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A28    u.s. news
                     Diabierna 18 Juni 2021

                         Congress approves bill to make Juneteenth a federal holiday

                                                                                    ing  of  George  Floyd  by  police  and  states hold celebrations. Juneteenth is
                                                                                    as  Republican  state  legislators  push  a paid holiday for state employees in
                                                                                    what experts say is an unprecedented  Texas, New York, Virginia and Wash-
                                                                                    number  of  bills  aimed  at  restricting  ington.
                                                                                    access  to  the  ballot  box.  While  Re-
                                                                                    publicans  say  the  goal  is  to  prevent  Under  the  legislation,  the  federal
                                                                                    voter fraud, Democrats contend that  holiday  would  be  known  as  June-
                                                                                    the measures are aimed at undermin-  teenth National Independence Day.
                                                                                    ing minority voting rights.
                                                                                                                        Rep.  Clay  Higgins,  R-La.,  said  that
                                                                                    Several members of the Congressio-  he  would  vote  for  the  bill  and  that
                                                                                    nal Black Caucus took to the floor to  he supported the establishment of a
                                                                                    speak in favor of the bill. Rep. Bonnie  federal holiday, but he was upset that
                                                                                    Watson  Coleman,  D-N.J.,  said  she  the name of the holiday included the
                                                                                    viewed Juneteenth as a commemora-   word  “independence”  rather  than
                                                                                    tion rather than a celebration because  “emancipation.”
                                                                                    it represented something that was de-
            (AP)  —  The  United  States  will                                      layed in happening.                 “Why would the Democrats want to
            soon have a new federal holiday  ADVERTISEMENT                                                              politicize this by coopting the name
            commemorating the end of slav-                                          “It also reminds me of what we don’t  of  our  sacred  holiday  of  Indepen-
            ery.                                Rep.  Sheila  Jackson  Lee,  D-Texas,  have today,” she said. “And that is full  dence Day?” Higgins asked.
                                                speaking  next  to  a  large  poster  of  a  access to justice, freedom and equal-
            The House voted 415-14 Wednesday  Black man whose back bore massive  ity. All these are often in short supply  Rep.  Brenda  Lawrence,  D-Mich.,
            to make Juneteenth, or June 19th, the  scarring  from  being  whipped,  said  as it relates to the Black community.”  replied,  “I  want  to  say  to  my  white
            12th  federal  holiday.  The  bill  now  she would be in Galveston this Satur-                              colleagues on the other side: Getting
            goes  to  President  Joe  Biden’s  desk,  day to celebrate along with Republi-  The bill was sponsored by Sen. Ed-  your  independence  from  being  en-
            and he is expected to sign it into law.  can Sen. John Cornyn of Texas.  ward  Markey,  D-Mass.,  and  had  60  slaved in a country is different from a
                                                                                    co-sponsors.  Democratic  leaders  country getting independence to rule
            Juneteenth  commemorates  June  19,  “Can  you  imagine?”  said  the  rather  moved quickly to bring the bill to the  themselves.”
            1865, when Union soldiers brought  short  Jackson  Lee.  “I  will  be  stand-  House  floor  after  the  Senate’s  vote
            the  news  of  freedom  to  enslaved  ing  maybe  taller  than  Sen.  Cornyn,  the day before.              She  added,  “We  have  a  responsibil-
            Black  people  in  Galveston,  Texas  forgive me for that, because it will be                               ity to teach every generation of Black
            —  two  months  after  the  Confeder-  such an elevation of joy.”       Some  Republican  lawmakers  op-    and  white  Americans  the  pride  of  a
            acy  had  surrendered.  That  was  also                                 posed  the  effort.  Rep.  Matt  Rosen-  people  who  have  survived,  endured
            about 2 1/2 years after the Emancipa-  The Senate passed the bill a day earli-  dale, R-Mont., said creating the fed-  and succeeded in these United States
            tion Proclamation freed slaves in the  er under a unanimous consent agree-  eral holiday was an effort to celebrate  of America despite slavery.”
            Southern states.                    ment  that  expedites  the  process  for  “identity politics.”
                                                considering  legislation.  It  takes  just                              The 14 House Republicans who vot-
            It’s the first new federal holiday since  one senator’s objection to block such  ADVERTISEMENT              ed against the bill were Andy Biggs of
            Martin Luther King Jr. Day was cre-  agreements.                                                            Arizona, Mo Brooks of Alabama, An-
            ated in 1983.                                                           “Since I believe in treating everyone  drew Clyde of Georgia, Scott DesJar-
                                                “Please, let us do as the Senate. Vote  equally,  regardless  of  race,  and  that  lais of Tennessee, Paul Gosar of Ari-
            “Our  federal  holidays  are  purposely  unanimously for passage,” Rep. Da-  we should be focused on what unites  zona, Ronny Jackson of Texas, Doug
            few  in  number  and  recognize  the  vid  Scott,  D-Ga.,  pleaded  with  his  us rather than our differences, I will  LaMalfa of California, Thomas Mass-
            most  important  milestones,”  said  colleagues.                        vote no,” he said in a press release.  ie of Kentucky, Tom McClintock of
            Rep.  Carolyn  Maloney,  D-N.Y.  “I                                                                         California, Ralph Norman of South
            cannot  think  of  a  more  important  The vote comes as lawmakers strug-  The vast majority of states recognize  Carolina,  Mike  Rogers  of  Alabama,
            milestone to commemorate than the  gle  to  overcome  divisions  on  police  Juneteenth as a holiday or have an of-  Rosendale of Montana, Chip Roy of
            end of slavery in the United States.”  reform legislation following the kill-  ficial observance of the day, and most  Texas and Tom Tiffany of Wisconsin.

