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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Friday 8 May 2020
            Trump administration buries detailed CDC advice on reopening

            Continued from Front                                                                                                “States  and  local  health
                                                                                                                                departments do need gui-
            The  Trump  administration                                                                                          dance on a lot of the chal-
            has  been  closely  control-                                                                                        lenges around the decision
            ling the release of guidan-                                                                                         to reopen,” said Dr. Marcus
            ce  and  information  during                                                                                        Plescia,  chief  medical  of-
            the pandemic spurred by a                                                                                           ficer  of  the  Association  of
            new coronavirus that scien-                                                                                         State  and  Territorial  Health
            tists are still trying to under-                                                                                    Officials.
            stand,  with  the  president                                                                                        “You  can  say  that  restau-
            himself  leading  freewhee-                                                                                         rants  can  open  and  you
            ling daily briefings until last                                                                                     need  to  follow  social  dis-
            week.                                                                                                               tancing   guidelines.   But
            Traditionally,  it’s  been  the                                                                                     restaurants  want  to  know,
            CDC’s role to give the pu-                                                                                          ‘What does that look like?’”
            blic  and  local  officials  gui-                                                                                   The  White  House’s  own
            dance and science-based                                                                                             “Opening    Up    America
            information  during  public                                                                                         Again” guidelines released
            health  crises.  During  this                                                                                       last  month  were  more  va-
            one, however, the CDC has                                                                                           gue  than  the  CDC’s  un-
            not had a regular, pande-                                                                                           published  report.  They  in-
            mic-related  news  briefing                                                                                         structed  state  and  local
            in nearly two months. CDC                                                                                           governments  to  reopen  in
            Director Dr. Robert Redfield   In this April 16, 2020, file photo, Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and   accordance  with  federal
            has been a member of the     Infectious Diseases, and Dr. Deborah Birx,                                             and local “regulations and
            White  House  coronavirus                                                                          Associated Press  guidance”  and  to  monitor
            task  force,  but  largely  ab-  federal  government’s  role  king  site-specific  decisi-  for reopening in one place.  employees for symptoms of
            sent from public appearan-   as a “supplier of last resort”  ons  related  to  reopening  For  example,  the  report  COVID-19. The White House
            ces.                         for states in need of testing  schools,  restaurants,  sum-  suggested  restaurants  and  guidance  also  included
            The dearth of real-time, pu-  aid.                        mer camps, churches, day  bars  should  install  sneeze  advice  developed  earlier
            blic  information  from  the  A person close to the White  care  centers  and  other  guards  at  cash  registers  in  the  pandemic  that  re-
            nation’s  experts  has  struck  House’s  coronavirus  task  institutions.  It  had  been  and  avoid  having  buffets,  mains  important  like  social
            many  current  and  former  force  said  the  CDC  docu-  widely  shared  within  the  salad  bars  and  drink  stati-  distancing  and  encoura-
            government health officials  ments  were  never  cleared  CDC  and  included    de-    ons.  Similar  tips  appear  on  ging working from home.
            as dangerous.                by CDC leadership for pu-    tailed “decision trees,” flow  the CDC’s site and a Food  At  a  briefing  Wednesday,
            The  Trump  administration  blic release. The person said  charts to be used by local  and  Drug  Administration  White House spokeswoman
            has  instead  sought  to  put  that  White  House  officials  officials to think through dif-  page.                Kayleigh McEnany echoed
            the onus on states to hand-  have  refrained  from  offe-  ferent scenarios. One page  But the shelved report also  the administration’s stance
            le  COVID-19  response.  This  ring  detailed  guidance  for  of  the  document  can  be  said  that  as  restaurants  that  states  are  most  res-
            approach  to  managing  how specific sectors should  found on the CDC website  start  seating  diners  again,  ponsible for their own CO-
            the  pandemic  has  been  reopen  because  the  virus  via  search  engines,  but  it  they  should  space  tables  VID-19  response:  “We’ve
            reflected  in  President  Do-  is affecting various parts of  did not appear to be linked  at least 6 feet (1.8 meters)  consulted  individually  with
            nald  Trump’s  public  state-  the country differently. The  to any other CDC pages.   apart and try to use phone  states, but as I said, it’s (a)
            ments,  from  the  assertion  person spoke on the condi-  Some  of  the  report’s  sug-  app  technology  to  alert  a  governor-led  effort.  It’s  a
            that  he  isn’t  responsible  tion of anonymity to discuss  gestions  already  appear  patron  when  their  table  is  state-led effort on ... which
            for  the  country’s  lackluster  internal deliberations.  on federal websites. But the  ready  to  avoid  touching  the  federal  government
            early  testing  efforts,  to  his  The  guidance  contained  guidance  offered  specific,  and  use  of  buzzers.  That’s  will  consult.  And  we  do  so
            description last week of the  detailed  advice  for  ma-  tailored  recommendations  not on the CDC’s site now.     each and every day.” q

              Hundreds evacuated as wildfires rage in Florida Panhandle

              PENSACOLA,  Fla.  (AP)  —  Nikki  Fried.  “All  residents  news   conference   that
              Firefighters  in  the  Florida  and travelers should heed  those  who  were  asked
              Panhandle  have  been  evacuation  requests  and  to  leave  their  home  but
              battling   wildfires   that  closely monitor the media  had no place to go were
              forced some 1,600 people  for updates on the wildfire  sent to South Walton High
              to  evacuate  from  their  and reopening of I-10 and  School.
              homes,  and  a  stretch  of  local roads.”              On    Wednesday,     some
              Interstate   10   remained  A more than 575-acre fire  1,100  people  were  asked
              closed  in  both  directions  in Walton County prompt-  to  evacuate  in  neighbor-
              Thursday  morning  due  to  ed  about  500  people  to  ing  Santa  Rosa  County
              smoke, authorities said.    evacuate.       Authorities  due to a wildfire that broke
              “This  is  an  extremely  dan-  there  said  multiple  struc-  out  Monday  afternoon.
              gerous  and  fast-moving  tures  were  lost  in  the  fire,  Fried  said  about  12  struc-
              wildfire  situation  that  is  which was 65% contained  tures  “have  been  lost  to
              evolving  rapidly,  so  ev-  Thursday  morning.  Fried  the  fire.”  High  winds  and   In  this  Wednesday  evening,  May  6,  2020  photo,  a  Florida
                                                                                                   forestry tractor trailer is parked in Walton County, Fla., near a
              eryone  in  the  affected  said  about  33  structures  low  humidity  caused  that   hot spot from a wildfire.
              area  should  follow  direc-  have  been  damaged  so  blaze,  east  of  Pensacola,                                         Associated Press
              tions  from  state  and  lo-  far.  Walton  County  Sher-  to expand 10 times in size,
              cal  officials,”  said  Florida  iff  Michael  Adkinson  said  the  Florida  Forest  Service   fire started as a prescribed  of  control,  news  outlets
              Agriculture  Commissioner  during a Wednesday night  said  in  a  statement.  The    burn but quickly grew out  reported.q
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