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A30    world news
                       Diabierna 9 Juli 2021

                                  Taliban seize key Afghan border crossing with Iran

                                                                      province. The official, who is  and  NATO  pullout  stepped  the U.S.-allied warlords who
                                                                      in Herat, spoke on condition  up over the past few months.  helped  defeat  the  Taliban  in
                                                                      of anonymity because he was  On  Tuesday,  the  U.S.  Cen-  2001.  In  Badakhshan  prov-
                                                                      not authorized to release the  tral  Command  said  90%  ince, many districts fell with-
                                                                      information to reporters.    of  the  withdrawal  of  U.S.  out a fight. The consulates of
                                                                                                   troops  and  equipment  from  Turkey  and  Russia  have  re-
                                                                      Afghan  soldiers  in  the  bor-  Afghanistan is complete. The  portedly  closed  in  Mazar-e-
                                                                      der  area  of  Islam  Qala  —  a  U.S. says the last troops will  Sharif, the capital of northern
                                                                      major  transit  route  between  be gone by August.        Balkh province, and Afghani-
                                                                      Afghanistan and Iran — fled                               stan’s fourth-largest city.
                                                                      from their positions, crossing  On  Sunday,  the  Taliban
                                                                      into  Iran  for  refuge,  Iranian  seized control of several dis-  The  Taliban  now  control
                                                                      media  reported.  The  cross-  tricts  from  fleeing  Afghan  roughly a third of all 421 dis-
                                                                      ing is around 120 kilometers  forces,  several  hundred  of  tricts  and  district  centers  in
                                                                      (75 miles) west of the city of  whom fled across the border  Afghanistan.  Their  victories
                                                                      Herat, the provincial capital.  into Tajikistan.          are  also  putting  pressure  on
                                                                                                                                provincial  cities  and  taking
            (AP)  —  The  Taliban  on  President Joe Biden said the  Taliban  spokesman  Zabihul-  Since mid-April, when Biden  away government control of
            Thursday  seized  another  U.S. military mission in Af-   lah Mujahid tweeted to con-  announced  the  end  to  Af-  key transportation routes.
            key  Afghan  border  cross-  ghanistan  will  conclude  on  firm the taking of Islam Qala  ghanistan’s  “forever  war,”
            ing,  this  time  with  Iran,  Aug. 31.                   and  said  that  Taliban  fight-  the Taliban have made strides  Islam Qala made headlines in
            according  to  an  Afghan                                 ers  entered  the  Islam  Qala  throughout  the  country.  On  February, when a massive fire
            official  and  Iranian  me-  The Taliban wins have caused  town itself, and were greeted  Thursday,  Biden  said  he  erupted  following  an  explo-
            dia. The seizure is part of  some countries to close their  warmly by the local residents.  didn’t  trust  the  Taliban  but  sion of a fuel tanker. At least
            a Taliban surge as Ameri-    consulates  in  the  region,  Mujahid also posted a video  trusted the capacity of the Af-  20  people  were  injured  and
            can troops complete their  while  Tajikistan  has  called  purporting  to  show  Taliban  ghan  military  to  defend  the  hundreds of trucks lined up
            pullout from Afghanistan.    up reservists to reinforce that  riding on the back of trucks  government.  He  also  urged  at the crossing carrying natu-
                                         country’s  southern  border  in  Islam  Qala  and  shooting  the  Afghan  government  to  ral gas and fuel were engulfed
            It was the third border cross-  with Afghanistan.         off into the air in celebration  reach  a  peace  deal  with  the  in the blaze. It took firefight-
            ing the insurgents have taken                             as  a  crowd  of  men  cheered  Taliban.                  ers from both countries three
            in the past week, after previ-  An  Afghan  official  said  the  on.                                                days  to  put  out.  There  was
            ously  seizing  crossings  with  Taliban  on  Thursday  took                           But  their  most  significant  no suggestion of Taliban in-
            Tajikistan  and  Uzbekistan.  control the Islam Qala cross-  Afghanistan  has  seen  a  Tal-  gains have been in the north,  volvement in the explosion.
            The  development  came  as  ing  point  in  western  Herat  iban  surge  as  the  American  a  traditional  stronghold  of

