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                                                                                         world news Diasabra 12 Maart 2022

                           China locks down city of 9 million amid new spike in cases

            (AP)  —  China  on  Friday  500,000  people  in  the  east-  Friday,  bringing  its  total  to
            ordered  a  lockdown  of  ern  province  of  Shandong,  78  in  recent  days.  Authori-
            the  9  million  residents  of  show China is sticking to the  ties  have  repeatedly  pledged
            the  northeastern  city  of  draconian  approach  to  the  to lock down any community
            Changchun  amid  a  new  pandemic it has enforced for  where one or more cases are
            spike  in  COVID-19  cas-    most  of  the  past  two  years,  found  under  China’s  “zero
            es  in  the  area  attributed  despite  some  earlier  indica-  tolerance”  approach  to  the
            to  the  highly  contagious  tions  that  authorities  would  pandemic.
            omicron variant.             be  implementing  more  tar-
                                         geted measures.              Another  93  cases  were  con-
            Residents  are  required  to  China  reported  another  397  firmed  in  the  nearby  city  of
            remain  at  home,  with  one  cases  of  local  transmission  Jilin that bears the same name
            family member permitted to  nationwide  on  Friday,  98  of  as the surrounding province.
            venture out to buy food and  them  in  Jilin  province  that  Authorities  have  already  or-
            other  necessities  every  two  surrounds  Changchun,  a  dered  a  partial  lockdown  in
            days. All residents must un-  center  of  the  country’s  auto  the  city  and  severed  travel
            dergo  three  rounds  of  mass  industry. In the entire prov-  links with other cities.  cial  media  that  those  who  ferred more than 6,000 peo-
            testing,  while  non-essential  ince,  cases  have  exceeded                           tested  positive  were  being  ple  to  quarantine,  according
            businesses  have  been  closed  1,100  since  the  latest  out-  Officials of the Jilin Agricul-  confined  in  school  libraries  to state broadcaster CCTV.
            and transport links suspend-  break  first  struck  late  last  tural Science and Technology  and  other  buildings  in  poor
            ed.                          week.                        University have been sacked  conditions.                  Aerial  images  showed  stu-
                                                                      after  a  cluster  of  infections                         dents  in  hazmat  suits  lining
            The latest lockdowns, which  Just two cases were reported  was reported on campus and  The school has registered 74  up in the cold and dark wait-
            also  include  Yucheng  with  within  Changchun  itself  on  students  complained  on  so-  confirmed  cases  and  trans-  ing to be transferred.

