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                                                                                                       sports Diabierna 9 Juli 2021

                           No. 1 Barty to face Pliskova in 1st Wimbledon final for both

            (AP) — It was difficult for Ash Bar-    ing to make the final.’”
            ty to imagine that a trip to her first  The  25-year-old  Barty  won  the  2019
            Wimbledon final was just around the  French Open and has been atop the WTA
            corner  when  she  stopped  playing  at  rankings for 1 1/2 years.
            last month’s French Open with a hip
            injury.                                 She is the first woman from Australia to
                                                    reach the title match at Wimbledon since
            Or even when she was two points from  Evonne Goolagong won the trophy 1980;
            being pushed to a third set by Angelique  Barty has been wearing an outfit intended
            Kerber in their semifinal at the All Eng-  as a tribute to Goolagong this fortnight.
            land Club.
                                                    “Now to kind of give myself a chance to
            Barty  does  not  let  obstacles  trouble  her  create some history, almost in a way that’s
            for  too  long.  She  figures  out  a  way  and  a tribute to her, is really exciting,” Barty
            pushes forward. That’s why she’s ranked  said.
            No.  1  and  it’s  why  she  stands  one  win
            from a second Grand Slam title after beat-  She arrived in England not having com-
            ing 2018 champion Kerber 6-3, 7-6 (3) on  peted  since  June  3,  when  she  withdrew
            Thursday.                               during her second-round match in Paris,
                                                    her left hip in too much pain to continue.
            “I’ve had ups and downs and everything
            in  between  and  I  wouldn’t  change  one  “To be honest, it was going to be touch
            day or one moment or one, kind of, road  and go. Everything had to be spot on to
            that we’ve taken in my path and my jour-  give  myself  a  chance  to  play  pain-free
            ney,” said Barty, who was the 2011 junior  and to play knowing that I could trust my
            champion  at  the  All  England  Club  and  body,” Barty said. “If you told me a month
            stepped away from tennis for almost two  ago we’d be sitting in this position, I re-
            years starting in 2014 because of burnout.  ally wouldn’t have thought that we would
            “It’s been unique. It’s been incredible. It’s  even get close.”
            been  tough.  There  have  been  so  many
            things that led to this point.”         On Thursday, she faced a big test in the
                                                    second set, which Kerber was two points
            Her  opponent  in  Saturday’s  final  will  from owning when Barty served at deuce
            be  No.  8  seed  Karolina  Pliskova,  who  while trailing 5-2. The full-capacity crowd
            emerged from a power-hitting and serv-  was backing the comeback effort for the
            ing display to come back to defeat No. 2  33-year-old German, too, with shouts of
            Aryna Sabalenka 5-7, 6-4, 6-4.          “Come on, Angie!” and “Go on, Kerber!”

            “Super proud about the way how I han-   But  Barty  steeled  herself  to  hold  there,
            dled  the  situation  out  there,”  Pliskova  then broke to get within 5-4 with a cross-
            said.                                   court forehand passing winner.

            Pliskova produced 14 aces, Sabalenka 18,  That was part of a 38-16 advantage in total
            and the combined total was the most in  winners for Barty, responsible more than
            a  women’s  match  at  Wimbledon  since  anything  else  for  her  triumph.  And  this
            they  started  keeping  such  stats  in  1977.  was remarkable: She compiled that many
            The difference in this match, ultimately:  point-ending shots while making only 16
            Pliskova was broken just once, Sabalenka  unforced errors.
                                                    “A great level, the best level I’ve played in
            After going 0 for 8 on break points in the  quite some time,” Barty said. “Angie is an
            first  set,  the  first  set  she  dropped  in  six  incredible  competitor.  She  brought  out
            matches,  Pliskova  “got  a  bit  frustrated,”  the best in me today.”
            she acknowledged afterward.
                                                    It  was  a  rather  entertaining  and,  from
            But she went 1 for 1 in that category in  point  to  point,  rather  even  contest,  two
            each of the last two sets.              talented baseliners willing to try a volley,
                                                    drop  shot  or  lob  when  required.  They
            “She just returned like crazy — like, re-  were each other’s equal for long exchang-
            ally good — and I couldn’t do anything,”  es — in all, 22 points lasted at least nine
            said Sabalenka, the only top-20 seed in the  strokes, with Kerber winning a dozen.
            draw without a major quarterfinal appear-
            ance until now.                         Their  approaches  are  different,  though.
                                                    Kerber  is  a  left-hander  who  hits  flat
            Neither Pliskova — whose coach, Sascha  groundstrokes and is just fine with han-
            Bajin,  used  to  work  with  Naomi  Osaka  dling  foes’  low  shots,  often  dropping  a
            and  was  Serena  Williams’  hitting  part-  knee onto the turf to get leverage.
            ner — nor Barty had ever been past the
            fourth  round  at  the  grass-court  Grand  Barty is a righty who relies on heavy top-
            Slam tournament.                        spin  for  a  forehand  packed  with  power,
                                                    and her slice backhand can produce tricky
            “Coming into this tournament, the dream  bounces on the grass.
            was to make the second week. ... Sascha
            was super confident in me,” said Pliskova,  She ended up with an 8-0 edge in aces and
            a  29-year-old  from  the  Czech  Republic  18-9 in forehand winners.
            who was the runner-up at the 2016 U.S.
            Open  to  Kerber  and  used  to  be  ranked  “I was trying to playing my game,” Kerber
            No. 1. “He said, ‘I told you, you were go-  said. “But she had always a good answer.”
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