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WORLD NEWS Friday 8 May 2020
Suspect claims Norway mosque attack was 'emergency justice'
By JAN M. OLSEN hanne Zhangjia Ihle-Han- The prosecution says Man-
Associated Press sen, by shooting her four shaus acted "with the inten-
COPENHAGEN, Denmark times — three in the head tion to kill as many Muslims
(AP) — A Norwegian man and one in the chest — as possible."
suspected of killing his with a hunting rifle at their The video recorde by
ethnic Chinese stepsister home in the Oslo suburb of his helmet was played in
and then storming an Oslo Baerum. Ihle-Hansen was court Thursday. NRK said it
mosque and opening fire adopted from China as a showed Manshaus shoot-
said Thursday on the first 2-year old. ing at the mosque door
day of his trial that it was an Shortly after that, Manshaus before kicking it open. An
act of "emergency justice" said he drove to a nearby elderly man — Rafiq — is
and that he regretted not mosque where three men then seen walking toward
having caused more dam- were preparing for Eid al- him and Manshaus is heard
age. Adha celebrations. He yelling: "You should never
Philip Manshaus appeared wore a helmet with a video take over Norway."
at a court west of Norway's camera attached and a Minutes later, when the sus- Defendant Philip Manshaus appears in court on charges of
capital and denied charg- bulletproof vest, pect has been overpow- murder and terrorism in Olso, Norway, Thursday May, 7, 2020.
es of murder and terror read Manshaus was armed with ered and is on the ground, Associated Press
to him by a prosecutor, the a hunting rifle and a shot- Manshaus is heard moan-
Norwegian news agency gun and fired four shots ing and begging to be as he is considered a dan- Breivik, who in 2011 killed 77
NTB said. Manshaus has ac- with the rifle at a glass door killed, saying: "I can't do ger to others. Norwegian people in a bombing and
knowledged the facts but before he was overpow- anything more. I am faithful media have reported that shooting rampage.
denies the accusation, say- ered by one of the men in to my people." The camera Manshaus was inspired by Breivik, who gave a Nazi
ing he opposes non-West- the mosque at the time, is facing the ceiling. shootings in March 2019 salute in the court room,
ern immigration. Muhammad Rafiq. Some 30 witnesses, includ- in New Zealand, where is serving a 21-year prison
Broadcaster NRK said that During the scuffle, two more ing the men at the mosque a gunman targeted two sentence for carrying out a
during his testimony Man- shots were fired but no one and Manshaus' father, mosques, killing 51 people, terror attack.
shaus claimed the white was hit. Rafiq was slightly are expected to give evi- and in August 2019 in El Norway's domestic secu-
race "will end up as a mi- injured in the struggle. In his dence. Paso, Texas, where an as- rity agency PST said it had
nority in their own home testimony, Manshaus said If found guilty, Manshaus sailant targeted Hispanics a "vague" tip about Man-
countries" and criticized he wanted to kill Rafiq. could face up to 21 years and left at least 22 dead. shaus a year before the
those who "blackmail na- "I did everything I could to in prison. The prosecutor Manshaus' plans and his shooting, but it was not
tional socialism." carry out the attack," he has said it would consid- reference to national so- enough to act on because
In court, Manshaus, 22, de- told court, adding he was er a sentence where he cialism also recall those they had no information
scribed how he killed his exhausted when police ar- would be sent to a secure of Norwegian right-wing about any "concrete plans"
17-year-old stepsister, Jo- rived. mental facility for as long extremist Anders Behring of attack.q
EU executive seeks supervisor of anti-money laundering fight
By SAMUEL PETREQUIN Last year, the Commission
Associated Press identified several weak-
BRUSSELS (AP) — The Eu- nesses in the EU strategy
ropean Union's execu- to fight money launder-
tive arm unveiled plans ing and the financing for
Thursday for improving extremist groups. EU law-
how money laundering makers and the leaders of
and financing for extrem- member countries asked
ist groups are countered for proposals for better rules
across the 27-country bloc, and coordination.
with the goal of creating a "We need to put an end to
supervising authority to en- dirty money infiltrating our
sure every member nation financial system," European
follows EU rules. Commission Vice President
The European Commission's Valdis Dombrovskis said.
proposal describes an EU- "There should be no weak
level position with investi- links in our rules and their
gative powers and the job European Commissioner for An Economy that Works for People Valdis Dombrovskis speaks during implementation."
of making efforts to halt the a media conference regarding money laundering at EU headquarters in Brussels, Thursday, May The Commission also pre-
cross-border flow of dirty- 7, 2020. sented an updated list of
money more effective and Associated Press third countries and territo-
efficient. across the EU, due to sig- agency said the coronavi- EU in recent years, includ- ries it believes have "strate-
To develop "high-quality nificant variations in human rus pandemic would exert ing a 200 billion-euro ($220 gic deficiencies in their re-
standards" across the EU, it and financial resources, pressure on the financial billion) scheme involving gime regarding anti-money
will be crucial for the over- skills and priority devoted system and banking as or- Denmark's largest bank, laundering and countering
sight body to have author- to this task," the plan states. ganized crime groups that Danske Bank. The scandal terrorist financing," includ-
ity to conduct on-site in- The commission said it want to launder money involved dirty money fun- ing Panama and the Baha-
spections, the commission wants to implement the rush to take advantage of neled from Russia and for- mas. EU members last year
said. "Supervision within plan in the next 12 months. the volatile economic situ- mer Soviet republics to cli- rejected a previous version,
the EU is currently member The commission presented ation. ent accounts of the bank's saying it "was not estab-
state-based. Its quality and its proposals a week after Several money-laundering Estonian branch subsidiary lished in a transparent and
effectiveness are uneven the EU's law enforcement scandals have rocked the during 2007 to 2015 mainly. resilient process."q