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                                                                                                       sports Diasabra 12 Maart 2022

                       MLB spring camps open, Bieber in Guardians gear, Vlad Jr set

            (AP)  —  Arizona  Dia-       Bieber,  the  2020  AL  Cy  were at Roger Dean Stadium
            mondbacks  catcher  Car-     Young  Award  winner,  and  in Jupiter, Florida, where the
            son  Kelly  and  manager  All-Star  third  baseman  José  Cardinals  and  Miami  Mar-
            Torey  Lovullo  shared  a  Ramírez  were  among  the  lins  share  the  complex.  Last
            hug, a grin and a few slaps  players  sporting  Guardians  week, Mets star Max Scher-
            on  the  back  under  the  garb who went through light  zer was at the ballpark, too, as
            bright  blue  sky  that  the  workouts following check-in  part of the negotiating teams
            Cactus  League  is  known  physicals. The team formally  working on a new labor deal.
            for providing.               changed its name from Indi-
                                         ans following last season.   On this morning, with tem-
            The bickering is over. Base-                              peratures  were  in  the  80s
            ball is back.                Bo Bichette and José Berríos  under  partly  sunny  skies  on
                                         were  among  those  joining  Florida’s  east  coast,  it  was
            A day after owners and play-  Guerrero  in  getting  busy  at  time for the talk to turn from
            ers reached agreement to end  the Blue Jays’ camp in Dune-  CBA to ERAs and RBIs.
            a 99-day lockout, all 30 spring  din,  Florida.  Sunday  is  the                       among a group of a dozen or  in  the  restaurants  inside  the
            training camps opened across  mandatory reporting date for  “Fans  have  been  through  so  fans  and  autograph  seek-  park.
            Arizona  and  Florida.  Now  players, but many were eager  quite  a  bit  lately,”  Texas  ers waiting outside the gates,
            the  four-week  sprint  begins  to get to to work early.  Rangers  president  Jon  Dan-  hoping to catch a glimpse of  Many players also have work
            in earnest to get ready for an                            iels said.                   anything  major  league  base-  to do.
            April 7 opening day.         Rojas was among a large con-                              ball.
                                         tingent  of  Diamondbacks  Ron Hoskins and son Shawn                                   Freddie  Freeman,  Carlos
            “We’ve been waiting for this  players who reported to camp  had  made  the  trek  from  St.  While they didn’t see any big  Correa and Clayton Kershaw
            for a while,” D-backs infield-  in Scottsdale. Like many play-  Louis  to  Jupiter  two  weeks  leaguers, Hoskins and his son  were  among  more  than  100
            er Josh Rojas said before Fri-  ers,  he  had  been  attending  ago  when  it  appeared  Ma-  got  to  meet  Marmol,  who  free agents without a contract
            day’s workout. “It’s good we  informal workouts at various  jor  League  Baseball  and  the  was  promoted  from  bench  as camps opened.
            got everything done. I did my  fields in Arizona while labor  union were close to reaching  coach  to  Cardinals  manager
            best to stay ready for this day,  talks  intensified.  The  union  a deal. The settlement came  after last season.  The  Cardinals  quickly  got
            whenever  it  came.  It  hap-  had even set up a makeshift  too late for them to see any                            in  motion,  reaching  a  deal
            pened fast.”                 base  in  Mesa,  Arizona,  at  a  exhibition  action  —  they’re  Reaching  through  the  gate,  with pitcher Drew VerHagen
                                         multi-purpose sports facility,  scheduled to return home on  Marmol squatted and reached  on  a  two-year  contract.  The
            Cleveland  ace  Shane  Bieber  but that was starting to clear  Saturday.               his arm through the fence to  31-year-old righty was 10-10
            limbered  up  in  Guardians  out  on  Friday  as  players  re-                         sign the shirt of 37-year-old  with a 5.11 ERA in 127 games
            gear,  Toronto  Blue  Jays  star  ported to their regular camps.  “Unfortunately, I will not be  Shawn.             over parts of six seasons with
            Vladimir  Guerrero  Jr.  began                            able  to  see  a  spring  training                        Detroit  before  spending  the
            taking  grounders  and  new  “We did a really good job stay-  game here this year,” Hoskins  “I liked it,” Shawn said.  last two years with the Nip-
            St. Louis Cardinals manager  ing ready,” Rojas said. “There  said.                                                  pon Ham Fighters of the Ja-
            Oliver Marmol signed auto-   were lots of places where 15,                             At  George  M.  Steinbrenner  pan Pacific League.
            graphs as spring training for  20, 30 guys were meeting up,  The  trip  wasn’t  a  complete  Field  in  Tampa,  New  York
            major leaguers finally began.  running  our  own  practices.  loss for Hoskins.        Yankees  fans  were  asking  “We believe he will compete
                                         Groundballs,  live  bullpens,                             about spring training tickets,  for  a  starting  job,  but  could
            At the complex in Goodyear  live  at-bats,  hitting  on  the  Donning  his  white  Yadi-  with games set to begin next  easily  transition  to  the  bull-
            that  Cleveland  shares  with  field.”                    er  Molina  replica  jersey,  week. Inside the team store,  pen  if  needed,”  Cardinals
            the  Cincinnati  Reds,  some                              Hoskins  wheeled  Shawn,  new  shirts  with  “Grapefruit  President of Baseball Opera-
            big names got loose.         St.  Louis  outfielders  Harri-  who  has  Down  syndrome,  League 22” were in stock and  tions John Mozeliak said.
                                         son Bader and Tyler O’Neill  to  the  ballpark.  They  were  new TVs were being put up

