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                                                                                                 u.s. news Diamars 4 OctOber 2022

             Interior Dept. to require body cams for law                                                   Officials: US to send

                                          enforcement                                                  Ukraine more advanced

                                                                                                                rocket systems
                                                                      a home without announcing
                                                                      their  presence.  A  no-knock
                                                                      warrant, as its name implies,
                                                                      is an order from a judge that
                                                                      allows police to enter a home
                                                                      without prior notification to
                                                                      the residents, such as ringing
                                                                      a doorbell or banging on the
                                                                      door. In most cases, the law
                                                                      requires  that  officers  must
                                                                      knock  and  announce  them-
                                                                      selves  before  entering  a  pri-
                                                                      vate home to execute a search

                                                                      The updated policy – similar
                                                                      to  the  policy  implemented
                                                                      by  the  Justice  Department   (AP)  —  The  U.S.  will  the first tranche of U.S. aid
                                                                      for its officers last year – fol-  soon deliver to Ukraine  delivered in the new fiscal
                                                                      lows  the  March  2020  death   four  more  of  the  ad-  year, which began Oct. 1.
                                                                      of Breonna Taylor, who was     vanced  rocket  systems
                                                                      shot  and  killed  by  police  in   credited  with  helping  Ukraine  has  pressed  its
                                                                      her home during a no-knock     the  country’s  military  counteroffensive  in  the
            (AP) — The U.S. Interior  ment  officers  who  are  pa-   warrant and whose death led    gain  momentum  in  its  Kherson  region  since  the
            Department  on  Monday  trolling or engaging with the  to  months  of  mass  protests    war with Russia.           summer, relentlessly pum-
            launched  a  set  of  new  public  to  carry  body-worn  over  racial  injustice  in  po-                           meling  Russian  supply
            policies  that  would  re-   cameras and sets out the de-  licing  and  the  treatment  of   The  High  Mobility  Ar-  lines  and  making  inroads
            quire thousands of law en-   partment's intent to expedite  Black  people  in  the  United   tillery  Rocket  Systems,  into  Russian-held  areas
            forcement officers to wear  the public release of video af-  States.                     known as HIMARS, will be  west  of  the  Dnieper  Riv-
            body cameras, ensures the  ter an incident that results in                               part of a new $625 million  er.  Ukrainian  troops  have
            release of footage in some  serious injury or death.      The policy curtails the use of   package of aid expected to  been  using  the  HIMARS
            critical  incidents  and  re-                             no-knock entries to instanc-   be announced on Tuesday,  to  repeatedly hit  the main
            stricts the use of so-called  Under the policy, officers or  es  where  announcing  the   according to U.S. officials.  bridge  across  the  Dnieper
            no-knock warrants.           agents are required to activate  presence  of  federal  officers                       and  a  dam  that  served  as
                                         the  body-worn  cameras  "at  "would  create  an  imminent   The  decision  marks  the  a  second  crossing.  It  also
            The  announcement  comes  the  earliest  possible  oppor-  threat  of  physical  violence   first time the U.S. has sent  has struck pontoon bridges
            after  Interior  Secretary  Deb  tunity  of  an  interaction  and  to  the  agent  and/or  another   more HIMARS to Ukraine  that Russia has used to sup-
            Haaland  launched  a  task  should  capture  as  much  of  person," the Interior Depart-  since  late  July,  and  it  will  ply its troops.
            force  last  year  aimed  at  fur-  the event as possible, starting  ment  said.  It  also  requires   bring the total number de-
            ther  building  trust  between  with  the  decision  to  engage  agents to first obtain approval   livered  so  far  to  20.  The  Ukraine’s  battlefield  suc-
