Page 30 - bon-dia-aruba-20220312
P. 30

A30    world news
                    Diasabra 12 Maart 2022

                             N. Korea may fire big missile to put spy satellite in space

                                                                      kilometers (9,320 miles), far  and last nuclear test in 2017.  ful enough to place multiple
                                                                      enough  to  strike  anywhere                              reconnaissance satellites into
                                                                      in the U.S. and beyond. The  After declaring the site’s clo-  orbit  in  a  single  launch.  He
                                                                      25-meter  (82-foot)  missile,  sure,  Kim  invited  foreign  said North Korea would also
                                                                      which was shown again at a  journalists to observe the de-  want to test the missile’s en-
                                                                      defense  exhibition  in  North  struction  of  tunnels  in  May  gine parts.
                                                                      Korea’s  capital,  Pyongyang,  2018. But North Korea didn’t
                                                                      last  year,  has  yet  to  be  test-  invite outside experts to cer-  Kwon  said  the  liquid-fueled
                                                                      launched.                    tify what had been destroyed.  Hwasong-17 may be too big
                                                                                                   Analysts who studied the sat-  and lack mobility given North
                                                                      North  Korea  has  already  ellite  images  say  it’s  unclear  Korea’s poor road conditions.
                                                                      demonstrated the potential to  how  long  it  would  take  for  He said the launch could be
                                                                      reach the U.S. mainland with  the North to restore the site  a  show  of  force,  but  that  a
                                                                      flight  tests  of  other  ICBMs,  for nuclear detonations.  spy satellite could sharply in-
                                                                      the  Hwasong-14  and  Hwa-                                crease the North’s capability
                                                                      song-15, in 2017. Some ana-  North  Korea’s  two  mis-    to  monitor  the  movements
            (AP)  —  North  Korea  has  North Korea’s neighbors de-   lysts  say  developing  a  larger  sile  launches  were  the  latest  of  U.S.  aircraft  carriers  and
            tested  parts  of  its  biggest  tected  two  ballistic  launches  missile could mean the coun-  in  a  string  of  tests  in  recent  other strategic assets.
            intercontinental     ballis-  last week. North Korea later  try is trying to arm its long-  months, an apparent attempt
            tic  missile  in  two  recent  said  it  was  testing  cameras  range weapons with multiple  to modernize its arsenal and  Jung  Chang  Wook,  head  of
            launches,  the  U.S.  and  and  other  systems  to  be  in-  warheads  to  overcome  mis-  pressure the Biden adminis-  the Korea Defense Study Fo-
            South  Korean  militaries  stalled  on  a  spy  satellite  but  sile defense systems.  tration  as  nuclear  disarma-  rum think tank in Seoul, said
            said, a suggestion it is like-  didn’t disclose what missiles                          ment talks remain stalled.   North Korea would want to
            ly to fire that weapon soon  or rockets it used.          In 2018, North Korea unilat-                              test technologies that ensure
            to  put  a  spy  satellite  into                          erally  suspended  long-range  Observers   expect   North  multiple warheads of a mis-
            orbit in what would be its  After analyzing the launches,  and nuclear tests before it en-  Korea  to  launch  the  Hwa-  sile could survive the extreme
            most  significant  provoca-  the  U.S.  and  South  Korean  tered now-dormant denucle-  song-17 missile for two main  heat and pressure of reentry
            tion in years.               militaries concluded they in-  arization talks with the Unit-  military  purposes  —  testing  from space.
                                         volved an ICBM system un-    ed States. The talks collapsed  key  weapons  parts  and  put-
            Separately,  South  Korea’s  der development that North  in 2019 due to disputes over  ting  its  first  functioning  spy  Jung and Kwon both believe
            Defense  Ministry  said  it  Korea  first  unveiled  during  U.S.-led  sanctions  on  the  satellite  in  space.  They  say  North  Korea  has  acquired
            detected  signs  that  North  a military parade in October  North.  Top  North  Korean  North Korea may claim that  the  reentry  vehicle  technol-
            Korea  was  possibly  restor-  2020.                      officials  recently  hinted  at  it is firing a rocket, not a mis-  ogy for a single warhead mis-
            ing  some  of  the  tunnels  at                           lifting the 2018 weapons test  sile, for a satellite launch, but  sile, an assessment that some
            its  nuclear  testing  ground  South Korea released a simi-  moratorium.               the  U.N.  and  others  have  analysts dispute.
            that  were  detonated  in  May  lar assessment and said North                          viewed past satellite launches
            2018,  weeks  ahead  of  leader  Korea must immediately stop  Seoul’s   statement   about  as disguised tests of its long-  A  spy  satellite  and  a  missile
            Kim Jong Un’s first summit  any  act  that  raises  tensions  North  Korea’s  nuclear  test-  range missile technology.  with multiple warheads were
            with then- President Donald  and  regional  security  con-  ing ground came after recent                            among  an  array  of  sophisti-
            Trump.  The  ministry  didn’t  cerns.                     commercial  satellite  images  Kwon  Yong  Soo,  a  former  cated  weapons  that  North
            say  whether  it  believes  the                           showed  a  possible  resump-  professor  at  Korea  Nation-  Korean  leader  Kim  Jong
            North was restoring the site  The  ICBM  in  focus  is  the  tion  of  construction  activity  al  Defense  University  in  Un has vowed to develop to
            to resume tests of nuclear ex-  Hwasong-17,  North  Korea’s  at the site in the northeastern  South  Korea,  said  the  esti-  counter what he calls Ameri-
            plosives.                    biggest  missile,  which  could  town  of  Punggye-ri.  It  was  mated  thrust  of  the  Hwa-  can hostility such as econom-
                                         potentially  fly  up  to  15,000  used  for  the  North’s  sixth  song-17 suggests it is power-  ic sanctions.

