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A28    u.s. news
                    Diasabra 12 Maart 2022

                          Judge: Trump delays on rape accuser’s claims in ‘bad faith’

                                                                      could have been far less,” the  to  his  Manhattan  residence  appeals ruling.
                                                                      judge wrote.                 or  at  the  White  House  after
                                                                                                   it was originally filed in New  “Taken  together,  these  ac-
                                                                      Trump’s    attorney,   Alina  York  state  court  in  Novem-  tions demonstrate that defen-
                                                                      Habba, responded to a mes-   ber 2019. It was later moved  dant’s  litigation  tactics  have
                                                                      sage  seeking  comment  with  to federal court.           had a dilatory effect and, in-
                                                                      an  email  saying,  “While  we                            deed, strongly suggest that he
                                                                      are  disappointed  with  the  Trump  then  used  “frivo-  is acting out of a strong de-
                                                                      Court’s  decision  today,  we  lous” legal  challenges  to de-  sire to delay any opportunity
                                                                      eagerly  look  forward  to  liti-  lay  progress  of  the  lawsuit,  plaintiff may have to present
                                                                      gating  this  action  and  prov-  the  judge  wrote,  including  her  case  against  him,”  the
                                                                      ing at trial that the plaintiff’s  claiming that the state court  judge said.
                                                                      claims have absolutely no ba-  lacked  jurisdiction  over  him
                                                                      sis in law or in fact.”      and  that  the  lawsuit  could  The  Associated  Press  does
                                                                                                   not  proceed  until  an  appeal  not  typically  identify  people
                                                                      Roberta Kaplan, a lawyer for  in  another  woman’s  lawsuit  who allege sexual assault un-
            (AP) — Former President  Thursday  but  publicly  filed  Carroll,  said  of  the  judge’s  alleging  sexual  misconduct  less they come forward pub-
            Donald     Trump’s    legal  Friday,  Kaplan  cited  delays  decision:  “My  client  E.  Jean  by Trump was resolved.  licly, as Carroll has done.
            moves aimed at delaying a  caused by Trump’s legal tac-   Carroll and I could not agree
            rape accuser’s defamation  tics as he rejected the former  more.”                      The  lawsuit  can’t  go  to  trial  The judge noted that Carroll
            claims from reaching trial  president’s attempt to coun-                               until the appeals court clari-  is  78 years old and the  only
            are in bad faith and, so far,  tersue  Carroll  under  a  law  Carroll,  a  longtime  advice  fies whether the defendant is  direct  witness  to  the  alleged
            succeeding, a judge said in  sometimes used to challenge  columnist  for  Elle  maga-  Trump  or  the  U.S.  govern-  rape  besides  Trump,  saying
            a decision released Friday  defamation lawsuits that un-  zine,  wrote  in  a  June  2019  ment.                    “the  relevance  of  these  facts
            as he rejected an attempt  fairly make claims.            book that Trump raped her in                              is obvious.”
            by Trump to countersue.                                   the mid-1990s in an upscale  In  August  2020,  Trump  re-
                                         A  countersuit  could  have  Manhattan department store.  portedly  instructed  then-  “In  the  Court’s  view,  char-
            E. Jean Carroll’s single claim  been  filed  14  months  ago,  Trump  denied  it  and  ques-  U.S.   Attorney   General  acterization  of  defendant’s
            of  defamation  “could  have  Kaplan wrote.               tioned  Carroll’s  credibility  William  Barr  to  cause  the  previous  and  threatened  fu-
            been  tried  and  decided  —                              and motivations.             United  States  to  intervene  ture actions as dilatory, in bad
            one way or the other — long  “The  record  convinces  this                             and  substitute  itself  as  the  faith  or  unduly  prejudicial
            ago,”  U.S.  District  Judge  Court  that  the  defendant’s  Judge  Kaplan  wrote  of  liti-  defendant,  the  judge  said.  would be a bootless exercise.
            Lewis A. Kaplan said.        litigation  tactics,  whatever  gation  delays,  saying  Trump  That challenge, continued by  They are, in varying degrees,
                                         their intent, have delayed the  “attempted  to  evade”  deliv-  President Joe Biden’s Justice  all three,” he said.
            In  a  written  ruling  dated  case to an extent that readily  ery  of  a  copy  of  the  lawsuit  Department,  still  awaits  an

                         Yale strikes Sackler name from campus amid opioid outrage

            (AP)  —  Yale  University                                 Peart  did  not  respond  to  a  and Beverly Sackler funded a  Daily News reported.
            has  begun  removing  the  Yale’s  decision  was  first  re-  question  about  Yale’s  inten-  Sackler Institute for physics,
            Sackler  name  from  its  ported  by  the  Yale  Daily  tions with the money donat-    engineering and biology that  Purdue  Pharma  this  month
            campus,  several  years  af-  News.                       ed by the Sacklers.          has  since  been  restructured.  reached  a  nationwide  settle-
            ter  announcing  it  would                                                             And  the  Richard  and  Jona-  ment  of  lawsuits  over  its
            no  longer  accept  dona-    The Sacklers donated tens of  The pharmacology professor  than  Sackler  Professorship  painkillers’ role in the crisis,
            tions from the family that  millions  of  dollars  to  pres-  who  held  the  David  Sack-  in  Internal  Medicine,  estab-  with Sackler family members
            owns  OxyContin  maker  tigious  universities  even  as  ler  Professorship  will  be  as-  lished in 2009, has not been  agreeing to pay out as much
            Purdue Pharma.               state  governments  began  ef-  signed to another chair, Peart  assigned since a professor left  as $6 billion themselves.
                                         forts to hold members of the  said.  Gifts  from  Raymond  the  university  in  2015,  the
            The  Ivy  League  university,  family  accountable  for  Pur-
            about 40 miles from Purdue’s  due’s actions. In recent years,
            headquarters in Stamford, is  donor  recipients  including
            the  latest  institution  to  dis-  New  York’s  Metropolitan
            tance  itself  from  the  family  Museum  of  Art  and  some
            amid outrage over its role in  colleges  have  dropped  the
            the opioid crisis.           Sackler name.

            Yale, which received over $1  Dr. Andrew Kolodny, a critic
            million  in  donations  from  of  Purdue  and  the  Sacklers
            the  family,  last  month  reas-  who has testified against the
            signed an employee from the  company in court, said he is
            David  A.  Sackler  Professor-  not aware of any universities
            ship  of  Pharmacology  and  that  have  returned  Sackler
            has no plans to fill academic  donations or tried to use the
            posts named for the Sacklers,  money to address the opioid
            university spokesperson Kar-  crisis.
            en Peart said.
                                         “Universities and others that
            “In 2021, the university made  have  taken  money  from  the
            a decision to pursue a separa-  Sacklers  should  be  thinking
            tion  from  the  Sackler  name  about  this  as  blood  money.
            and  has  been  actively  work-  It’s tainted. It’s not enough to
            ing on specific plans consis-  simply  take  the  name  down
            tent with that decision which  and keep the money in your
            we expect to announce soon.  pocket,”  said  Kolodny,  who
            No Yale faculty member cur-  leads  a  program  on  opioid
            rently holds a Sackler chair,”  policy at Brandeis University.
            Peart said.
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