            law  enforcement  and  the  an individual or vehicle." The  from supervisors and a feder-  systems have become a key  cesses  in  Kherson  are  no-
            public. It also follows an ex-  camera  should  remain  run-  al prosecutor before seeking a   tool  in  Ukraine’s  ability  table since that is one of the
            ecutive  order  from  Presi-  ning  until  the  event  is  over,  no-knock warrant.      to strike bridges that Rus-  four areas that Russia is in
            dent  Joe  Biden  that  focused  the policy states.       The  new  policies  also  pro-  sia  has  used  to  supply  its  the process of annexing.
            on  federal  law  enforcement                             vide  additional  guidance  on   troops, enabling Ukrainian
            agencies  and  required  them  The  policy  says  the  Interior  use of force incidents, laying   forces  to  make  inroads  in  A  senior  U.S.  military  of-
            to review and revise policies  Department  "will  strive  to  out that its policy would meet   Russia-controlled regions.  ficial  said  Monday  that
            on use of force.             expedite  the  public  release"  or exceed the policies set out                        the  attacks  by  Ukrainian
                                         of footage after incidents that  by the Justice Department. It   The  U.S.  in  recent  weeks  forces  have  forced  Russia
            The  policies  apply  to  the  involve "serious bodily injury  also requires the law enforce-  also   provided   funding  into  a  “defensive  crouch”
            thousands  of  law  enforce-  or death in order to promote  ment agencies to collect and   through  a  separate  pro-  in  Kherson,  hampering
            ment  officers  who  work  for  transparency  and  account-  report data about the number   gram  —  the  Ukraine  Se-  Russian efforts to resupply
            the  Interior  Department,  ability."                     of use of force incidents and   curity  Assistance  Initiative  their frontline troops.
            in  the  Bureau  of  Indian  Af-                          reiterates a ban on carotid re-  — so another 18 HIMARS  The  official,  who  briefed
            fairs,  Bureau  of  Land  Man-  The  Interior  Department's  straints  and  chokeholds,  ex-  can  be  purchased  through  reporters  on  condition  of
            agement,  the  U.S.  Fish  and  law  enforcement  arms  have  cept  when  deadly  force  has   longer-term   contracts.  anonymity  to  provide  a
            Wildlife  Service  and  the  faced scrutiny in recent years,  been authorized.           USAI funds are being used  U.S.  military  assessment
            National  Park  Service.  The  particularly  the  U.S.  Park                             as part of the effort by the  of the war, said that so far
            agency  has  about  3,100  per-  Police  who  were  faulted  in  "Every  single  day  across  the   U.S. and Western allies to  the  U.S.  has  seen  only
            manent law enforcement of-   an  inspector  general's  report  country,  the  Interior  De-  ensure Ukraine’s forces are  small  numbers  of  Russian
            ficers.                      after  officers  used  smoke  partment's  law  enforcement   trained  and  equipped  to  reinforcements   coming
                                         grenades and pepper balls to  officers  risk  their  lives  to   defend their country in the  into  Ukraine  in  an  effort
            While some federal agencies  clear  racial  justice  protesters  safeguard  our  communities,   years  to  come.  But  those  to shore up their defenses.
            have  already  started  launch-  from an area in front of the  public lands and waters, and   contracts  will  take  several  Russia has said it will mo-
            ing  body  camera  programs  White  House  in  2020.  The  critical resources," said Dep-  years to fulfill.        bilize  upwards  of  300,000
            – including some park rang-  agency  also  faced  scrutiny  uty Secretary Tommy Beau-                               conscripts  to  send  to
            ers,  park  police  officers  and  over its lack of cameras after  dreau. "In reforming policing   The  latest  aid  package  is  Ukraine.
            Fish  and  Wildlife  officers  –  two U.S. Park Police officers  practices,  the  Department   also  expected  to  include
            the  federal  government  has  fatally shot an unarmed mo-  is  helping  strengthen  the   other  ammunition  and  The  official  also  said  that
            lagged behind many local po-  torist in northern Virginia in  unique  connection  that  law   equipment  for  Ukraine’s  despite  persistent  Russian
            lice  departments  whose  of-  November 2017.             enforcement  officers  have    troops.  Several  U.S.  offi-  threats to use nuclear force,
            ficers  have  been  using  body                           with  the  communities  that   cials spoke on condition of  the U.S. has seen no moves
            cameras for years.           Another  of  the  policies  re-  they serve and move the na-  anonymity  to  provide  de-  by the Kremlin that would
            One of the new policies spe-  stricts the use of "no-knock"  tion  forward  towards  com-  tails of the package ahead of  cause the U.S. to change its
            cifically  requires  all  Interior  warrants,  which  allow  law  munity-focused law enforce-  the announcement. This is  own nuclear posture.
            Department  law  enforce-    enforcement  agents  to  enter  ment."
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