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                                                                                         world news Diabierna 18 Juni 2021

                           UK records over 10,000 virus cases for first time since Feb

            (AP)  —  The  U.K.’s  lat-   around 95% of all new cases  further  deaths  in  the  near-  showed  that  two  doses  of  the  delta  variant  —  96%  in
            est  surge  in  coronavirus  in the U.K.                  term,  Whitty,  the  govern-  the  main  vaccines  the  U.K.  the case of the Pfizer-BioN-
            infections  gathered  pace                                ment’s chief medical adviser,  is  using  are  highly  effective  Tech vaccine and 92% for the
            Thursday  with  new  con-    Most  of  the  new  confirmed  said the country should brace  against  hospitalization  from  AstraZeneca jab.
            firmed  cases  rising  above  cases are among younger age  itself for further waves of the
            10,000  for  the  first  time  groups  which  have  not  yet  virus to come.
            in  nearly  four  months  as  gotten  COVID-19  vaccines.
            a  result  of  the  spread  of  The  U.K.’s  widely  praised  “In  terms  of  the  medium-
            the more contagious delta  rollout  of  vaccines  is  being  term, my expectation is that
            variant.                     extended  to  all  adults  over  we  will  get  a  further  winter
                                         the age of 18 starting Friday,  surge,  late  autumn/winter
            Government figures showed  Health  Secretary  Matt Han-   surge, and that is because we
            another  11,007  cases  were  cock confirmed.             know that winter and autumn
            reported.  That’s  the  highest                           favor respiratory viruses, and
            daily  number  since  Feb.  19,  The spread of the variant up-  therefore it’d be very surpris-
            when  12,027  cases  were  re-  ended  government  plans  to  ing  if  this  particular  highly
            corded, and cements talk that  lift all remaining restrictions  transmissible  respiratory  vi-
            the  country  with  Europe’s  on social contact in England  rus was not also favored,” he
            highest  virus-related  death  starting next week. On Mon-  said in a speech to health pro-
            toll is in the midst of a third  day,  Prime  Minister  Boris  fessionals.
            wave of the pandemic.        Johnson  delayed  the  move
                                         until July 19, saying now was  Many  blame  the  Conserva-
            The    government’s   chief  the “time to ease off the ac-  tive government for the spike
            medical  adviser,  Professor  celerator”  so  more  people  in  infections,  saying  it  acted
            Chris Whitty, said the height  could get vaccinated and pre-  too  slowly  to  impose  the
            of  the  current  surge  is  “still  vent thousands more deaths.  strictest  quarantine  require-
            uncertain”  but  that  it  “will  Johnson  laid  out  his  hope  ments  on  everyone  arriving
            definitely  translate  into  fur-  that by July 19, two-thirds of  from  India,  which  has  en-
            ther hospitalizations and, un-  the  U.K.’s  adult  population  dured  a  catastrophic  resur-
            fortunately,  it  will  undoubt-  will  have  been  offered  two  gence of the virus.
            edly  translate  into  further  vaccine  shots,  including  ev-
            deaths.”                     eryone over 50.              The hope is that the rollout
                                                                      of vaccines will turn the latest
            Daily  cases  have  risen  fairly  The  government’s  figures  spike  around  and  allow  the
            sharply  over  the  past  few  Thursday  showed  that  an-  next easing in the lockdown
            weeks    after   fluctuating  other  19  people  died  after  to  take  place.  As  of  Thurs-
            around  the  2,000  mark  ear-  testing positive for the virus,  day, around 63% of the Brit-
            lier. The delta variant, which  the  highest  daily  death  toll  ish  population  had  received
            was  first  identified  in  India  reported  since  May  11.  It  at  least  one  dose  of  vaccine,
            and is considered by govern-  takes the U.K.’s total deaths  while  around  46%  has  re-
            ment scientists to be between  in the pandemic to 127,945,  ceived two.
            40%  to  80%  more  trans-   the most in Europe.
            missible  than  the  previous                             An  analysis  on  Monday
            dominant strain, accounts for  In addition to warning about  from Public Health England