                           Court: London police acted unlawfully to stop Everard vigil

            (AP) — London police acted un-      abducted. But the four main organiz-  cancel the vigil.”                rights.”
            lawfully  when  they  used  coro-   ers canceled it after police told them
            navirus  restrictions  to  prevent  a  they  faced  fines  of  10,000  pounds  The  judges  said  the  police  force  The police force said it would con-
            vigil  in  memory  of  a  murdered  ($13,000) each and possible prosecu-  “failed  to  perform  its  legal  duty  to  sider whether to appeal.
            woman, a court ruled Friday in a  tion for violating coronavirus restric-  consider whether the claimants might
            victory for the event’s organizers  tions.                              have a reasonable excuse for holding  Police  handling  of  the  Everard  case
            and the right to protest.                                               the gathering.”                     was  one  of a string of controversies
                                                A  spontaneous  vigil  went  ahead,  at-                                that  have  undermined  public  confi-
            The  protest  vigil  was  called  after  tended  by  hundreds  of  people  in-  Theodora  Middleton,  a  lawyer  for  dence in the force and led the head
            Sarah Everard, a 33-year-old London  cluding Catherine, Duchess of Cam-  the  organizers,  called  the  court  rul-  of the Metropolitan Police, Commis-
            woman, was abducted and murdered  bridge,  the  wife  of  Prince  William,  ing “a victory for women” and said it  sioner  Cressida  Dick,  to  announce
            in March 2021 by an off-duty Met-   who laid flowers. Police later moved  set “a powerful precedent for protest  her resignation last month.
            ropolitan Police officer as she walked  in  to  disperse  participants,  arresting
            home at night.                      some.  Images  of  women  scuffling
                                                with  police  and  being  led  away  in
            The crime shocked the country, an-  handcuffs sparked wide criticism.
            gered many women and raised ques-   The four vigil organizers took the po-
            tions  about  a  police  force  that  un-  lice to court, arguing the force’s deci-
            knowingly harbored a murderer in its  sions before the event breached their
            ranks. Police officer Wayne Couzens  human  rights  to  freedom  of  speech
            pleaded  guilty  to  Everard’s  murder  and assembly.
            and  was  sentenced  in  September  to
            life in prison with no chance of pa-  Two High Court judges agreed, rul-
            role.                               ing  Friday  that  by  telling  organizers
                                                the protest would be unlawful, police
            The  group  Reclaim  These  Streets  “interfered with the claimants’ rights
            attempted to organize a socially dis-  because each (statement) had a ‘chill-
            tanced  vigil  on  the  city’s  Clapham  ing  effect’  and  made  at  least  some
            Common,  near  where  Everard  was  causal contribution to the decision to
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