Bloom Cam and virtual video tours. line — will be continued. And the popular Bloom
Local officials resorted to closing down streets and Cam will be back. The March 26 kite flying festi- Nos ta anuncia fayecimento di:
shutting Metro stations in order to keep crowds val on the grounds of the Washington Monument
Demetrio Saturnino de Cuba
Cariñosamente yama: “Shomee”
*29-11-1944 - †11-03-2021
Acto di entiero lo wordo anuncia despues.