                          Hispanic group sues Santa Fe mayor over destroyed obelisk

            (AP) — A New Mexico Hispanic  inscription that described Indigenous  war memorial, the obelisk is a marker  remnants of the obelisk.
            fraternal order is suing the may-   people as “savage” was chiseled out in  of the land grant issued from Spanish
            or of Santa Fe over damage to a  1974 and never repaired.               colonial royalty to Hispanic families  Vigil has been an outspoken critic of
            historical monument by activists                                        that conquered the area in the 1600s.  Webber’s  handling  of  protests  over
            last year and the city’s proposal to  The  lawsuit  asks  a  judge  to  prevent                             the obelisk and the removal of a statue
            permanently remove it.              the  city  from  spending  any  time  or  It’s  a  reference  point  that  anchors  of Spanish conquistador Don Diego
                                                money  on  modifications  to  the  his-  heritage  and  religious  processions  de Vargas from a downtown park. He
            In a lawsuit filed Wednesday in state  toric downtown park until the stone  for  traditional  Hispanics  and  serves  said  his  organization  has  been  shut
            district  court,  the  Union  Protectíva  obelisk is restored.          as a reminder of genocide for Native  out of conversations over the monu-
            de Santa Fé argues that the 152-year-                                   Americans.                          ments’ future.
            old stone obelisk is a legally protected  That would hobble Mayor Alan Web-
            historical site under state law and that  ber’s  plans  to  have  the  monument  “We’re protecting our history, culture  A heated argument between the two
            its removal dishonors Hispanic veter-  permanently  removed  and  replaced  and  our  traditions,  and  our  religion  during  a  chance  encounter  at  a  res-
            ans.                                with  something  that  city  officials  also,”  said  Virgil  Vigil,  President  of  taurant  near  the  Plaza  was  reported
                                                deem  more  culturally  inclusive.  A  Union Protectíva de Santa Fé.    by the Santa Fe New Mexican.
            A group of around 40 mostly white  proposal for a commission to take on
            activists tore down the stone obelisk  that  task  is  being  considered  by  the  For Vigil, a Vietnam War veteran and  Webber called for removal of the obe-
            last year after other statues and mon-  city council next month, with an esti-  helicopter pilot, honoring the veter-  lisk last year, months before activists
            uments across the U.S. were toppled  mated budget of $265,000.          ans is a major focus.               tore it down on Oct. 13 during a pro-
            over concerns about racism.                                                                                 test marking Indigenous Peoples Day.
                                                The mayor’s office did not immedi-  “This is respecting our soldiers that
            In Santa Fe, inscriptions at the base of  ately  respond  to  a  request  for  com-  gave their lives to maintain the free-  The  daytime  destruction  happened
            the monument honored Union sol-     ment on the legal challenge.        dom that we have and to end slavery,”  after  police  left  the  area  in  a  move
            diers  who  died  fighting  Indigenous                                  he said in an interview Monday, near  the mayor said was meant to prevent
            tribes and Confederate soldiers. One  In  addition  to  being  a  19th  century  the grey wooden box that covers the  physical violence.
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