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                                                                                         world news Diabierna 9 Juli 2021

                           Belarus government blocks media outlet, detains reporters

            (AP)  —  Belarusian  au-     the city of Baranovichi.
            thorities   blocked     the                               Nasha  Niva,  which  was
            website  of  a  leading  on-  ADVERTISEMENT               founded in 1906, is the old-
            line media outlet and de-    In the city of Orsha in eastern  est  and  the  most  authorita-
            tained some of its journal-  Belarus,  authorities  detained  tive Belarusian media outlet.
            ists  and  several  reporters  Ihar  Kazmerchak,  the  editor  Its  online  audience  exceeds
            from  other  news  organi-   of the news portal,  100,000.
            zations Thursday, the lat-   and  searched  the  apartment
            est  moves  in  a  sweeping  of  photographer  Dzyanis  Both Nasha Niva and
            crackdown on dissent and  Dubkou.  In  another  eastern  extensively  covered  months
            independent media in the  city  of  Bobruisk,  the  KGB  of  protests  against  Belarus’
            ex-Soviet nation.            detained  Alesya  Latsinskaya,  authoritarian  President  Al-
                                         a journalist  who worked for  exander  Lukashenko,  which
            Belarus’  Information  Min-  the  independent  were triggered by his reelec-
            istry said it has blocked Na-  news portal.               tion to a sixth term in an Au-
            sha  Niva’s  website  after  the                          gust 2020 vote that was wide-
            prosecutor  general’s  office  In the city of Vitebsk in Be-  ly seen as rigged.
            accused it of posting unspeci-  larus’  northeast,  freelance                          that  if  they  abduct  journal-  families,  our  children  and
            fied unlawful information.   journalist Vital Skryl was de-  The  authorities  responded  ists  and  close  media  outlets  our land.”
                                         tained and authorities raided  to  demonstrations  with  a  people  will  forget  about  fal-
            The  Belarusian  Association  the apartment of another lo-  massive  crackdown  that  saw  sifications,  violence  and  re-  Overall,  27  Belarusian  jour-
            of  Journalists,  or  BAJ,  said  cal journalist, Dzmitry Kaza-  more than 35,000 people ar-  pressions by the regime. But  nalists  are  currently  in  cus-
            that  authorities  conducted  kevich,  who  was  out  during  rested and thousands beaten  our  memory  and  the  truth  tody,  either  serving  their
            searches  at  Nasha  Niva’s  the search. And in the town  by police. Leading opposition  are stronger than that.”   sentences  or  awaiting  trial,
            offices  and  detained  chief  of Glubokoye in the Vitebsk  figures have been either jailed                         according  to  the  Belarusian
            editor  Yahor  Martsinovich,  region,  freelance  journalist  or forced to leave the country.  The  European  Union  and  Association of Journalists.
            journalists  Andrey  Skurko,  Zmitser Lupach was detained                              the  United  States  have  re-
            Andrey Dynko and office ac-  by the KGB in a sanitarium  Sviatlana    Tsikhanouskaya,  sponded to the crackdown by  BAJ  said  that  Nasha  Niva
            countant Volha Rakovich for  where he resided.            the  main  opposition  candi-  slapping  Belarus  with  sanc-  journalists are accused of or-
            questioning.  The  Belarusian                             date in the election, fled the  tions.  They  have  imposed  ganizing  mass  disturbances
            Investigative Committee said  Nasha Niva journalist Аrtsem  country after the vote under  new,  tougher  restrictions  af-  and  actions  violating  public
            it  called  an  ambulance  for  Harbatsevich  likened  the  official  pressure.  She  urged  ter Belarus diverted a passen-  order — charges that carry a
            Martsinovich,  who  fell  ill,  crackdown to the authorities’  Belarusians Thursday to sub-  ger jet on May 23 to arrest an  sentence of up to 15 years.
            but continued his interroga-  earlier action against another  scribe  to  media  channels  on  opposition journalist.
            tion later.                  top independent news portal,  a  popular  messaging  app  to                           “The crackdown on indepen-
                               , which saw its website  support independent media.  Speaking Thursday to gradu-  dent media in Belarus is con-
            Agents  of  the  Belarusian  blocked and 12 of its journal-                            ates  of  military  academies,  tinuing,” said the association
            state  security  agency,  which  ists detained in May.    “The regime is so much afraid  Lukashenko accused the West  head, Andrei Bastunets. “The
            still  goes  under  its  Soviet-                          of the truth that it blocks all  of trying to “deprive us of our  authorities have decided that
            era  name,  KGB,  also  con-  “It’s  a  crackdown  on  the  independent  media,  denies  sovereignty  and  enforce  ex-  they can deprive millions of
            ducted searches Thursday at  editorial  office  in  the  worst  accreditation to foreign jour-  ternal governance.”  citizens of information. The
            two  regional  media  outlets,  Soviet-era  tradition,”  Har-  nalists, shuts editorial offices,                    authorities see journalists and
            the Brest Gazette in the city  batsevich  told  The  Associ-  blocks  editorials  and  puts  “But we will not come down  independent  information  as
            of  Brest  on  the  border  with  ated Press in a telephone in-  editors behind bars,” Tsikha-  on our knees,” he said. “We  their main enemies.”
            Poland and the Intex-press in  terview from Minsk.        nouskaya  said.  “They  hope  are defending ourselves, our

