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                                                                                                 u.s. news Diabierna 9 Juli 2021

                         Recovery workers pledge to press forward in condo collapse

                                                                      described that it was shaking  while many of them sobbed.  down approach” to methodi-
                                                                      before the phone went dead,                               cally lift material off the de-
                                                                      he has told Denver’s KDVR-   An  accordion  player  unseen  bris pile, place it in containers
                                                                      TV.                          on  a  nearby  tennis  court  and  evaluate  it  for  evidence
                                                                                                   played   Aaron   Copland’s  of  human  remains.  He  said
                                                                      “This wasn’t the miracle we  “Fanfare  for  the  Common  the  process  would  likely  be
                                                                      prayed for, but it was not for  Man,” which was followed by  repeated  as  the  crews  move
                                                                      lack of trying by rescue crews  a piccolo playing “The Battle  to subsequent floors.
                                                                      whose  tireless  bravery  will  Hymn of the Republic.”
                                                                      never  be  forgotten,”  he  said                          “It’s still a process, slow, te-
                                                                      in a statement Thursday.     On a tall nearby fence, fami-  dious process of removing all
                                                                                                   lies  and  well-wishers  had  of this debris. And so it’s go-
                                                                      Wasserman    Schultz   and  posted photos of the victims,  ing to take a while,” he said.
                                                                      Florida  Gov.  Ron  DeSantis  supportive  messages  and
                                                                      pledged  financial  assistance  flowers.  Firefighters  hung  Hope  of  finding  survivors
                                                                      to  families  of  the  victims,  a banner atop the fence that  was  briefly  rekindled  after
                                                                      as well as to residents of the  read “Miami-Dade Fire Res-  workers  demolished  the  re-
                                                                      building  who  survived  but  cue Mourns With You.”       mainder  of  the  building,  al-
                                                                      lost  all  their  possessions,                            lowing rescuers access to new
                                                                      while  acknowledging  the  Miami-Dade  Assistant  Fire  areas of debris.
                                                                      devastating  toll  the  tragedy  Chief  Raide  Jadallah  told
            (AP)  —  Rescue  workers  clock to recover victims and  has  taken  on  them  over  the  weeping  families  during  a  Some voids where survivors
            now focused on finding re-   to bring closure to the fami-  past two weeks.            private  briefing  on  Wednes-  could have been trapped did
            mains instead of survivors  lies as fast as we possibly can.”                          day  that  the  rescuers’  “sole  exist, mostly in the basement
            in the rubble of a Florida                                “Is  there  hope?  Will  we  be  responsibility at this point is  and  the  parking  garage,  but
            condominium        collapse  The  painstaking  search  for  able to have a miracle? I know  to bring closure.”      no  one  was  found  alive.  In-
            paused  briefly  atop  the  survivors  shifted  to  a  re-  it’s weighed a lot on the fami-                         stead, teams recovered more
            pile Thursday to mark the  covery  effort  at  midnight  lies,” DeSantis said.         Later, during a news confer-  than  a  dozen  additional  vic-
            two-week  anniversary  of  Wednesday  after  authorities                               ence, Jadallah said crews re-  tims.  Because  the  building
            the  disaster  but  said  they  said they had come to the ag-  In addition to property tax re-  mained  committed  to  doing  fell  in  the  early  morning
            had no plans to pull back  onizing conclusion that there  lief for residents of the build-  whatever it takes to finish the  hours,  many  were  found
            during the recovery effort.  was  “no  chance  of  life”  in  ing,  DeSantis  said  the  state  job.                dead in their beds.
                                         the rubble of the Champlain  government  will  work  to-
            The  death  toll  rose  to  60,  Towers  South  condo  build-  ward channeling an outpour-    “The  resources  are  still  No one had been pulled out
            with  another  80  people  un-  ing in Surfside.          ing of charitable donations to  there. The men and women  alive since the first hours af-
            accounted  for,  Miami  Dade                              families  affected  by  the  col-  are still there. The support is  ter the 12-story building fell
            Mayor Daniella Levine Cava    “When  that  happened,  it  lapse. Levine Cava said crews  still there,” said Jadallah, who  on June 24.
            said  at  a  news  conference  took a little piece of the hearts  were also collecting and cata-  began crying silently after he
            Thursday. Detectives are still  of this community,” said U.S.  loguing a long list of personal  spoke.              Twice during the search op-
            working  to  verify  that  each  Rep.  Debbie  Wasserman  items,  including  legal  docu-                           eration, rescuers had to sus-
            of those listed as missing was  Schultz, whose congressional  ments,  photo  albums,  jew-  Miami-Dade  Fire  Rescue  pend the mission because of
            actually in the building when  district includes Surfside.  elry,  wallets,  and  electronic  Chief  Alan  Cominsky  said  the instability of the remain-
            it collapsed. Meanwhile, res-                             goods  that  they  would  seek  he expects the recovery effort  ing part of the condominium
            cue  workers  who  have  been  Michael Stratton, whose wife,  to reunite families with.  will take several more weeks.  building and the preparation
            at the site for two weeks are  Cassie, has not officially been                                                      for demolition.
            dedicated  to  the  task  of  re-  confirmed dead, said friends  The change from search and  Dennis Dirkmaat, an anthro-
            covering  as  many  victims  as  and family had accepted “the  rescue to recovery was som-  pology  professor  who  chairs  Authorities  are  launching  a
            possible, Levine Cava said.  loss of a bright and kind soul  ber.  Hours  before  the  tran-  the  Department  of  Applied  grand jury investigation into
                                         with  an  adventurous  spirit.”  sition  Wednesday,  rescue  and  Forensic  Sciences  at  the  collapse  and  at  least  six
            “The work continues with all  He was talking on the phone  workers  stood  at  solemn  at-  Mercyhurst  University,  said  lawsuits  have  been  filed  by
            speed and urgency,” she said.  with his wife right when the  tention, and clergy members  he  expects  crews  will  use  Champlain Towers families.
            “We are working around the  building  collapsed,  and  she  hugged a line of local officials  heavy  equipment  in  a  “top

