Page 31 - bon-dia-aruba-20200508
P. 31

locAl           Friday 8 May 2020

            Aruba’s colors under water

            ORANJESTAD  —  Aruba  shows  its  diving,  but  soon  it  was  clear  that
            true  colors  in  a  time  of  crisis.  This  something needed to be done to
            statement  applies  to  everything  protect  and  restore  the  beautiful
            and can be interpreted in a nega-   reefs of Aruba.
            tive or positive way. Here we look  They  recently  went  out  to  clean
            at  the  positive  side,  nature’s  side.  both  of  their  coral  nurseries  and
            We can see the island is taking a  were  welcomed  by  happy  coral
            break, a sabbatical, a restore time,  polyps! It is great to see both nurs-
            a  happy  time.  Empty  beaches,  eries doing so well. More coral res-
            trees and plants that are not cov-  toration activities are coming soon
            ered by dust spreading around by  from  the  Scubble  Bubbles  which
            passing  ATV’s  and  an  underwater  can be followed on social media.
            world that is spreading its wings in
            all ways.                           Mangroves are to be protected
                                                The  above  mentioned  organiza-    These valuable nurseries are disap-
            Several foundations and organiza-   tions  protect  the  island’s  man-  pearing  at  an  alarming  rate,  and
            tions take care of Aruba’s marine  groves and create awareness on its  so  are  the  reef  fish  they  support.
            world  and  one  of  them  is  Aruba  importance. Amid the mangroves’  It’s  ironic  that  the  mangroves  be-
            Reef  Care  Foundation.  The  goal  tangled  undersea  roots,  juvenile  ing destroyed may be more impor-
            of  the  project  remains  commu-   reef  fish  are  safe  from  predators  tant to tourism than the shops and
            nity  education  and  the  eventual  until they mature and can migrate  roads that replace them. Scientists
            establishment  of  an  Aruba  Ma-   out to populate coral reefs. Man-   estimate  we’ve  already  lost  30  to
            rine  Management  System.  Known  groves are the nursery grounds for  60  percent  of  the  world’s  man-
            originally as the Aruba Underwater  many important fish species includ-  groves. In the Caribbean the Cay-
            Reef Clean-up, it was launched in  ing  snapper,  parrotfish,  and  bar-  man Islands is moving forward with
            1994 by the initiative of Castro Per-  racuda  -  fish  that  attract  millions  protecting these important ecosys-
            ez and Byron Boekhoudt in 1993.     of  tourists  to  the  Caribbean  each  tems with a Species Conservation
            Reef  rescue  Network  is  a  network  year  and  provide  food  to  its  citi-  Plan.  Hopefully  Aruba  will  follow
            created to assist the creation and  zens.                               this example.q
            management  of  coral  restoration
            with  organizations  &  businesses
            throughout the world. Their goal is
            working together to reverse the de-
            cline of Coral Reefs throughout the
            Bahamas  &  Caribbean.  The  Reef
            Rescue  Network  partner  in  Aruba
            is  ScubbleBubbles  Foundation,  an
            incorporated foundation in Aruba
            focused  on  getting  more  local
            youth involved in ocean conserva-
            tion activities. It started in 2016 as
            a way to get more young people

              Mothers are special                                       Share your message from home

              ORANJESTAD — Mothers,  (Sunday we do not have             ORANJESTAD  —  In  these  difficult  times
              they nurture and mother,  a  printed  newspaper).         we would like to reach out to our friends
              and they are the biologi-  Every  day  is  a  day  to     abroad  who  were  supposed  to  spend
              cal  moms,  the  elderly  celebrate  mom!  Make           their tropical vacation on Aruba or who
              women, the mother supe-    Mother’s  Day  last  a  bit    had to break up their vacation due to the
              rior, the stepmothers and  longer  this  year  with  a    COVID-19 situation. Aruba Today invites
              adopted mothers. All to-   surprising message in our      you to send us your picture and words
              gether they are the ones  newspaper.                      expressing your memory of our island or
              that  take  care,  teach  us                              your dream vacation for the future.
              to  have  confidence  and  Send us your message at
              belief  in  ourselves.  Sun-        Send  us  your  picture(s)  together  with
              day is the day we cherish  q                              completing the sentence: Aruba to me
              the mother, your mother.                                  is …….. (Email:
              It is Mother’s Day!                                       Please  do  note:  By  submitting  photos,
                                                                        text or any other materials, you give per-
              If you would like to have                                 mission to The Aruba Today newspaper,
              an  extra  light  shining  on                             Caribbean Speed Printers and any of its
              her this special day then                                 affiliated  companies  to  use  said  mate-  visit, we make new memories and go on
              send  a  picture  of  your                                rials, as well as names, likeness, etc. for  different adventures. From relaxing in a
              mom or the both of you                                    promotional purposes without compen-     palapa to off-roading in the Arikok and
              together with a message                                   sation.                                  taking a dip in the natural pool, there’s
              for her. Aruba Today will                                 Today  we  share  a  wonderful  message  no place else we’d rather be. We hope
              make sure it will be pub-                                 from Marc and Becky:                     everyone is safe and feeling well on the
              lished  online  on  Sunday                                                                         island  and  can’t  wait  to  return  home
              and  in  print  on  Monday                                “Aruba to me is… HOME! Each time we  soon.”
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