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                                                                                                       sports Diamars 4 OctOber 2022

                           Indonesian recalls stinging tear gas in deadly soccer melee

            (AP) — Dicky Kurniawan  deadliest tragedies at a sport-
            felt the sharp sting in his  ing event. More than 40,000
            eyes  as  Indonesian  po-    spectators were at the match,
            lice fired tear gas into the  all  Arema  fans  because  the
            football stadium.            organizer had banned Perse-
                                         baya Surabaya supporters due
            From  his  seat  near  an  exit,  to Indonesia’s history of vio-
            he  said  he  watched  the  me-  lent soccer rivalries.
            lee unfold Saturday night as  “The chaos was on the field,
            angry  fans  poured  into  the  but they fired the tear gas into
            field to demand answers after  the  stadium  stands,”  Kur-
            host Arema FC of East Java’s  niawan  said  as  he  described
            Malang city lost to Persebaya  the tragedy from his hospital
            Surabaya, its first defeat ever  bed. He  received bruises on
            on  its  home  turf.  The  mob  his face but said he was fortu-
            threw  bottles  and  other  ob-  nate to survive.
            jects, and the violence spread  “Now  I  am  done  watching
            outside  the  stadium,  where  soccer in the stadium,” Kur-
            police  cars  were  overturned  niawan said.              incident  did  not  stop  him  ing  treated  at  hospitals,  ac-  together.
            and torched.                                              from loving the club.        cording  to  the  Ministry  of
                                         In the bed next to Kurniawan,                             Women’s Empowerment and  “We  came  here  as  a  team,
            Kurniawan, 22, was shocked  teenager Farel Panji also had   Malang’s  Dr.  Saiful  Anwar  Child Protection.         asking  forgiveness  from  the
            when  police  fired  tear  gas  a lucky escape.           General Hospital, one of sev-  Arema’s  Chilean  coach,  Ja-  families  impacted  by  this
            at  spectators  in  the  stands.  Panji, 16, had just left his seat   eral used to treat victims, was  vier  Roca,  led  the  players  tragedy, those who lost their
            As  the  stinging  gas  spread  to go to the exit when the tear   filled  Sunday  with  grieving  and  other  officials  in  paying  loves  ones  or  the  ones  who
            through the stadium, Kurni-  gas came. As people ran past   relatives  waiting  to  identify  respect to the dead in a cer-  are  still  being  treated  in  the
            awan  grabbed  his  girlfriend  him to get to the exit, Panji   bodies in the morgue or for  emony Monday.          hospital,” Roca said.
            and — like everyone else —  said he got pushed down by    information about their loves
            dashed to the exits.         the crowd and collapsed.     ones.                        Wearing  black  shirts,  the  He said soccer violence must
                                         “I fainted for a while. When                              team gathered at the statue of  stop.
            The mass rush led to a stam-  I woke up, I was still in the   Police  say  323  people  were  a lion head outside Kanjuru-  “We feel like we got a punish-
            pede that killed nearly three  stadium  seating  area,”  Panji   injured  in  the  crush,  with  han Stadium. Dozens of Are-  ment,” he said. “One match
            dozen people almost instant-  said. He got home safely and   some  still  in  critical  condi-  ma supporters also attended,  result  is  not  worth  paying
            ly. The death toll reached 125  was taken to the hospital the   tion.  At  least  17  children  and  started  to  cry  when  the  with  the  lives  of  people,  let
            and hundreds more were in-   next  day.  Wearing  an  Arema   were  among  the  dead  and  players  poured  rose  petals  alone more than 100 people.”
            jured  in  one  of  the  world’s  jersey,  Panji  said  Saturday’s   seven other children are be-  around the statue and prayed

                            Russian court sets Brittney Griner appeal date for Oct. 25

            (AP)  —  A  Russian  court                                                                                          not yet received a productive
            on  Monday  set  Oct.  25                                                                                           response from Russia to the
            as  the  date  for  American                                                                                        offer.
            basketball  star  Brittney                                                                                          Russian  diplomats  have  re-
            Griner’s  appeal  against                                                                                           fused  to  comment  on  the
            her  nine-year  prison  sen-                                                                                        U.S.  proposal  and  urged
            tence for drug possession.                                                                                          Washington  to  discuss  the
                                                                                                                                matter  in  confidential  talks,
            Griner,  an  eight-time  all-                                                                                       avoiding public statements.
            star center with the WNBA’s
            Phoenix Mercury and a two-                                                                                          U.S. President Joe Biden met
            time Olympic gold medalist,                                                                                         last  month  with  Cherelle
            was  convicted  Aug.  4  after                                                                                      Griner,  the  wife  of  Brittney
            police  said  they  found  vape                                                                                     Griner, as well as the player’s
            canisters containing cannabis                                                                                       agent,  Lindsay  Colas.  Biden
            oil  in  her  luggage  at  Mos-                                                                                     also  sat  down  separately
            cow’s Sheremetyevo Airport.                                                                                         with Elizabeth Whelan, Paul
                                                                                                                                Whelan’s sister.
            The  Moscow  region  court                                                                                          The  White  House  said  after
            said it will hear her appeal.  At  the  time,  Griner,  recog-                         home, along with Paul Whel-  the  meetings  that  the  presi-
                                         nized  as  one  of  the  great-  Before  her  conviction,  the  an, an American serving a 16-  dent  stressed  to  the  families
            Griner admitted that she had  est  players  in  WNBA  his-  U.S.  State  Department  de-  year  sentence  in  Russia  for  his  “continued  commitment
            the  canisters  in  her  luggage,  tory, was returning to Russia,  clared Griner to be “wrong-  espionage.          to working through all avail-
            but testified that she had in-  where she played during the  fully  detained”  —  a  charge                         able avenues to bring Brittney
            advertently  packed  them  in  U.S. league’s offseason.   that  Russia  has  sharply  re-  Blinken didn’t elaborate, but  and Paul home safely.”
            haste  and  that  she  had  no                            jected.                      The  Associated  Press  and
            criminal intent. Her defense  The  nine-year  sentence  was                            other  news  organizations  The  Biden  administration
            team presented written state-  close to the maximum of 10  Reflecting the growing pres-  have  reported that  Washing-  carried out a prisoner swap in
            ments that she had been pre-  years,  and  Griner’s  lawyers  sure  on  the  Biden  adminis-  ton  has  offered  to  exchange  April,  with  Moscow  releas-
            scribed cannabis to treat pain.  argued  after  the  conviction  tration  to  do  more  to  bring  Griner and Whelan for Vik-  ing  Marine  veteran  Trevor
                                         that the punishment was ex-  Griner home, U.S. Secretary  tor  Bout,  a  Russian  arms  Reed  in  exchange  for  the
            Her February arrest came at  cessive. They said in similar  of State Antony Blinken took  dealer  who  is  serving  a  25-  U.S.  releasing  a  Russian  pi-
            a time of heightened tensions  cases  defendants  have  re-  the unusual step of revealing  year sentence in the U.S. and  lot,  Konstantin  Yaroshenko,
            between Moscow and Wash-     ceived an average sentence of  publicly  in  July  that  Wash-  once  earned  the  nickname  convicted in a drug traffick-
            ington, just days before Rus-  about five years, with about a  ington had made a “substan-  the “merchant of death.”  ing conspiracy.
            sia sent troops into Ukraine.  third of them granted parole.  tial  proposal”  to  get  Griner  The White House said it has
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