                        More delays at Players Championship as Monday finish looms

                                                                      (AP)  —  The  Players  about 2 1/2 inches of rain in  Spieth’s second shot into the
                                                                      Championship  was  halt-     a  24-hour  period,  and  the  12th was in the middle of a
                                                                      ed again Friday after only  Stadium Course held up re-    puddle, and he stood over his
                                                                      four hours as puddles be-    markably well to get in four  mark  as  the  squeegee  crew
                                                                      gan  to  form  on  the  put-  hours of play.              cleared away the water.
                                                                      ting surfaces and the TPC
                                                                      Sawgrass  couldn’t  hold  Tommy Fleetwood and Tom  “I  don’t  want  to  be  high-
                                                                      any more rain.               Hoge  finished  on  Thursday  maintenance,”  Spieth  said
                                                                                                   and each posted a 6-under 66.  to the crew before asking to
                                                                      A  Monday  finish  was  look-  Brice  Garnett  holed  out  for  make another pass in the area
                                                                      ing  inevitable,  which  would  eagle from the fourth fairway  in front of his ball.
                                                                      be the eighth since The Play-  and was at 6 under with five  Dustin  Johnson  had  three
                                                                      ers  Championship  began  in  holes to play.              birdies  in  his  opening  four
                                                                      1974, all of them in March.                               holes  and  went  out  in  32
                                                                                                   Daniel  Berger  was  among  before  the  wet  greens  twice
                                                                      Only  96  players  from  the  those at 5 under, and he was  fooled him and led to three-
                                                                      144-man  field  had  finished  the  first  sign  the  conclusion  putt bogeys — a 40-foot putt
                                                                      the first round when play was  of the opening round might  he left well short on the 10th,
                                                                      stopped.                     have  to  wait.  He  was  just  a downhill putt from 30 feet
                                                                                                   short of the par-5 11th green  that ran 6 feet by on the 13th.
                                                                      “We  may  be  in  a  situation  when he called for an official  Berger figured them out. He
                                                                      where,  if  we  don’t  get  back  because of water in the area  holed  a  40-foot  birdie  putt
                                                                      out there today, we’re assured  where he wanted to land his  from  the  fringe  on  No.  12
                                                                      of  a  Monday  finish,”  said  pitch.                     and,  just  as  important,  hit  a
                                                                      Gary Young, the chief referee                             beautiful  lag  putt  from  50
                                                                      of The Players.              Out came the squeegees, and  feet on the 13th. He followed
                                                                                                   a  delay  waiting  for  them  to  with birdie putts from 18 feet
                                                                      The TPC Sawgrass received  move away the water. Jordan  and 15 feet to reach 5 under.
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