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                                                                                                  business Friday 8 May 2020

            In  this  Jan.  23,  2020,  photo,  a  Nintendo  sign  is  seen  at  the
            company's official store in the Shibuya district of Tokyo, Thursday,
            Jan. 23, 2020.
                                                     Associated Press
            Nintendo marks profit

            jump as people stay

            home amid pandemic                                        In  this  Feb.  22,  2018,  file  photo  Airbnb  co-founder  and  CEO
                                                                      Brian  Chesky  speaks  during  an  event  in  San  Francisco.  In  a
                                                                      world where social distancing has become a part of life and
            By YURI KAGEYAMA             "As  a  result  of  these  fac-  people are staying home in hopes of avoiding the coronavirus,
            AP Business Writer           tors,  we  may  not  be  able   companies that have built their business on the sharing economy
            TOKYO  (AP)  —  Japanese  to  proceed  with  the  re-     are struggling.                          Associated Press
            video-game maker Ninten-     lease of Nintendo products
            in annual profit, as people  planned. This is also true for  Social distancing upends
            do Co. scored a 33% jump  and the start of services as

            stuck at home turn to play-  other  software  publishers,
            ing  games.    Kyoto-based  so  it  may  not  be  possible  businesses dependent on
            Nintendo,  which  did  not  to  provide  game  content
            break down quarterly num-    on  Nintendo  platforms  as   sharing
            bers, said Thursday its sales  planned," it said.
            for  the  fiscal  year  through  Nintendo  projected  a  23%   By CATHY BUSSEWITZ      edge  of  homelessness,"
            March  rose  9%  from  the  fall  in  profit  for  the  fiscal   AP Business Writer    said Jerome Gage, 28, who
            year  before  to  1.3  trillion  year  through  March  2021   NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  In  a  drives  for  Uber's  rival  Lyft
            yen ($12 billion). Nintendo,  at  200  billion  yen  ($1.9  bil-  world where the coronavi-  in  Los  Angeles.  "We  have
            behind  the  Pokemon  and  lion).                         rus  pandemic  has  turned  to  work  or  we  don't  eat."
            Super  Mario  franchises,  re-  The  company  said  it  will   social  distancing  into  a  Gage,  who  as  a  contract
            ported a profit of 258.68 bil-  continue  to  push  the  Nin-  new  way  of  life,  compa-  worker does not have paid
            lion yen ($2.4 billion) for the  tendo  Switch  handheld   nies whose business models  sick  leave  or  health  insur-
            fiscal year, up from 194 bil-  machine  and  Nintendo     bank  on  people's  willing-  ance, has seen his income
            lion yen a year earlier.     Switch Lite hardware.        ness to share their personal  plummet as the number of
            Nintendo said so far it had  Planned  software  releases   space are now struggling.   rides he provided fell about
            escaped  major  damage  for the Switch include "Xe-       San  Francisco-based  Uber  75%. He got one disposable
            from  the  virus  outbreak.  noblade Definitive Edition,"   said Wednesday it's cutting  mask and a few small bot-
            Consumers  unable  to  visit  "Clubhouse   Games:    51   3,700  full-time  workers,  or  tles of sanitizer from Lyft, but
            stores  due  to  shutdowns  Worldwide  Classics"  and     about 14% of its workforce,  said it's not enough to keep
            have instead turned to on-   more Pokemon offerings.      as  people  fearful  of  infec-  him safe.  Lyft announced
            line purchases.              Nintendo  said  it  has  sold   tion  either  stay  indoors  or  last  month  it  would  lay  off
            Video gaming is a popular  nearly  a  combined  55.7      try to limit contact with oth-  982  people,  or  17%  of  its
            stay-at-home  activity,  and  million  Nintendo  Switch   ers  to  minimize  risk  when  workforce  in  the  face  of
            Nintendo's  new  "Animal  and  Switch  Lite  machines.    they do venture out.         sinking  ridership.  The  San
            Crossing: New Horizons" has  It  aims  to  sell  another  19   The  layoffs  and  related  Francisco  company  ex-
            proven  to  be  a  hit,  selling  million  Switch  machines   costs  like  severance  will  pects  to  spend  $28  million
            13.4 million units in the first  in  the  fiscal  year  through   cost  about  $20  million  for  to  $36  million  on  expenses
            six  weeks  since  going  on  March 2021.                 Uber,  which  had  already  related  to  employee  sev-
            sale.                        Nintendo  said  Nintendo     imposed  a  hiring  freeze.  erance  and  benefit  costs.
            But  the  company  ex-       Switch and Switch Lite ma-   The  company  has  offered  Ride-hailing    companies
            pressed concern about the  chine  sales  for  the  fiscal   up  to  14  days  of  financial  are  facing  pushback  from
            future  and  over  potential  year  ended  March  2020    assistance  to  drivers  and  drivers  who  want  to  be
            disruptions to production of  rose 24% from the previous   delivery workers who were  classified as employees in-
            devices and software. De-    year to 21 million machines,   diagnosed  with  the  CO-  stead of independent con-
            pending  on  how  the  virus  exceeding its forecast.     VID-19  disease,  or  placed  tractors,  which  some  say
            spreads, product deliveries  Just under a quarter of the   in  quarantine.    Those  ride-  would  speed  the  process
            might  be  hindered,  lead-  company's  overall  sales    hailing  drivers  still  on  the  of  getting  unemployment
            ing  to  suspension  of  even  were  in  Japan.  Of  the  re-  road  are  trying  to  avoid  benefits.  California  sued
            online purchases, it said.   maining  77%,  43%  came     infection  and  patch  to-   Uber  and  Lyft  on  Tuesday,
            Game development could  from  North  and  South           gether enough fares to put  alleging  they  misclassified
            suffer  if  designers  have  to  America and 25% from Eu-  dinner on the table even as  their  drivers  as  indepen-
            work from home for a long  rope, according to Ninten-     ridership plummets. "A lot of  dent contractors under the
            time, it said in a statement.   do. q                     us  are  living  on  the  razor's  state's new labor law. q
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