                              Governor asks Californians to voluntarily cut water use

            (AP)  —  California  Gov.  Gavin  Newsom  on  frequency of watering lawns.                      A historic drought tied to climate change is grip-
            Thursday asked people and businesses in the                                                     ping the U.S. West and comes just a few years after
            nation’s  most  populous  state  to  voluntarily  “Given how low the reservoirs are going to be at  California declared its last dry spell over in 2016.
            cut how much water they use by 15% as the  the start of next year, the governor wanted to issue  The earlier drought in California depleted ground-
            Western  United  States  weathers  a  drought  the voluntary call in the event that next year is also  water  supplies  and  changed  how  people  use  wa-
            that is rapidly emptying reservoirs relied on  dry,” said Karla Nemeth, director of the California  ter, with many people and businesses ripping out
            for agriculture, drinking water and fish habi-  Department  of  Water  Resources.  “The  voluntary  landscaping and replacing it with more drought-
            tat.                                            conservation is as much about planning for a dry  tolerant plants.
                                                            next year as anything.”
            Newsom’s request is not an order, but it demon-                                                 Compared to before the previous drought, urban
            strates  the  growing  challenges  of  a  drought  that  Newsom also added nine counties to an emergen-  water  usage  in  California  is  down  an  average  of
            will only worsen throughout the summer and fall  cy drought proclamation that now covers 50 of the  16%. But scientists say this drought is already hot-
            and is tied to recent heat waves. Temperatures in  state’s 58 counties.                         ter and drier than the previous drought, accelerat-
            parts of the region are spiking this week but are less                                          ing the impact on people and the environment.
            intense than the record heat wave that may have  Large cities, including Los Angeles, San Diego and
            caused hundreds  of  deaths in  the Pacific  North-  San Francisco, are not included under the emer-  Some of the state’s most important reservoirs are
            west and British Columbia a week ago.           gency  proclamation.  But  Newsom  is  still  asking  at dangerously low levels. Lake Oroville in North-
                                                            people who live in heavily populated areas to re-  ern California is at 30% capacity, and state officials
            California’s Democratic governor is asking for vol-  duce their water consumption because they rely on  worry  water  levels  could  get  so  low  they  might
            untary  water  conservation,  which  would  include  rivers and reservoirs in drought-stricken areas for  have to shut down a hydroelectric plant later this
            things like taking shorter showers, running dish-  much of their supply.                        year. Along the Russian  River, officials fear Lake
            washers only when they are full and reducing the                                                Mendocino could empty later this year.
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