                         Firefighters douse ship that exploded at major port in Dubai

            (AP) — Firefighting boats  the ship, without elaborating.  ly,”  celebratory  headlines  in  said  a  company  official  was  Jebel  Ali  and  Sharjah  ports,
            on  Thursday  poured  cas-   They said the ship had been  state-linked media declared.  cooperating  with  authorities  while  making  a  handful  of
            cades  of  water  on  a  con-  carrying  containers  full  of  The  state-run  media  office  in  the  investigation  at  the  trips to the Pakistani port of
            tainer ship that had erupt-  unspecified  “flammable  ma-  and Dubai police did not re-  scene of the explosion. They  Karachi, according to log data
            ed  in  a  fiery  explosion  at  terials.”                spond  to  repeated  requests  said  the  official  was  very  from  ship-tracking  website
            Dubai’s  main  port  the                                  for comment on the incident.  “stressed” and it wasn’t clear
            previous  night,  rocking  The blast, which sent a giant  Authorities  restricted  media  whether he was free to leave
            the commercial hub of the  fireball skyward late Wednes-  access to the area, citing the  the  terminal.  They  declined  Few  other  details  have
            United Arab Emirates.        day  and  shook  homes  and  ongoing investigation. In aer-  further  comment  pending  emerged  from  the  scene  of
                                         high-rises  in  several  neigh-  ial  footage  of  the  aftermath  the results of the probe.  the container explosion. The
            Satellite  images  captured  by  borhoods  across  Dubai,  was  released  by  the  government                       UAE’s  state-linked  newspa-
            Planet Labs Inc. and analyzed  powerful enough to be seen  Thursday, the stricken vessel  The  state-owned  operator  per  The  National,  citing  an
            by  The  Associated  Press  from space by satellite. Pan-  is  visible  for  just  a  few  sec-  of  the  port,  DP  World,  told  unnamed  official,  reported
            showed that intensive efforts  icked residents filmed the ee-  onds before the camera pans  the  AP  that  international  “minor  injuries”  —  mostly
            to  cool  the  Ocean  Trader  rie orange glow over Dubai’s  to  the  rest  of  the  vast  port.  maritime protocol directs all  bumps and scrapes — as the
            were  continuing  some  12  futuristic  skyline,  reporting  The  small  container  ship  crew and staff present before  crew “fled from the ship and
            hours after the blast at Jebel  trembling walls and windows  appears  charred,  with  thick  the  explosion  to  “give  state-  the area was evacuated.” The
            Ali  port,  as  fireboats  doused  over 15 miles away from the  plumes  of  gray  smoke  still  ments,  which  will  allow  the  paper  said  the  sailors  fled
            the area with water. Authori-  port.                      billowing from its containers  investigators to piece togeth-  after  spotting  smoke  rising
            ties said the explosion caused                            and blackened debris littering  er  all  available  evidence  and  from  one  of  the  ship’s  con-
            no  casualties  and  they  were  Dubai authorities vigorously  the terminal.           therefore an accurate conclu-  tainers.
            still investigating the cause.  sought  to  stem  the  fallout                         sion.”
                                         from  the  explosion,  praising  The  Ocean  Trader,  sailing                          The   explosion   occurred
            The  photos  also  showed  the “record time” it took fire-  under a Comoros flag, is op-  The  container  ship  docked  around  11:55  p.m.  Wednes-
            a  thin  sheen  of  what  ap-  fighters to contain the flames  erated  by  the  Dubai-based  in  Dubai  Wednesday  from  day,  as  Dubai’s  temperature
            peared to be an oil-water mix  and stressing the crucial port  Inzu  Ship  Charter.  At  the  the  neighboring  emirate  of  hit 35 degrees Celsius (95 de-
            spreading  from  the  vessel  operations  had  not  experi-  firm’s  office  in  Al  Qasis,  a  Sharjah.  Over  the  past  year,  grees  Fahrenheit),  with  heat
            into the gulf. Dubai authori-  enced  any  disruption.  The  dusty  residential  area  near  the ship has primarily moved  and humidity along the coast
            ties reported a “leakage” from  port  is  “running  seamless-  Dubai  airport,  employees  back  and  forth  between  the  approaching summer peaks.
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