                          Hungary activists vow to resist LGBT law, symbol of EU rift

            (AP)  —  Activists  in  Hungary  national human rights standards.       parliamentarians  urged  the  Europe-
            erected a 10-meter-high (30-foot-                                       an  Commission  to  take  swift  action  Along with Poland, Hungary’s clos-
            high) rainbow-colored heart op-     One provision in the law bans orga-  against  Hungary  unless  it  changes  est  EU  ally,  Orban  has  repeatedly
            posite  the  country’s  neo-Gothic  nizations  from  holding  educational  tack.                            challenged  the  bloc  over  issues  like
            parliament on Thursday, vowing  programs  on  sexual  orientation  in                                       migration,  corruption  and  the  rule
            to wage a civil disobedience cam-   schools unless they are approved by  Speaking  earlier  in  the  day  in  Bel-  of  law.  Last  year,  the  two  countries
            paign against a new law that they  the  government.  But  Dudits  said  grade, Orban dismissed the EU criti-  held up passage of the EU’s budget
            say  discriminates  against  LGBT  Hatter Society will continue to pro-  cisms, characterizing the controversy  and  COVID-19  economic  recovery
            people and that has raised ques-    vide teachers with training and edu-  as a “debate about who decides how  package  over  provisions  that  would
            tions about what values the Euro-   cational materials, and offer their ser-  we will raise our children.”  allow  the  withholding  of  payments
            pean Union stands for.              vices to anyone regardless of age.                                      to countries that fail to uphold demo-
                                                                                    The  debate  over  the  law  reflects  a  cratic standards.
            The  law,  which  came  into  effect  Dudits added that the law “stigmatiz-  larger  one  within  the  27-member
            Thursday,  prohibits  the  display  of  es LGBTQ people and actually puts  EU,  where  a  handful  of  countries  David  Vig,  director  of  Amnesty  In-
            content  depicting  homosexuality  or  LGBTQ youth more ... in danger of  are led by populist leaders who have  ternational Hungary which co-host-
            sex  reassignment  to  minors  —  but  bullying  and  harassment  in  schools  pressed ahead with laws and policies  ed Thursday’s demonstration, called
            critics  say  its  goal  is  to  marginalize  and in their families as well.”  that  many  in  the  bloc  feel  are  anti-  the  recent  legislation  “fundamental-
            and stigmatize the LGBT community                                       democratic  or  violate  its  founding  ist,” and echoed the European Parlia-
            as the country marches steadily to the  Many  European  leaders  have  de-  values.  On  the  one  hand,  critics  of  ment’s  call  for  action  against  Hun-
            right  under  Prime  Minister  Viktor  manded  the  law’s  repeal,  saying  it  those polices want the EU to take ac-  gary’s  government,  including  the
            Orban.  The  law  has  drawn  intense  violates the bloc’s values.      tion to protect their vision of the bloc  possible freezing billions of dollars in
            opposition in Hungary and from the                                      as  a  progressive  institution;  on  the  funding to the nation.
            EU and has become a significant bat-  European  Commission  President  other, such action raises uncomfort-
            tleground in the fight over what the  Ursula  von  der  Leyen  told  the  Eu-  able questions about how much pow-  But he said that must be done in way
            bloc represents.                    ropean  Parliament  in  Strasbourg  on  er Brussels should have over member  that “does not affect the human rights
                                                Wednesday  that  the  law  was  “a  dis-  states’ own parliaments.      of everyday Hungarians.”
            Orban  and  some  other  right-wing  grace.”
            leaders  of  member  states  have  been                                 Orban’s  government  —  which  next
            at  the  forefront  of  that  fight,  chal-  In  a  resolution  adopted  Thursday,  year  faces  elections  expected  to  be
            lenging  the  EU’s  traditional  “liberal  EU  lawmakers  condemned  “in  the  the most competitive since his party
            consensus” by refusing to accept mi-  strongest  possible  terms”  the  new  returned to power in 2010 — is one
            grants, cracking down on media plu-  legislation  in  Hungary  and  said  it  of the faces of this rift. A champion
            rality and limiting the independence  constitutes  a  clear  breach  of  funda-  of what he calls “illiberal democracy”
            of their judiciaries.               mental rights.                      and  a  conservative  religious  world-
                                                                                    view, Orban has depicted his rejection
            At  the  Thursday  demonstration,  They  said  the  law  is  not  a  one-off  of immigration as a fight to preserve
            rights groups said the Hungarian law  case, but “rather constitutes another  Christian  civilization,  and  has  taken
            denies  thousands  of  LGBT  young  intentional  and  premeditated  ex-  increasing  control  over  Hungary’s
            people crucial information and sup-  ample of the gradual dismantling of  higher education system in an effort
            port, and violates national and inter-  fundamental rights in Hungary.” The  to instill conservative values.
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