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u.s. news                 Diasabra 12 Maart 2022

                         Whitmer kidnapping trial symbol of discord in west Michigan

            (AP)  —  Four  men  de-      were among a candidate pool  Henry,  a  political  scientist,
            scribed  by  prosecutors  drawn  from  a  22-county  and physicist Vernon Ehlers.
            as  radicals  who  schemed  section  of  the  federal  court  Their cerebral, non-confron-
            to  kidnap  Michigan  Gov.  district  covering  western  tational approach played well
            Gretchen  Whitmer  are  Michigan.  It  extends  from  back home.
            on trial in a federal court-  just below Grand Rapids —
            house  named  for  Ger-      the state’s second-largest city,  But  the  region’s  bonhomie
            ald  R.  Ford,  a  political  where  Ford’s  museum  and  has  frayed  in  recent  years
            Mr. Nice Guy revered for  gravesite are located near the  amid nationwide upheaval.
            moderation  and  bridge-     courthouse  —  northward  to
            building  after  the  Water-  the tip of the Lower Peninsu-  Another  heir  to  Ford’s  seat,
            gate scandal.                la, a distance of roughly 250  first-term  Rep.  Peter  Mei-
                                         miles (400 kilometers).      jer, drew attacks from fellow
            To  some  extent,  the  jarring                           Republicans  and  even  death
            contrast reflects the direction  None  of  the  defendants  is  threats for voting to impeach
            politics and public discourse  from  that  part  of  the  state.  former  President  Donald
            have  taken  since  the  former  But prosecutors say planning  Trump after the Jan. 6, 2021,  plaining  of  bullying  and  aside  and  render  a  verdict
            president  represented  the  and  preparations  for  the  ab-  assault  on  the  U.S.  Capitol.  threats  from  critics  of  her  based solely on the evidence.
            Grand  Rapids  area  in  Con-  duction — including training  Trump  is  backing  a  primary  decision  to  impose  a  school  Whitmer’s  job  performance
            gress  —  and  particularly  in  exercises  and  the  scouting  challenger in this year’s elec-  mask mandate.      numbers  are  lagging  in  the
            recent years.                of Whitmer’s house — hap-    tion.                                                     region,  especially  up  north,
                                         pened there.                                              Strong  feelings  about  Whit-  said  Bernie  Porn,  president
            Anger  and  intense  partisan-                            Farther north in Grand Tra-  mer’s  pandemic  orders,  in-  of  the  Lansing  polling  firm
            ship  tearing  the  U.S.  social  Aside from Grand Rapids, a  verse  County,  the  board  of  cluding  temporarily  staying  EPIC-MRA.  She  carried
            fabric  are  showing  up  in  thriving  center  of  manufac-  commissioners  came  under  home and wearing masks in  only three of the 22 counties
            western and northern Michi-  turing, retail and health care,  fire for welcoming a pro-gun  public  places,  were  evident  in her successful 2018 run.
            gan,  where  the  trial’s  jurors  the  broad  swath  is  mostly  presentation  from  members  during this week’s jury selec-
            live,  despite  the  area’s  long-  farmland  and  forests  dot-  of the far-right Proud Boys in  tion for the kidnapping trial.  Former U.S. Rep. Bart Stu-
            time reputation for Midwest-  ted  with  small  cities,  some  2020.  When  a  local  resident                      pak, a Democrat who repre-
            ern congeniality.            economically  struggling.  Its  later criticized the move dur-  “I really don’t like Whitmer,”  sented many of the northern
                                         lakes and rivers draw hunters  ing a livestreamed meeting, a  a long-haul truck driver said,  counties as well as the Upper
            Adam Fox, Brandon Caserta,  and  anglers.  Summer  tour-  board  member  brandished  a  while  another  man  voiced  Peninsula  before  retiring  in
            Barry Croft and Daniel Har-  ists  flock  to  its  Lake  Michi-  rifle.                general  distrust  of  govern-  2010,  said  they’ve  become
            ris  were  charged  in  Octo-  gan  coastline.  “Life,  liberty,                       ment  and  a  third  described  more  Republican  and  their
            ber  2020  with  conspiring  to  beaches and pie” is the slogan  And disclosure last year that  himself  as  affiliated  with  a  politics  “more  personal,”  as
            abduct  Whitmer  from  her  for Cherry Republic, a com-   white students at a local high  group called Stand Up Mich-  in much of the nation.
            northern  Michigan  vacation  pany near Traverse City that  school had conducted a mock  igan  that  opposed  the  lock-
            home.  Prosecutors  allege  sells products made with the  social  media  “slave  auction”  down.  All  were  dismissed,  Political extremism isn’t new
            they  were  members  of  ex-  region’s signature fruit.   of  Black  classmates  fueled  a  as was a woman who praised  to the area, he said. It was a
            tremist  paramilitary  groups                             community clash over com-    the governor.                hotbed  of  antigovernment
            angry  over  the  Democrat’s  The  area  is  largely  Repub-  bating  racism,  with  some                           “militia” activity in the 1990s.
            COVID-19 restrictions. De-   lican  and  conservative,  yet  conservative  parents  alleging  U.S.  District  Judge  Rob-
            fense attorneys say there was  known  for  producing  mild-  “critical  race  theory”  indoc-  ert  Jonker  repeatedly  told  But regardless of how people
            no  plot  and  the  men  were  mannered  leaders,  includ-  trination.                 would-be  jurors  the  trial  feel about Whitmer, he add-
            cajoled  by  undercover  FBI  ing Ford, who served in the                              wasn’t about politics but that  ed, few if any would condone
            agents.                      House from 1949-73. Among  The  public  health  officer  strong  opinions  wouldn’t  what the defendants allegedly
                                         his GOP successors were for-  for  four  northern  counties  disqualify  them.  What  mat-  were plotting.
            The 18 jurors and alternates  mer  college  professors  Paul  resigned  in  February,  com-  tered,  he  said,  was  whether
                                                                                                   they  could  set  their  views
                            Legislative fix could let UC Berkeley admit more students

