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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Diamars 4 OctOber 2022
                              EU, Israel hold high-level talks for first time in a decade

            (AP)  —  The  European  frankly,  than  to  avoid  any                                                              prime minister until a Nov. 1
            Union and Israel on Mon-     contact.  Certainly  we  dis-                                                          election, in which he is facing
            day  held  high-level  talks  agree.  Certainly  we  express                                                        a  tough  race  against  former
            for the first time in a de-  concern, but I think it’s more                                                         Prime  Minister  Benjamin
            cade,  with  the  Europe-    positive  to  sit  and  discuss,”                                                      Netanyahu.  Opinion  polls
            ans pressing Israeli Prime  Borrell  told  reporters  in                                                            indicate that even if Lapid is
            Minister Yair Lapid about  Brussels.                                                                                able  to  form  a  new  govern-
            how  to  put  a  two-state                                                                                          ment,  the  next  parliament,
            solution  to  the  conflict  In his opening remarks at the                                                          like the current one, will be
            with the Palestinians into  meeting  —  led  in  Brussels                                                           dominated by hard-line par-
            place.                       by  Israeli  Intelligence  Min-                                                        ties  that  oppose  Palestinian
                                         ister  Elazar  Stern  —  Borrell                                                       statehood.
            EU foreign policy chief Josep  underlined  the  EU’s  con-
            Borrell welcomed the recent  cern  “about  the  continued                                                           At the U.N. General Assem-
            support  from  Lapid  —  who  tensions and violence on the                                                          bly  last  month,  Palestinian
            took  part  in  Monday’s  talks  ground and the continuation                                                        President  Mahmoud  Abbas
            by videoconference — for an  of  unilateral  measures,  such  tries have also been reluctant  of the West Bank is now in its  said  that  “our  confidence  in
            end to the conflict based on  as settlement expansion, and  to meet since then.        55th year. The last real peace  achieving  a  peace  based  on
            an Israeli and Palestinian state  the security issues.”                                talks ended in 2009, and crit-  justice  and  international  law
            living peacefully side by side.                           Lapid welcomed the meeting.  ics say growing Israeli settle-  is  waning,  due  to  the Israeli
                                         It’s the first time the two sides  “It is an important milestone  ments in the West Bank and  occupation policies.”
            “This  is  also  what  we  want  have  held  an  “Association  in  our  improving  relations.  elsewhere  undermine  any  Speaking a day after Lapid ad-
            to push for. We want the re-  Council” since July 2012. Is-  This past year has seen some  hopes  for  a  two-state  solu-  dressed  the  assembly,  Abbas
            sumption  of  a  political  pro-  rael and the EU signed an As-  vast  progress  in  our  ties  —  tion.  The  Palestinians  seek  delivered a pessimistic assess-
            cess  that  can  lead  to  a  two-  sociation Agreement govern-  and  there  is  still  so  much  all  of  the  West  Bank  along  ment  of  diplomacy,  saying  a
            state solution and a compre-  ing their ties in 1995, and the  more  that  we  can  do,”  he  with Israeli-annexed east Je-  “frantic  campaign  to  confis-
            hensive regional peace,” Bor-  pact  entered  force  in  2000.  said, according to the speech  rusalem  and  the  Gaza  Strip,  cate  our  lands”  persisted  in
            rell said. “We have to explore  Talks were meant to be held  released by his office.   controlled by the Palestinian  the generations-long dispute,
            how  we  can  put  this  into  annually,  but  Israel  canceled                        militant group Hamas, for a  while  the  military  “are  kill-
            practice.”                   a planned 2013 meeting over  However,  there  is  no  short-  future state.            ing the Palestinian people in
                                         the EU’s policy toward Israeli  term prospect for peace.                               broad  daylight”  with  impu-
            “It’s better to sit and discuss  settlements. Some EU coun-  Israel’s  military  occupation  Lapid  is  serving  as  caretaker  nity.

