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A26    u.s. news
                     Dialuna 14 Maart 2022

                             Snapshots of 4 men charged in Whitmer kidnapping plot

                                                                      that  politicians  “should  be  angry Michigan gym owners  ever we do in the future, this
                                                                      targeted and attacked,” Assis-  whose  businesses  were  shut  is  my  personal  choice  to  be
                                                                      tant  U.S.  Attorney  Jonathan  down for months to prevent  involved here,’” Roth said.
                                                                      Roth said.                   the  spread  of  COVID-19.  Defense lawyers pointed out
                                                                                                   Fitness centers, he said, were  that Harris, 24, and Caserta,
                                                                      Croft  and  Fox  attended  a  “essential for a lot of people’s  33,  didn’t  join  the  others
                                                                      meeting  of  allies  in  Dublin,  mental health.”         on the road trip to northern
                                                                      Ohio,  in  July  2020.  So  did                           Michigan  to  look  at  Whit-
                                                                      an  informant  who  recorded  In August 2020, according to  mer’s  home,  a  key  part  of
                                                                      Croft  saying  he  was  so  de-  the government, Fox scouted  the  government’s  case.  But
                                                                      voted  to  an  antigovernment  Whitmer’s  cottage  for  the  they  participated  in  firearms
                                                                      cause,  “I  might  murder  a  first  time  and  said  an  attack  training sessions, including a
                                                                      cop.”                        would be a “nightmare” and  “shoot house,” a mock-up of
                                                                                                   a  “shootout.”  Prosecutors  Whitmer’s house.
                                                                      Croft said he was even will-  said he wanted to blow up a
                                                                      ing  to  slash  his  cheek  in  an  nearby  bridge  to  stymie  po-  Attorney Julia Kelly said Har-
                                                                      effort  to  fool  face-detection  lice during an abduction.  ris  of  Lake  Orion,  Michi-
                                                                      technology  used  by  law  en-                            gan,  “was  not  perfect  in  the
                                                                      forcement.                   But  defense  attorney  Chris-  summer of 2020” but didn’t
                                                                                                   topher Gibbons said Fox was  agree to kidnap the governor.
                                                                      “One  criminal  governor  in  heavily influenced by an FBI  Lawyer  Michael  Hills  said
                                                                      our  possession,  we’ve  cap-  informant  known  as  “Big  Caserta participated in train-
                                                                      tured the flag in that state. We  Dan,” who was a member of  ing  but  didn’t  organize  the
                                                                      can then start to issue terms,”  a militia known as the Wol-  “fed-sponsored events.”
                                                                      Croft said in a video in May  verine Watchmen.
                                                                      2020.                                                     Harris’ parents were in court,
                                                                                                   Dan  “said  things  like,  ‘You  taking  notes  and  frequently
                                                                      Defense  attorney  Joshua  can  train  for  everything  but  leaning  over  to  whisper  to
            (AP)  —  After  more  than  become clear until the end. ...  Blanchard said Croft was tar-  what’s your goal?’ The goal is  Kelly.
            two  days  of  testimony,  Don’t feel pressure to try to  geted  by  thin-skinned  FBI  what the government wants,”
            jurors  have  unflattering  pull  it  all  together  just  yet,”  agents who simply didn’t like  Gibbons  told  jurors,  refer-  Croft, Fox, Harris and Caser-
            snapshots of four men who  U.S.  District  Judge  Robert  his disgust of government.   ring to entrapment.          ta  were  arrested  in  October
            are charged with planning  Jonker told jurors Thursday.                                                             2020 along with two others,
            to strike back against gov-  Croft, Fox, Daniel Harris and  “There  was  no  plan,  there  Harris and Caserta       Ty Garbin and Kaleb Franks,
            ernment  by  kidnapping  Brandon Caserta are charged  was  no  agreement  and  no  They didn’t come up as much  who  pleaded  guilty  to  the
            Michigan  Gov.  Gretchen  with  conspiracy;  three  of  kidnapping,” he said.          as Croft and Fox in the first  conspiracy  and  said  no  one
            Whitmer  from  her  week-    them  also  face  weapons-re-                             two  days  of  trial.  But  Roth  was  entrapped  by  agents  or
            end home.                    lated  charges.  Lawyers  have  Fox                       said  they  were  considered  informants.
                                         signaled  an  entrapment  de-  Fox, 38, of Wyoming, Michi-  soldiers in Fox’s “kill squad.”
            Prosecutors  introduced  vid-  fense, claiming the men were  gan,  was  living  in  the  base-                      “They will tell you they made
            eos,  messages  and  secretly  cajoled  by  undercover  FBI  ment  of  a  vacuum  shop  Harris,  a  former  Marine  in-  their  own  decisions,”  Roth
            recorded  conversations  full  agents  and  zealous,  greedy  and  brushing  his  teeth  next  fantryman,  suggested  killing  told the jury. “They will tell
            of  antigovernment  screeds,  informants.                 door at a restaurant. He was  Whitmer  would  be  better  you  the  defendants  did  the
            mostly  expressed  by  Barry  Trial  resumes  Monday  in  tapped  by  Croft  to  lead  the  than kidnapping her, perhaps  same.”
            Croft Jr. and Adam Fox, who  federal court in Grand Rap-  plot, Roth said.             “posing  as  a  pizza  delivery
            are  described  as  the  leaders.  ids, Michigan. Here is some                         person  and  shooting  her  at  Whitmer, who is seeking re-
            Evidence  presented  early  in  of what the jury has heard so  Prosecutors portrayed Fox as  home,” the prosecutor said.  election this year, has blamed
            what’s  likely  to  be  a  week-  far:                    a man committed to violence.                              then-President     Donald
            slong trial has bounced from                              He said in a video that he was  Caserta’s  home  in  Canton  Trump  for  fomenting  anger
            Michigan  to  gatherings  in  Croft                       in  favor  of  a  “revolutionary  Township, Michigan, was full  over coronavirus restrictions
            Ohio  and  Wisconsin  and  an  The   46-year-old   trucker  war”  to  get  rid  of  “corrupt,  of antigovernment items, and  and  refusing  to  condemn
            arrest in New Jersey — and  from  Bear,  Delaware,  is  an  tyrannical government.”    he talked about crushing the  right-wing  extremists  like
            not always in order.         adherent  of  the  “boogaloo”                             governor’s skull, Roth said.  those charged in the plot. She
                                         movement,  which  believes  Fox  said  he  wanted  to  offer                           said he was complicit in the
            “The  pattern  doesn’t  always  the  country  is  broken  and  “constitutional  comfort”  to  “You will hear him say, ’What-  deadly Jan. 6 Capitol riot.