            (AP) — California Demo-      enrollment  because  of  a  makers,  who  said  it  wasn’t  unenforceable  all  judgments  perience.
            crats have agreed to back  dispute with Berkeley res-     fair  to  students  who  had  affecting  enrollment  —  al-
            legislation  that  could  let  idents over growth.        worked hard to get into UC  lowing  UC  Berkeley  to  ad-  The  California  Environ-
            the University of Califor-                                Berkeley.                    mit  the  number  of  students  mental  Quality  Act  requires
            nia,  Berkeley  to  accept  The  decision  by  Califor-                                officials  had  planned  to  for  government  to  evaluate  and
            thousands  more  students  nia’s high court last week to  The  proposal  introduced  2022 instead of forcing a re-  disclose the significant envi-
            this fall after the state Su-  cap enrollment at one of the  Friday  by  Assembly  mem-  duction  in  the  size  of  the  ronmental effects of building
            preme  Court  let  stand  a  world’s most prestigious uni-  ber  Phil  Ting,  a  San  Fran-  freshman class.        projects  and to find ways to
            judicial freeze on student  versities  stunned  state  law-  cisco  Democrat,  would  give                          lessen those effects.
                                                                      universities  more  time  and  Because  of  the  court  deci-
                                                                      flexibility to comply with the  sion,  university  officials  said  It  is  aimed  at  protecting  the
                                                                      California   Environmental  they  would  need  to  reject  environment,  but  has  been
                                                                      Quality Act before judges can  5,000 applicants this spring to  weaponized  in  recent  years
                                                                      resort  to  imposing  caps  on  reduce  enrollment  by  3,000  throughout  California  to
                                                                      student enrollment.          students  to  maintain  overall  slow  or  stop  development
                                                                                                   enrollment at 2020-21 levels.  projects,   including   new
                                                                      It also highlighted how Cali-  They have since lowered the  housing and transportation.
                                                                      fornia  residents  have  used  a  figure to about 2,600.
                                                                      landmark  state  environmen-                              The state Supreme Court in
                                                                      tal  law  to  halt  the  construc-  University   officials   had  a  4-2  decision  declined  the
                                                                      tion of badly needed housing  pleaded  with  lawmakers  for  university’s  emergency  re-
                                                                      and in this case, dictate uni-  an emergency fix, saying the  quest  to  lift  an  enrollment
                                                                      versity admissions policies.  university  needs  the  tuition  cap  ordered  last  year  by  an
                                                                                                   revenue  and  that  students  Alameda  County  Superior
                                                                      The proposal would be retro-  should be able to have a vi-  Court judge.
                                                                      active and if approved, make  brant on-campus college ex-
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