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P. 30
Diamars 4 OctOber 2022
King Charles III to host South African leader in state visit
(AP) — King Charles III ingham Palace said Monday. enormous debt of gratitude”
will welcome South Afri- The South African leader will for his achievements.
can President Cyril Rama- be accompanied by his wife,
phosa to the U.K. for three Dr. Tshepo Motsepe. The King and Camilla, the
days of high-level talks queen consort — then the
next month, celebrating Charles has visited South Prince of Wales and the
the first state visit of his Africa on several occasions Duchess of Cornwall — wel-
reign with the leader of a since 1997. At Nelson Man- comed former South African
Commonwealth member dela’s funeral in 2013, he said President Jacob Zuma to the
with close ties to the royal the world would be a “poorer U.K. at the start of a state vis-
family. place” without the man who it in 2010.
led South Africa’s transition
Ramaphosa has accepted from apartheid to a multi- Charles’ sons, Princes Wil-
Charles’s invitation for a state ethnic democracy, adding liam and Har
visit from Nov. 22-24, Buck- that Mandela was owed “an
Poland demands $1.3 trillion in war damages from Germany
(AP) — Poland’s for- we have built together over ther claims on Germany. ahead of general elections
eign minister on Monday the past 30 years.” Germany argues compensa- scheduled next fall. Opinion
signed an official note to tion was paid to Eastern Bloc polls suggest the ruling Law
Germany requesting the Baerbock stressed that “this nations in the years after the and Justice party and its allies
payment of about $1.3 tril- includes that coming to war, while territories that Po- will lose the narrow majority
lion in reparations for the terms with and remembering land lost in the east as borders that now allows them to pass
damage incurred by occu- the immeasurable suffering were redrawn were com- legislation without negotiat-
pying Nazi Germans dur- that Germany brought upon pensated with some of Ger- ing with other parties.
ing World War II. the people of Poland.” many’s prewar lands. Berlin
“There cannot and will not calls the matter closed. It was Senate Speaker Tomasz
Zbigniew Rau said the note be a line drawn here,” Baer- Moscow that decided Poland Grodzki, a member of the
will be handed to Germany’s bock said. would receive only a small opposition, said anti-German
Foreign Ministry. The sign- deposits. He said Berlin fraction of the compensation. rhetoric was shaping up to
ing comes on the eve of Rau’s Poland’s right-wing govern- be the ruling party’s mantra
meeting in Warsaw with Ger- should make efforts to in- ment argues that the country In the 1990s Germany paid for the upcoming election —
form German society about
man Foreign Minister An- hasn’t been fully compensat- one-time compensation to that voting against the ruling
nalena Baerbock, who will the “true” picture of the war ed by neighboring Germany, former inmates of Nazi con- party was voting against Po-
and its disastrous effects on
attend a security conference. which is now one of its major centration camps and to vic- land’s interests.
Poland. partners within the European tims of forced labor, includ-
Rau said the note expresses Union. ing many Poles. “This is evident nonsense;
his view that the two sides Warsaw says that payment of On the war’s 83rd anniver- Despite good bilateral rela- it’s untrue. It’s a desperate at-
reparations would strengthen
should take action “without sary, Sept. 1, Poland’s govern- tions, Poland’s most power- tempt at defense against sur-
delay” to address the effects bilateral relations through ment presented an extensive ful politician, Jaroslaw Kac- veys that show falling sup-
truth and justice and would
of Germany’s 1939-45 occu- report on the damages, esti- zynski, has recently made port,” Grodzki said.
pation in a “lasting and com- close painful chapters from mating it at the $1.3 trillion increasingly hostile remarks Around 6 million of Poland’s
the past. Germany says the
plex, legally binding as well as figure. about Germany, recalling its citizens, including 3 million
material way.” matter was closed decades Poland’s government rejects wartime guilt and alleging Jews, were killed in the war.
ago. a 1953 declaration by the that it is dominating the Eu- Some of them were victims
Baerbock said in Berlin be-
He said that would include fore departing for Poland that country’s then communist ropean Union. of the Soviet Red Army that
German reparations as well leaders, under pressure from invaded from the east.
as solving the issue of looted the two European neighbors the Soviet Union, that Po- Critics see that as tactics
and partners have a “respon-
artworks, archives and bank land wouldn’t make any fur- aimed at rallying backing
sibility to preserve the trust
UK says Royal Navy ship in North Sea for pipeline protection
(AP) — Britain has sent a tions. The force brings to- aged the Nord Stream 1 and Nord Stream pipelines. And
Royal Navy ship to patrol gether troops from 10 coun- 2 pipelines last week have it should remind us all how
the North Sea, as West- tries, including the Baltic and led to huge methane leaks. fragile our economy and in-
ern allies try to increase Nordic nations, and has seen Nordic investigators said the frastructure is to such hybrid
protection for undersea its importance increase since blasts involved several hun- attacks.”
pipelines and cables af- Russia’s invasion of Ukraine dred pounds of explosives.
ter blasts ruptured two in February. Russian President Vladimir Britain has been a major con-
natural gas pipelines in Putin on Friday accused the tributor of military aid to
the Baltic Sea, the defense Britain’s defense ministry West of sabotaging the Rus- Ukraine. Wallace said Britain
ministry said Monday. said “the group condemned sia-built pipelines, a charge would train another 20,000
the blatant attacks against ci- vehemently denied by the to 30,000 Ukrainian troops
The Ministry of Defense vilian infrastructure.” United States and its allies. in the U.K., in addition to the
said a navy frigate is in the U.K. Defense Secretary Ben 10,000 it has trained this year.
North Sea, working with the Wallace also said Britain will Britain has not officially Speaking at the U.K. Conser-
Norwegian navy “to reassure acquire two specialist ships to blamed anyone for the blasts, vative Party’s annual confer-
those working near the gas protect undersea cables and but Wallace told the Conser- ence in Birmingham, central
pipelines.” pipes, with the first “multi- vative Party’s annual confer- England, Wallace said Britain
role survey ship for seabed ence that “Putin’s reactions was not seeking to remove
The announcement came warfare” operational by the are wider than just Ukraine. Putin as Russia’s leader. unlikely to de-escalate the
after a meeting of the Joint end of next year. His reach goes further. This “We’re not in the business of conflict.
Expeditionary Force group week, we saw the ‘mysteri- regime change,” he said. “I don’t think he is going to
of northern European na- Undersea blasts that dam- ous’ damage inflicted to the But he also said Putin was take an off-ram