                           Video shows man stabbing 2 workers at New York’s MOMA

             (AP)  —  Video  from  the                                pears to distract the attacker  of  disorderly  conduct.  John  stabbed  the  museum  em-
             Museum  of  Modern  Art  Police  were  still  searching  long enough for the second  Miller, NYPD deputy com-     ployees  in  the  back,  collar-
             shows the moment a man  for  Cabana  as  of  Sunday  victim to flee. The third em-   missioner  of  intelligence  bone  and  the  back  of  neck,
             leaped  over  a  reception  morning.                     ployee can be seen getting up  and  counterterrorism,  said  Miller  said.  They  were
             desk and stabbed two em-                                 from the ground after the at-  his  membership  had  been  rushed  within  minutes  to
             ployees  as  they  tried  to  The  man,  wearing  a  black  tacker runs away.        revoked for two separate in-  the hospital.
             flee Saturday.               wool hat and a surgical mask,                           cidents of disorderly behav-
                                          approaches three employees  Authorities  said  Saturday  ior at the museum in recent  Miller said Saturday that the
             The video released by New  who are trapped in the small  that  the  two  museum  em-  days.                       video showed which way the
             York  City  police  shows  a  space and stabs one of them  ployees,  a  24-year-old  man                          suspect  went  after  leaving
             man  police  identified  as  —  a  young  woman  who  is  and  24-year-old  woman,  A  letter  informing  Cabana  the  museum.  Police  shared
             60-year-old  Gary  Cabana  able to run away seconds lat-  were  both  stable  with  non-  of  his  expired  membership  photos  of  Cabana  late  Sat-
             entering the museum lobby  er — though not before she  life-threatening     injuries.  had been sent out Friday, but  urday  night,  asking  for  the
             through  a  revolving  door  is stabbed again in the back.  Their  names  weren’t  re-  he came to the museum Sat-  public’s help finding him.
             then climbing onto the desk                              leased.                     urday saying he intended to
             and jumping over it as a man  The  attacker  then  stabs  the                        see a film there, according to  The  department  has  no  re-
             carrying what appears to be a  second employee as the man  According to police, Cabana  police.                   cord of a previous arrest for
             walkie-talkie tries in vain to  with  the  walkie-talkie  hurls  was  denied  entrance  Satur-                    the man.
             stop him.                    a notebook at him. That ap-  day  for  previous  incidents  He  then  became  upset  and
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