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A30    world news
                     Diabierna 18 Juni 2021

                           Report blames poor welds for Mexico City subway collapse

            (AP)  —  A  preliminary                                                                                             way  line  was  designed  and
            report  by  experts  into                                                                                           built.
            the  collapse  of  a  Mexi-
            co  City  elevated  subway                                                                                          Experts said unusually sharp
            line  that  killed  26  people                                                                                      curves  in  the  route  exac-
            placed much of the blame                                                                                            erbated  problems  with  the
            Wednesday on poor welds                                                                                             wheels-on-steel track design,
            in  studs  that  joined  steel                                                                                      which more resembles New
            support  beams  to  a  con-                                                                                         York’s subway rather than the
            crete layer supporting the                                                                                          European-style  rubber  tires
            track bed.                                                                                                          used  on  the  rest  of  the  sys-
            The  city  government  hired
            Norwegian certification firm                                                                                        The Gold Line line chattered,
            DNV  to  study  the  possible                                                                                       bumped  and  shrieked.  The
            causes  of  the  May  3  acci-                                                                                      rails began to take on a wavy
            dent, in which a span of the                                                                                        pattern. Drivers had to slow
            elevated  line  buckled  to  the                                                                                    trains to as little as 3 mph (5
            ground,  dragging  down  two                                                                                        kph) on some stretches.
            subway cars.
                                                                                                                                In  2014,  the  Gold  Line  had
            The  report  also  said  there                                                                                      to be shut down for months
            were  apparently  not  enough                                                                                       for the tracks to be replaced
            studs,  and  the  concrete                                                                                          or ground into shape.
            poured over them may have
            been  defective;  the  welds                                                                                        Ballast  was  added  between
            between  stretches  of  steel                                                                                       the train’s tracks during those
            beams  also  appear  to  have  ing  upward  from  the  beams  company  owned  by  telecom  design flaws, corruption and  repairs,  and  some  say  extra
            been badly done.             were  covered  with  a poured  and  construction  magnate  conflicts of interest.      weight  and  possible  poor
                                         concrete  slab  meant  to  help  Carlos Slim, currently Mexi-                          maintenance could have been
            “The studs showed deficien-  carry the weight.            co’s richest man and once the  A top executive of one of the  potential  factors  in  the  col-
            cies in the welding process,”                             world’s wealthiest. Slim is an  companies  that  built  it  was  lapse.
            the report states.           But the studs were found to  engineer by training and his  the brother of the man who
                                         be still carrying ceramic rings  firms  are  currently  involved  oversaw  the  project  for  the  An  official  2017  survey  of
            The existence of construction  that covered the welds. Used  in  building  some  parts  of  government.             damage  from  a  deadly  7.1
            defects  when  the  line  was  as a safety and control method  the controversial Maya Train                         magnitude quake showed in-
            built between 2010 and 2012  to  contain  the  molten  steel,  project, which will circle the  The scandal over forced clo-  dications of construction de-
            could be a major blow to the  the  rings  were  supposed  to  Yucatan Peninsula.       sure of the costly new line in  fects. Authorities decided on
            political  career  of  Mexico’s  have  been  knocked  off  after                       2014 — just 17 months after  quick patches, welding props
            top diplomat, who was mayor  welding  so  inspectors  could  Any suggestions his firm did  it was inaugurated — essen-  under the bowed beams and
            at the time, and to Mexico’s  see  the  welds  themselves.  shoddy work on the subway  tially forced Ebrard into po-  reopening service.
            richest man, whose company  The  fact  they  were  left  in  would  be  a  serious  blow  to  litical  exile.  He  was  rescued
            built part of the subway line.  place may suggest the welds  his reputation as a sort of el-  by his patron, new President  Ebrard has argued that subse-
                                         were not properly inspected.  der statesman of the Mexican  Andrés  Manuel  López  Ob-  quent  investigations  showed
            The report centered on pho-                               business community.          rador, who had helped make  the line was judged to com-
            tos  and  physical  inspection  That would fit in with reports                         him  mayor  in  2006  and  re-  ply  with  standards  when  it
            that showed that metal studs  that the project was rushed to  The $1.3 billion Number 12  suscitated  him  by  naming  was built. He wrote that “the
            welded  to  the  top  of  steel  completion  so  the  Number  Line, the newest section of a  him  foreign  relations  secre-  supervision and maintenance
            support beams had broken or  12 subway line could be in-  vast  subway  system  opened  tary in 2018.               that  was  up  to  the  adminis-
            sheered  off  cleanly,  suggest-  augurated by current Foreign  in  1969,  was  ill-fated  from                     tration  that  succeeded  mine
            ing the welds were defective.  Relations  Secretary  Marcelo  the start. The so-called Gold  Despite  the  subway  scandal,  remains in large part an un-
                                         Ebrard before he left office as  Line cost half again as much  Ebrard was put in charge of  known.”
            The  beams  could  not  carry  mayor in 2012.             as projected, suffered repeat-  Mexico’s  efforts  to  obtain
            the weight of the track bed on                            ed  construction  delays  and  coronavirus vaccines and was  Following  earlier  investiga-
            their own. The studs project-  The  section  was  built  by  a  was  hit  with  allegations  of  once  considered  a  top  con-  tions  into  the  design  and
                                                                                                   tender to succeed López Ob-  corruption,  more  than  38
                                                                                                   rador in 2024.               government employees were
                                                                                                                                hit with fines or other pun-
                                                                                                   Ebrard has said he’ll cooper-  ishments  for  improperly
                                                                                                   ate  with  investigations  into  contracting out work on the
                                                                                                   last  month’s  accident.  In  a  train, as well as some crimi-
                                                                                                   statement Wednesday, he said  nal charges.
                                                                                                   the subway line was planned,
                                                                                                   designed and built with help  Since  the  May  accident,
                                                                                                   from  “the  best  of  Mexican  much  of  the  line  has  been
                                                                                                   engineers.”                  closed. The elevated portion
                                                                                                                                of  the  tracks  rise  about  16
                                                                                                   “Identifying the causes of the  feet  (5  meters)  above  a  me-
                                                                                                   accident is a necessary step in  dian strip and roadway in the
                                                                                                   achieving justice for the vic-  poor  southern  borough  of
                                                                                                   tims  of  the  tragedy,”  Ebrard  Tlahuac.  Slender,  reinforced
                                                                                                   wrote.                       concrete columns are topped
                                                                                                                                by  horizontal  steel  beams,
                                                                                                   But  previous  reports  by  en-  which  in  turn  support  pre-
                                                                                                   gineering firms revealed Eb-  fabricated concrete track beds
                                                                                                   rard’s  city  government  had  on which gravel, railway ties
                                                                                                   made  a  series  of  startlingly  and tracks are laid.
                                                                                                   wrong choices when the sub-
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