Page 12 - AD 16SEPT2017
P. 12
Antilliaans Dagblad Zaterdag 16 september 2017
back, but
help needed
One week after taking a direct hit from the strongest Atlantic hurri-
cane in recorded history, the islands where this newspaper appears
are slowly but surely starting to recover. The devastation in St.
Maarten/St. Martin was so severe and widespread that practically
everyone had to deal with their own problems before even being
able to assist others.
ower is back in some areas, The latter in part has to do
but mostly unstable and with widespread looting follo-
Ptemporarily cut off and on. wing the monster that was Irma,
Running water is also being re- not just of essentials, but also
sorted on a limited basis. Gas luxury goods. Also stores with
stations open for a few hours little or no damage were broken
and are immediately swamped, open by these unscrupulous cri- The majority of people are trying to get their lives back together.
while food stores, pharmacies, minals. People, including tou-
etc., open from time to time to rists, were robbed of their valu- ple are just trying to get their li- ice, getting the tourism econ-
serve a limited number of peo- ables even in hotels. ves back together in an honest omy to rebound won’t be easy,
ple. However, the majority of peo- and correct manner. One can but is extremely necessary. Expe-
only imagine how much worse rience after Hurricane Luis has
Advertentie things would have been for shown that especially the repeat
them if Hurricane José that fol- visitors St. Maarten is known for
EXECUTORIALE VERKOOP lowed had not stayed at a safe will remain loyal and return as
distance. soon as reasonably possible.
Authorities, with much appre- We hope to publish a newspa-
Op vrijdag 22 september 2017, des morgens om 10.00 ciated support from sister is- per again as soon power and wa-
uur zal, ten overstaan van notaris mr. I.W.R. Naaldijk of lands, the Netherlands, France, ter are fully restored and the si-
diens waarnemer, te zijnen kantore aan de Kaya W.F.G. the US as well as many other tuation regarding the usual
(Jombi) Mensing 32 op Curacao, krachtens artikel 3:268 countries and organizations, are points of sale has normalized. In
van het Burgerlijk Wetboek in het openbaar worden doing their best. It is a pity that the meantime, we will try to
verkocht, eerst bij opbod en meteen daaropvolgend bij emergency rations and drin- keep our readers abreast of deve-
lopments via our website and
king water containers flown in
since last Thursday are only Facebook page.
now being distributed in the It must be said, the provision
1.het tot 26 februari 2064 lopend recht van erfpacht op een districts, although at least local of information by Government
perceel grond gelegen in het tweede district van Curacao water trucks did go to several and other relevant organizations
te “Montagne Rey”, bekend als Domeinkaart XIII kavel areas so people could fill buc- could be better, which no doubt
31A deel A, ter grootte van 730m2, nader omschreven in kets, etc. had to do with persistent tele-
meetbrief nummer 228 van 7 mei 2002; Evacuation of various popula- communication issues. Still,
2.het tot 30 januari 2064 lopend recht van erfpacht op een tion groups by planes and even The Daily Herald remains posi-
perceel grond, gelegen in het tweede district van Curacao by ship were organized by their tive about the outlook for the fu-
te “Montagne Rey”, bekend als Domeinkaart XIII kavel respective home countries for ture, as long as badly-needed
mostly foreign residents and
help continues to come our
31A deel C, ter grootte van 448m2, nader omschreven in temporary inhabitants. This way.
meetbrief nummer 635 van 17 mei 1995, met het daarop should not be seen as ‘abando- This is a community of most-
gebouwde, plaatselijk bekend als Montagne Rey 660. ning’ those staying behind but, ly hard-working people who will
especially where it regards per- do what is needed to recover and
De veilcondities zullen 8 dagen voor de verkoopdatum ter sons left home- and jobless, as rebuild, hopefully even better
inzage liggen ten kantore van voornoemde notaris. relieving the island of a burden and stronger than before. The
Deze condities houden onder meer in dat iedere it simply cannot carry at the mo- world also needs to understand
bieder zich dient te identifi ceren en dat van iedere bieder ment. that Irma with her 185-miles-
gevorderd kan worden dat hij ter nakoming van zijn bod For now it will be up to the per-hour sustained winds was
en verdere verplichtingen, een bankgarantie stelt ten inhabitants to normalize the si- “no ordinary hurricane” and pre-
belope van de geboden koopsom vermeerderd met de tuation with assistance from el- cautionary measures that might
sewhere until the rebuilding
have sufficed for others under-
with insurance monies and, ho- standably fell short.
pefully, funding from abroad Nevertheless, ‘The Friendly
De executant behoudt zich het recht voor de veiling uit te can begin, for which workers Island’ will indeed rise from the
stellen en op te houden zonder de verplichting daarvoor de will no doubt again come from ashes like a phoenix and - while
reden(en) te noemen. abroad too. But as chairman of it may still seem very far away at
the Committee for Financial this point - be ready to again wel-
Een ieder kan tot veertien (14) dagen voor de veiling Supervision CFT Raymond Gra- come its guests in happier ti-
een schriftelijk bod, tot het onderhands verkopen van dus correctly stated, St. Maarten mes.
bovenvermeld onroerend goed, bij de ondergetekende will not be able to get back to its
notaris uitbrengen. feet completely without either Deze ‘editorial’, hoofdredactio-
budgetary assistance or soft lo- neel commentaar, publiceerde de
ans, making use of whatever krant The Daily Herald op Sint
NOTARISKANTOOR NAALDIJK international recourse is availa- Maarten op haar website nadat de
Kaya W.F.G. (Jombi) Mensing 32 ble. voorlaatste ‘Stay Safe’ op 4 septem-
Tel: 461-2219 / fax: 461-2422 With 80 percent of the islan- ber vlak voor de passage van Irma
d’s room inventory out of serv- verscheen.