                                UN alarmed by abuse of civilians in Myanmar conflict

            (AP)  —  The  United  Na-    soldiers who killed hundreds  the  Karen  National  Defense                            A resident of the village con-
            tions’  office  in  Myanmar  of peaceful protesters and by-  Organization,” or KNDO.   On Wednesday, however, the  firmed  to  The  Associated
            expressed concern Thurs-     standers.                                                 Karen National Union issued  Press  accounts  in  indepen-
            day  about  escalating  hu-                               The  KNDO  is  one  of  the  a  statement  saying  it  would  dent media that government
            man  rights  abuses  after  The  statement  by  the  U.N.  fighting  forces  of  the  Karen  form  a  team  to  investigate  troops  were  responsible  for
            reports  this  week  that  office  cited  abuses  by  both  National  Union,  the  politi-  the incident, stating that the  burning  down  most  of  the
            a  group  opposed  to  the  sides, calling on “all actors in  cal organization of the Karen  group  “follows  the  Geneva  village’s roughly 250 houses,
            country’s  ruling  military  the  current  crisis  to  ensure  ethnic minority that has been  Convention  which  does  not  and that an elderly couple un-
            may  have  executed  25  ci-  that  international  human  fighting for decades for more  condone the killing of civil-  able or unwilling to flee with
            vilians  it  captured  and  rights  norms  and  standards  autonomy  from  the  central  ians during armed conflict.”  the rest of the villagers were
            that  government  security  are respected.”               government.                                               believed to have perished in
            forces had burned down a                                                               The statement added that ac-  the blaze. The villager spoke
            village.                     “This includes upholding the  The  junta  said  Sunday  that  tion could be taken to prose-  on  condition  of  anonymity
                                         obligation  to  minimize  col-  the  25  bodies  were  those  of  cute any wrongdoing accord-  for  fear  of  reprisals  by  the
            The  struggle  between  the  lateral  harm  to  civilians  and  road  construction  workers  ing to relevant laws, without  government.
            military  regime  that  took  to civilian infrastructure, and  who were detained and killed  providing specifics.
            power in February after oust-  prohibiting  the  application  by the KNDO.                                          Government-controlled  me-
            ing  the  elected  government  of  collective  punishments                             The  U.N.  statement  called  dia,  however,  reported  that
            of  Aung  San  Suu  Kyi  and  against  communities,  fami-  In response, KNDO spokes-  for  “those  responsible  for  “terrorists”  were  responsible
            those opposing it has sharp-  lies or individuals,” the U.N.  man Wah Nay Nu was quot-  human  rights  violations  to  for  the  conflagration,  charg-
            ened in recent months.       office said.                 ed by The Irrawaddy, an in-  be held accountable, includ-  ing  that  they  had  burned
                                                                      dependent  online  news  ser-  ing the perpetrators and their  down the home of someone
            Elements of what had initial-  The statement noted the dis-  vice, as saying the men were  chain of command.”       unsympathetic to their cause,
            ly been a nonviolent civil dis-  covery  of  two  mass  graves  not civilians but government                        and  that  the  wind  had  then
            obedience movement against  in the eastern state of Kayin,  military personnel who were  Tuesday’s burning of Kinma  spread the fire.
            the  takeover  evolved  into  a  also  called  Karen,  contain-  spying. Some were shot dead  village in the Magway Region
            fledgling  armed  resistance  ing the human remains of 25  by KNDO forces but others  of central Myanmar was also  The government and its op-
            force  in  response  to  harsh  people  “who  had  reportedly  were killed by shelling from  a matter of dispute.   ponents each refer to the oth-
            repression  from  police  and  been detained on 31 May by  government forces, he said.                              er side as “terrorists.”
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