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A32    SportS
                   Diamars 4 OctOber 2022

                          Alcaraz, Nadal put Spain at 1-2 in ATP rankings for 1st time

            (AP)  —  No.  1  Carlos  Al-  youngest man ever to be No.  Americans Andre Agassi and
            caraz  and  No.  2  Rafael  1.                            Pete Sampras did it.
            Nadal  are  the  first  coun-                             “Proud to share this historic
            trymen  to  top  the  ATP  Nadal  is  a  36-year-old  who  moment    with   @Rafael-
            rankings in 22 years.        has spent 209 weeks atop the  Nadal, the best player of all-
                                         rankings and owns a men’s-   time,” Alcaraz wrote in Span-
            And  the  two  players  from  record  22  major  champion-  ish on Twitter.
            Spain are the first men from  ships,  including  at  the  Aus-
            somewhere  other  than  the  tralian  Open  in  January  and  The  only  other  changes  in
            United  States  to  sit  at  1-2  the  French  Open  in  June.  the ATP top 10 on Monday
            since  the  tour  introduced  He rose from No. 3 to No. 2  came with Jannik Sinner slid-
            computerized  rankings  in  on Monday, swapping places  ing from No. 10 to No. 12.
            1973.                        with  U.S.  Open  runner-up  That  allowed  Hubert  Hur-
                                         Casper Ruud.                 kacz to move up one spot to
            Alcaraz is a 19-year-old who                              No.  10,  and  Taylor  Fritz  to  where  she’s  been  since  re-  Jabeur  stayed  at  No.  2.  She
            rose to the top spot by win-  The  last  time  players  from  shift one place up to a career-  placing the retired Ash Barty  was followed by No. 3 Anett
            ning  the  U.S.  Open  last  the  same  country  held  Nos.  best No. 11.              there in April.              Kontaveit  and  No.  4  Paula
            month  for  his  first  Grand  1 and 2 in the ATP rankings  Iga  Swiatek  remained  at                              Badosa,  who  swapped  spots
            Slam  title,  becoming  the  was  in  August  2000,  when  No. 1 in the WTA rankings,  Two-time major finalist Ons  on Monday.

                         Investigation makes recommendations for protecting players

            (AP) – An independent in-    that  teams  should  be  re-                                                           ing the revelations contained
            vestigation  into  the  scan-  quired to “accurately disclose                                                       in Yates’ report.
            dals  that  erupted  in  the  misconduct  to  the  NWSL”
            National Women’s Soccer  and  U.S.  Soccer  to  ensure                                                              U.S. Soccer Actions
            League  made  numerous  coaches  do  not  move  be-                                                                 The  federation  said  it  will
            recommendations  to  en-     tween teams.                                                                           immediately establish an Of-
            sure players are protected.                                                                                         fice  of  Participant  Safety  to
                                         Teams should eliminate non-                                                            oversee  policies  and  report-
            U.S. Soccer retained former  disclosure  and  non-dispar-                                                           ing process, publish relevant
            acting  U.S.  Attorney  Gen-  agement agreements to shield                                                          records from SafeSports’ dis-
            eral  Sally  Q.  Yates  and  the  information  about  abusive                                                       ciplinary database, and man-
            law  firm  King  &  Spaulding  coaches.                                                                             date  a  minimum  standard
            to conduct the investigation,                                                                                       for background checks of all
            which was released Monday.   A  list  of  coaches  who  were                                                        U.S.  soccer  members  at  ev-
                                         banned,  suspended  or  disci-                            viduals within their organiza-  ery level of the game.
            Yates and her team made rec-  plined by U.S. Soccer should  The  federation  should  re-  tions to oversee player safety
            ommendations for the league  be public.                   quire the NWSL to conduct  issues.  The  teams  must  en-  U.S. Soccer has also created
            and  U.S.  Soccer  “aimed  at                             immediate investigations fol-  sure coaches do not have un-  a committee to “comprehen-
            preventing  abuse  in  the  fu-  Accountability           lowing reports of misconduct  due  influence  over  the  lives  sively  address  the  report’s
            ture, holding wrongdoers ac-  U.S.  Soccer  should  re-   and immediately report out-  of their players.            recommendations going for-
            countable,  enhancing  trans-  quire  “meaningful  vetting”  comes. Teams should not be                             ward.”  The  committee  will
            parency,  addressing  safety  in  of  coaches,  including  U.S.  allowed to investigate them-  U.S.  Soccer  should  work  share  an  action  plan  before
            youth  soccer,  and  fostering  Olympic   &   Paralympic  selves when there are reports  with  its  youth  organizations  Jan. 21, 2023.
            a  professional  environment  Committee-compliant  back-  of verbal, emotional and sex-  to  determine  whether  addi-
            where  players  are  treated  ground checks.              ual abuse.                   tional measures are needed to  Additionally, U.S. Soccer set
            with respect.”                                            The  NWSL  should  conduct  protect those players.        up  a  player-driven  “Partici-
                                         U.S. Soccer should use its li-  annual  training  for  players                         pant Safety Task Force” to co-
            Some  of  the  recommenda-   censing authority — moving  and coaches on abuse and ha-  Discipline                   ordinate efforts to implement
            tions and planned programs:  from a diploma system to an  rassment policies.           The  NWSL  should  deter-    policies.
            Transparency                 accreditation  program  with  U.S.  Soccer  and  NWSL  mine  whether  discipline  of
            The  report  recommended  annual recertification.         teams should designate indi-  its teams is warranted follow-

                              Spectator at Steelers game dies after fall from escalator

            (AP)  —  A  spectator  at  and  emergency  service  per-
            Sunday’s  game  between  sonnel  were  alerted  after  a
            the  Pittsburgh  Steelers  male  spectator  fell  around
            and  New  York  Jets  died  4:45  p.m.,  shortly  after  the
            following a fall on an esca-  end of the Jets’ 24-20 victory
            lator at Acrisure Stadium.   over the Steelers.

            The Allegheny County med-    Keane  had  worked  as  a  pip-
            ical examiner’s office identi-  efitter at McCarl’s, an indus-
            fied him Monday as 27-year-  trial piping company, in Bea-
            old  Dalton  Ryan  Keane  of  ver County since 2014, com-
            Monaca.  Paramedics  admin-  pany CEO Ken Burk told the
            istered care on site before he  Pittsburgh  Post-Gazette  on   was “very well regarded.”  would  determine  the  cause  dium. “We are working with
            was transported to the hospi-  Monday.
            tal  in  critical  condition.  He  “We’re  just  shocked,  sad-  A  spokesperson  for  Pitts-  and manner of death.  local authorities and helping
                                                                                                                                their  investigation  into  the
            died shortly thereafter.     dened,”  Burk  said  in  a  tele-
                                         phone interview. He said Ke-  burgh Public Safety declined  In  a  statement  Sunday,  the  matter.  We  are  sending  our
            The  Pittsburgh  Department  ane was one of the company’s   comment,  citing  the  ongo-  Steelers said they were “aware  thoughts  and  prayers  to  the
            of  Public  Safety  said  police  “key guys” as a foreman and   ing  investigation,  but  noted  of  an  unfortunate  incident  guest’s family.”
                                                                      the medical examiner’s office  that occurred” inside the sta-
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