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                                                                                                 u.s. news Diabierna 18 Juni 2021

                        'Obamacare' survives: Supreme Court dismisses big challenge

            (AP)  —  The  Supreme  law should fall, too.
            Court  preserved  insur-
            ance coverage for millions  And  with  a  more  conserva-
            of  Americans  Thursday,  tive Supreme Court that in-
            rejecting  the  third  major  cludes  three  Trump  appoin-
            challenge  to  the  national  tees,  opponents  of  Obam-
            health care law known as  acare hoped a majority of the
            “Obamacare.”                 justices would finally kill off
                                         the law they have been fight-
            The  justices,  by  a  7-2  vote,  ing for more than a decade.
            left  the  entire  Affordable
            Care Act intact in ruling that  But the third major attack on
            Texas,  other  Republican-led  the law at the Supreme Court
            states  and  two  individuals  ended  the  way  the  first  two
            had  no  right  to  bring  their  did,  with  a  majority  of  the
            lawsuit in federal court. The  court rebuffing efforts to gut
            Biden administration says 31  the law or get rid of it alto-
            million  people  have  health  gether.
            insurance because of the law.
                                         Trump’s  three  appointees  to
            The  law’s  major  provisions  the  Supreme  Court  —  Jus-  joined  Thursday’s  major-  the law.”                  insurance  markets,  while
            include  protections  for  peo-  tices  Amy  Coney  Barrett,  ity,  writing,  “Although  this  Republicans  pressed  their  also  dangling  higher  federal
            ple with existing health con-  Neil Gorsuch and Brett Ka-  Court has erred twice before  argument  to  invalidate  the  payments  before  the  dozen
            ditions,  a  range  of  no-cost  vanaugh — split their votes.  in cases involving the Afford-  whole  law  even  though  states that have declined the
            preventive  services,  expan-  Kavanaugh   and   Barrett  able Care Act, it does not err  congressional  efforts  to  rip  law’s  Medicaid  expansion.
            sion of the Medicaid program  joined the majority. Gorsuch  today.”                    out the entire law “root and  About 1 million people have
            that  insures  lower-income  was in dissent, signing on to                             branch,”  in  Senate  GOP  signed  up  with  HealthCare.
            people  and  health  insurance  an opinion from Justice Sam-  Because it dismissed the case  Leader  Mitch  McConnell’s  gov  since  Biden  reopened
            markets  offering  subsidized  uel Alito.                 for the plaintiff’s lack of le-  words, have failed. The clos-  enrollment  amid  high  levels
            plans.                                                    gal standing — the ability to  est  they  came  was  in  July  of  COVID  cases  earlier  this
                                         Justice Stephen Breyer wrote  sue — the court didn’t actu-  2017  when  Arizona  Sen.  year.
              “The  Affordable  Care  Act  for  the  court  that  the  states  ally rule on whether the in-  John McCain, who died the
            remains the law of the land,”  and  people  who  filed  a  fed-  dividual  mandate  is  uncon-  following  year,  delivered  a  Most of the people with in-
            President Joe Biden said, sa-  eral  lawsuit  “have  failed  to  stitutional  now  that  there  is  dramatic  thumbs-down  vote  surance  because  of  the  law
            luting the ruling and calling  show that they have standing  no  penalty  for  forgoing  in-  to  a  repeal  effort  by  fellow  have it through Medicaid ex-
            for  building  on  the  health-  to  attack  as  unconstitutional  surance.  Lower  courts  had  Republicans.       pansion or the health insur-
            care  law  that  was  enacted  the Act’s minimum essential  struck down the mandate, in                             ance markets that offer sub-
            when he was vice president.  coverage provision.”         rulings that were wiped away  Chief  Justice  John  Roberts  sidized private plans. But its
                                                                      by the Supreme Court deci-   said  during  arguments  in  most popular benefit is pro-
            Also left in place is the law’s  In dissent, Alito wrote, “To-  sion.                  November that it seemed the  tection  for  people  with  pre-
            now-toothless  requirement  day’s  decision  is  the  third                            law’s  foes  were  asking  the  existing  medical  conditions.
