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                          Friday 8 May 2020
            Chemical leak at LG plant in India kills 11, about 1,000 ill

            By OMER FAROOQ                                                                                                      ed  swiftly,"  LG  Chem  said
            Associated Press                                                                                                    in a statement. It is looking
            HYDERABAD,  India  (AP)  —                                                                                          into  the  cause  of  the  leak
            A  gas  leak  at  a  chemical                                                                                       but won't know exactly until
            factory owned by a South                                                                                            Indian authorities complete
            Korean company in south-                                                                                            their investigation, compa-
            ern India early Thursday left                                                                                       ny official Song Chun-seob
            at  least  11  people  dead                                                                                         said.The  Vishakhapatnam
            and about 1,000 struggling                                                                                          plant is a leading manufac-
            to breathe.                                                                                                         turer  of  polystyrene  plastic
            The chemical styrene, used                                                                                          in India. It employs around
            to  make  plastic  and  rub-                                                                                        300 workers, but Song said
            ber,  leaked  from  the  LG                                                                                         the victims appeared most-
            Polymers plant in the city of                                                                                       ly to be local residents.
            Vishakhapatnam in Andhra                                                                                            The  bowl-shaped  coastal
            Pradesh state while workers                                                                                         city,  an  industrial  hub,  is
            were  preparing  to  restart                                                                                        known  for  frequent  gas
            the facility after a corona-                                                                                        leak accidents. In Decem-
            virus lockdown was eased,                                                                                           ber  2019,  a  leak  from  a
            officials said.                                                                                                     pharmaceutical  company
            Videos  and  photos  from                                                                                           killed two people.
            the area showed dozens of                                                                                           B.  Sengupta,  a  retired  sci-
            people,  including  women    People carry a woman affected by a chemical gas leak in Vishakhapatnam, India, Thursday, May   entist  who  used  to  head
            and  children,  lying  uncon-  7, 2020.                                                                             the  Central  Pollution  Con-
            scious  in  the  streets,  arms                                                                    Associated Press  trol Board, said it appeared
            open wide with white froth                                                                                          that  normal  safety  proto-
            trailing  from  their  mouths.  ated  about  3,000  people.  started leaking," said Indus-  A  neurotoxin,  styrene  gas  cols had not been followed
            The  scene  evoked  bit-     Struggling   to   breathe,  tries  Minister  M.  Goutham  can  immobilize  a  person  while  reopening  the  LG
            ter  memories  of  a  major  many  people  lay  on  the  Reddy.                        within  minutes  of  inhala-  Polymers plant.
            industrial  disaster  in  1984  road  as  passersby  helped  Residents said the gas leak  tion and be deadly at high  "When  you're  working  with
            that left least 4,000 people  them with water.            began  at  about  3:30  a.m,  concentrations.             a skeleton staff, due to so-
            dead and another 500,000  "No  one  could  breathe.  I  when they were woken by  Police  Commissioner  R.K.  cial  distancing  measures,
            injured,  according  to  gov-  couldn't  see  anything  for  a pungent smell.          Meena  said  about  100  the  management  should
            ernment     figures,   when  some time," Vijay Raju, a lo-  Officials  said  a  blanket  of  people  were  hospitalized  have  been  additionally
            methyl  isocyanate  leaked  cal resident, said by phone.  gas  spread  over  a  radius  and  in  non-life-threatening  careful  and  followed  stan-
            from a Union Carbide India  "For a moment, I thought I  of  about  3  kilometers  (1.8  condition.                  dard  safety  protocols,"  he
            pesticide plant in Bhopal in  would die."                 miles),  sickening  people  in  LG  Chem  Ltd.  is  South  Ko-  said.
            central India.               The  leak  was  suspected  at least four villages. Rescu-  rea's   largest   chemical  Sengupta said the unusual
            Hundreds  of  people  fled  to  have  come  from  large  ers broke open the doors of  company  and  is  part  of  situation of chemical plants
            from  Thursday's  gas  leak,  tanks  left  unattended  be-  village  homes  which  were  the  LG  Corp.  conglomer-  being shut for weeks meant
            some  on  motorbikes  and  cause  of  the  strict  coro-  locked from the inside and  ate.  The  company  said  it  the  risks  of  such  incidents
            others  carried  in  open  navirus  lockdown  over  the  found  some  people  who  is  cooperating  with  Indian  would increase.
            trucks.  Some  who  couldn't  past  six  weeks.  The  lock-  had  collapsed  and  trans-  authorities to help residents  Hours  after  the  gas  leak
            find  vehicles  raced  away  down was eased on Mon-       ported them to hospitals.    and employees.               at  Vishakapatnam,  seven
            barefooted,    many    with  day,  allowing  neighbor-    The leak was stopped by 8  "The gas leakage is now un-    workers  at  a  paper  mill
            small  children  slung  across  hood  shops  and  factories  a.m., officials said.     der control, but the leaked  were  hospitalized  in  the
            their shoulders.             to resume activities.        Residents  were  advised  gas can cause nausea and  central  state  of  Chhattis-
            Police officers, some wear-  "Our  initial  information  is  to  cover  their  noses  and  dizziness,  so  we  are  invest-  garh  after  a  reported  gas
            ing gas masks, rushed from  that workers were checking  mouths with wet masks and  ing  every  effort  to  ensure  leak.  Three  were  in  critical
            house to house and evacu-    a gas storage tank when it  stay indoors.                 proper treatment is provid-  condition.q

                                                                      Google affiliate scraps plan for

                                                                      Toronto smart city project

                                                                      two  years  of  controversy  nomic  uncertainty  has  set  ward what it hoped would
                                                                      over privacy concerns and  in  around  the  world  and  eventually  be  a  800-acre
                                                                      amid    economic    uncer-   in  the  Toronto  real  estate  (325-hectare)   develop-
                                                                      tainty  caused  by  the  pan-  market, it has become too  ment.
                                                                      demic.                       difficult  to  make  the  proj-  But   some   Canadians
                                                                      A  unit  of  Google's  parent  ect  financially  viable  with-  balked  at  the  privacy  im-
                                                                      company  Alphabet  had  out sacrificing core parts of  plications  of  giving  one
                                                                      been  proposing  to  turn  a  the plan," Doctoroff said.   of  the  most  data-hungry
                                                                      rundown  part  of  Toronto's  Sidewalk  Labs  had  part-  companies  on  the  planet
                                                                      waterfront  into  a  wired  nered  with  a  government  the  means  to  wire  up  ev-
            This Tuesday, July 19, 2016, file photo shows the Google logo at   community,  but  Sidewalk  agency  known  as  Water-  erything  from  street  lights
            the company's headquarters in Mountain View, Calif.       Labs  chief  executive  Dan  front  Toronto  with  plans  to  to  pavement.  Changes
                                                     Associated Press  Doctoroff  said  in  a  state-  erect  mid-rise  apartments,  were since made to make
            By ROB GILLIES               abandoned  its  smart-city   ment that it is no longer fi-  offices, shops and a school  it more palatable but some
            Associated Press             development in Toronto on    nancially viable.            on  a  12-acre  (4.9-hect-   celebrated  Google's  deci-
            TORONTO  (AP)  —  Google  Thursday  after  more  than     "As  unprecedented  eco-     are)  site  —  a  first  step  to-  sion to scrap it. q
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