                            US, Philippine forces hold combat drills to brace for crisis

            (AP)  —  More  than  2,500  forces  he  said  could  offend  China Sea, and the northern  that involve about 3,000 mili-  defend the Philippines under
            U.S.  and  Philippine  ma-   China.                       Philippines, across the Luzon  tary personnel from the two  a 1951 U.S.-Philippines Mu-
            rines joined combat exer-                                 Strait from Taiwan.          sides,  U.S.  military  officials  tual  Defense  Treaty  if  Fili-
            cises  Monday  to  respond  Called  Kamandag,  the  Ta-                                said.                        pino forces, vessels or aircraft
            to  any  sudden  crisis  in  galog  acronym  for  “Coop-  Philippine  Rear  Admiral                                 come under attack in the dis-
            a  region  long  on  tenter-  eration of the Warriors of the  Caesar Bernard Valencia said  U.S. Maj. Gen. Jay Bargeron  puted waters.
            hooks  over  South  China  Sea,” the drills involve 1,900  the  exercises  will  focus  on  of  the  Japan-based  3rd  Ma-
            Sea  territorial  disputes  U.S. Marines and more than  enhancing  coastal  defenses  rine Division said the simul-  The ruling was issued by an
            and  increasing  tensions  600 mostly Philippine coun-    and  are  not  directed  against  taneous  exercises  are  aimed  arbitration tribunal set up in
            over Taiwan.                 terparts  in  mock  amphibi-  any country.                at  bolstering  the  defensive  The Hague under the U.N.
                                         ous  assaults  and  special  op-                          capabilities  of  the  U.S.  alli-  Convention  on  the  Law  of
            The  annual  military  drills  erations,  U.S.  and  Philip-  Japanese  and  South  Korean  ances  with  the  Philippines  the  Sea  after  the  Philippine
            are  the  first  major  exercise  pine  military  officials  said.  forces will participate as ob-  and  Japan  “through  realistic  government  complained  in
            between  the  longtime  treaty  America’s  HIMARS  missile  servers but may join in disas-  combined training.”     2013  about  China’s  seizure
            allies  under  newly  elected  launchers  and  supersonic  ter-response drills, he said.                            of  a  shoal  off  its  northwest-
            Philippine  President  Ferdi-  fighter  jets  will  take  part  in                     “These  exercises  will  allow  ern coast. China did not par-
            nand Marcos Jr., military of-  live-fire maneuvers that will  The  military  maneuvers  are  our  forces  to  strengthen  in-  ticipate, called the arbitration
            ficials  said.  His  predecessor,  end on Oct. 14, they said.  being  held  simultaneously  teroperability  and  readiness  decision a sham and contin-
            Rodrigo Duterte, was an out-                              with  combat  exercises  be-  to  ensure  we  are  prepared  ues to defy it.
            spoken critic of U.S. security  The venues include the west-  tween U.S. Marines and Jap-  to  rapidly  respond  to  crisis  In addition to China and the
            policies and frowned on mili-  ern  island  province  of  Pala-  anese army forces on Japan’s  throughout  the  Indo-Pacif-  Philippines, Vietnam, Malay-
            tary exercises with American  wan,  which  faces  the  South  northern island of Hokkaido  ic,” Bargeron said in a state-  sia, Taiwan and Brunei have
                                                                                                   ment.                        overlapping  claims  in  the
                                                                                                   “Our  strength,  resolve  and  busy waterway, where an es-
                                                                                                   commitment  to  our  allies  timated  $5  trillion  in  goods
                                                                                                   and partners in the region are  passes each year and which is
                                                                                                   our most effective deterrent,”  believed to be rich in under-
                                                                                                   U.S.  Marine  Lt.  Col.  Kurt  sea gas and oil deposits.
                                                                                                   Stahl  told  The  Associated
                                                                                                   Press. “Together, we can de-  Separately,  U.S.  President
                                                                                                   ter potential adversaries from  Joe  Biden  said  last  month
                                                                                                   ever  testing  our  capabilities  that  American  forces  would
                                                                                                   or our relationships.”       defend Taiwan if Beijing tries
                                                                                                                                to  invade  the  self-ruled  is-
                                                                                                   In  July,  U.S.  Secretary  of  land,  sparking  protests  from
                                                                                                   State  Antony  Blinken  called  China.
                                                                                                   on  China  to  comply  with  a  The long-simmering sea dis-
                                                                                                   2016  arbitration  ruling  that  putes  and  the  increasingly
                                                                                                   invalidated Beijing’s vast ter-  tense relations between Chi-
                                                                                                   ritorial  claims  in  the  South  na and Taiwan have become
                                                                                                   China  Sea  and  warned  that  key fronts of the U.S.-China
                                                                                                   Washington  is  obligated  to  rivalry.
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