            that people have health insur-  installment  in  our  epic  Af-  With  the  latest  ruling,  the  court to do work best left to  They cannot be turned down
            ance  or  pay  a  penalty.  Con-  fordable Care Act trilogy, and  ACA is “here to stay for the  the political branches of gov-  for  coverage  on  account  of
            gress rendered that provision  it follows the same pattern as  foreseeable future,” said Lar-  ernment.             health  problems,  or  charged
            irrelevant in 2017 when it re-  installments one and two. In  ry  Levitt,  an  executive  vice                      a  higher  premium.  While
            duced the penalty to zero.   all  three  episodes,  with  the  president  for  the  non-profit  The  court’s  decision  pre-  those  covered  under  em-
                                         Affordable Care Act facing a  Kaiser  Family  Foundation,  serves  benefits  that  became  ployer plans already had such
            The elimination of the penal-  serious threat, the Court has  which studies health care.  part  of  the  fabric  of  the  na-  protections,   “Obamacare”
            ty had become the hook that  pulled off an improbable res-                             tion’s health care system.   guaranteed  them  for  people
            Texas  and  other  GOP-led  cue.” Alito was a dissenter in  “Democrats are in charge and                            buying individual policies.
            states,  as  well  as  the  Trump  the two earlier cases in 2012  they  have  made  reinvigorat-  Polls  show  that  the  2010
            administration, used to attack  and 2015, as well.        ing and building on the ACA  health  care  law  grew  in  Another hugely popular ben-
            the  entire  law.  They  argued                           a  key  priority,”  Levitt  said.  popularity  as  it  endured  the  efit  allowed  young  adults
            that  without  the  mandate,  a  Like  Alito,  Justice  Clarence  “Republicans  don’t  seem  to  heaviest  assault.  In  Decem-  to  remain  on  their  parents’
            pillar of the law when it was  Thomas  was  in  dissent  in  have  much  enthusiasm  for  ber 2016, just before Obama  health  insurance  until  they
            passed in 2010, the rest of the  the two earlier cases, but he  continuing to try to overturn  left  office  and  Trump  swept  turn  26. Before the law,  go-
                                                                                                   in calling the ACA a “disas-  ing without medical coverage
                                                                                                   ter,”  46%  of  Americans  had  was akin to a rite of passage
                                                                                                   an  unfavorable  view  of  the  for people in their 20s getting
                                                                                                   law, while 43% approved, ac-  a start in the world.
                                                                                                   cording  to  the  Kaiser  Fam-
                                                                                                   ily Foundation tracking poll.  Because  of  the  ACA,  most
                                                                                                   Those ratings flipped and by  privately insured women re-
                                                                                                   February of this year 54% had  ceive  birth  control  free  of
                                                                                                   a favorable view, while disap-  charge. It’s considered a pre-
                                                                                                   proval  had  fallen  to  39%  in  ventive benefit covered at no
                                                                                                   the same ongoing poll.       additional cost to the patient.
                                                                                                                                So are routine screenings for
                                                                                                                                cancer and other conditions.
                                                                                                   The  health  law  is  now  un-
                                                                                                   dergoing  an  expansion  un-  For  Medicare  recipients,
                                                                                                   der Biden, who sees it as the  “Obamacare”  also  improved
                                                                                                   foundation  for  moving  the  preventive  care,  and  more
                                                                                                   U.S. to coverage for all. His  importantly,  closed  a  pre-
                                                                                                   giant  COVID-19  relief  bill  scription  drug  coverage  gap
                                                                                                   significantly increased subsi-  of  several  thousand  dol-
                                                                                                   dies  for  private  health  plans  lars  that  was  known  as  the
                                                                                                   offered  through  the  ACA’s  “doughnut hole.”
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