                        Russian offensive widens as US imposes new trade sanctions

            (AP) — Russia widened its offen-    regain  momentum  after  encounter-  such as Kyiv, Kharkiv and Mariupol,  the  long-awaited  battle  for  Kyiv  is
            sive in Ukraine on Friday, striking  ing  heavier  losses  and  stiffer  resis-  while  also  pounding  targets  away  just hours or days away. He predicted
            airfields in the west and a major  tance  than  anticipated  over  the  past  from the main battle zones.   a drawn-out siege, not an immediate
            industrial  city  in  the  east,  while  two weeks. Britain’s Ministry of De-                               storming of the city.
            the  huge  armored  column  that  fense said Russia is trying to “re-set  Russia  said  it  used  high-precision
            had been stalled for over a week  and re-posture” its troops, gearing up  long-range  weapons  to  put  military  “This is going to be a very long bat-
            outside  Kyiv  appeared  to  have  for operations against Kyiv.         airfields in Lutsk and Ivano-Frankivsk  tle  of  attrition.  This  is  going  to  be
            spread out near the capital.                                            in the west “out of action.” The at-  an  atrociously  casualty-heavy  battle
                                                “It’s ugly already, but it’s going to get  tack on Lutsk killed four Ukrainian  and  a  siege,  the  likes  of  which  we
            Military  analysts  were  divided  over  worse,”  said  Nick  Reynolds,  a  war-  servicemen, the mayor said.  have rarely seen in modern history,”
            whether  the  maneuvering  by  the  fare analyst at Royal United Services                                   Boulegue said.
            Russian  convoy  signaled  the  immi-  Institute, a British think tank.  Russian airstrikes also targeted for the
            nent start of a siege of Kyiv or was just                               first time Dnipro, a major industrial  But  a  senior  American  defense  of-
            an effort to disperse some vehicles to  With  the  invasion  in  its  16th  day,  hub in the east and Ukraine’s fourth-  ficial said that while elements of the
            more protected positions.           Russian  President  Vladimir  Putin  largest city, with about 1 million peo-  convoy have broken off and moved to
                                                said there had been “certain positive  ple. One person was killed, Ukraine  the tree line, the U.S. believes those
            On the economic and political front,  developments”  in  Russia-Ukraine  said.                              are efforts to hide and better protect
            the U.S. and its allies moved to fur-  talks, but gave no details.                                          the  vehicles,  which  are  largely  for
            ther isolate and sanction the Kremlin.                                  In  images  of  the  aftermath  released  supplies.
            President  Joe  Biden  announced  the  For  his  part,  Ukrainian  President  by  Ukraine’s  emergency  agency,
            U.S. will dramatically downgrade its  Volodymyr Zelenskyy said Ukrainian  firefighters  doused  a  flaming  build-  The  official,  who  spoke  on  condi-
            trade status with Russia and also ban  forces had “reached a strategic turn-  ing, and ash fell on bloodied rubble.  tion  of  anonymity  to  describe  the
            imports  of  Russian  seafood,  alcohol  ing point,” though he did not elabo-  Smoke billowed over shattered con-  U.S.  military  assessment,  said  that
            and diamonds. The move to revoke  rate.                                 crete where buildings once stood.   the convoy hadn’t made any substan-
            Russia’s “most favored nation” status                                                                       tial progress toward the city and that
            was  taken  in  coordination  with  the  “It’s impossible to say how many days  In  another  potentially  ominous  de-  the vehicles’ moves were not part of a
            European Union and Group of Sev-    we will still need to free our land, but  velopment  for  Ukraine,  new  satel-  tactical effort to advance on Kyiv.
            en countries.                       it is possible to say that we will do it,”  lite photos appeared to show that the
                                                he said via video from Kyiv.        massive  Russian  convoy  outside  the  However, the official said other forc-
            “The  free  world  is  coming  together                                 capital  had  split  up  and  fanned  out  es  from  the  northeast  had  moved
            to confront Putin,” Biden said.     He also said authorities were work-  into towns and forests.            closer to Kyiv and were about 20 to
                                                ing on establishing 12 humanitarian                                     30 kilometers (12 to 19 miles) east of
            On the ground, the Kremlin’s forces  corridors and trying to ensure food,  Howitzers were towed into firing po-  the city center.
            appeared to be trying to regroup and  medicine and other basics get to peo-  sition, and armored units were seen
                                                ple across the country. Thousands of  in  towns  near  the  Antonov  Airport  Repeated rounds of negotiations be-
                                                civilians  and  soldiers  on  both  sides  north of the city, according to Maxar  tween Russia and Ukraine have taken
                                                are believed to have been killed in the  Technologies, the company that pro-  place  along  the  Belarus  border,  and
                                                invasion.                           duced the images.                   the two countries’  foreign ministers
                                                                                                                        held talks on Thursday with no ap-
                                                So  far,  the  Russians  have  made  the  The  40-mile  (64-kilometer)  line  of  parent  progress,  while  various  third
                                                biggest advances on cities in the east  tanks and other vehicles had massed  countries have also made attempts to
                                                and south — including in Mariupol,  outside Kyiv early last week. But its  broker a stop to the fighting.
                                                the heavily bombarded seaport where  advance  had  appeared  to  stall  amid
                                                civilians scrounged for food and fuel  reports  of  food  and  fuel  shortages,  A Western official, speaking on con-
                                                amid  a  harrowing  10-day-old  siege  muddy  roads  and  attacks  by  Ukrai-  dition of anonymity to discuss intel-
                                                — while struggling in the north and  nian troops with anti-tank missiles.  ligence matters, said the fact that ne-
                                                around Kyiv.                                                            gotiations are taking place so early in
                                                                                    Mathieu  Boulegue,  a  researcher  at  the fighting “might speak to Russian
                                                On  Friday,  Putin’s  forces  continued  the  London  think  tank  Chatham  concerns”  about  the  progress  of the
                                                to  launch  airstrikes  in  urban  areas  House, said the redeployment means  war.
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