Page 9 - HOH
P. 9
local Tuesday 27 June 2023
Helpful tips for your stay on Aruba
(Oranjestad)—When trav- vere incident. round prong and two earth
eling to another country, clips on the side. However,
especially for the first time, Police: 100 Type A is most commonly
it is always better to be Police Tipline: 11141 found in homes and estab-
over-prepared than under- Ambulance: 911 lishments. vary depending on where but this may vary depend-
prepared. That is why we Fire Dept: 115 you are staying on the is- ing on the vehicle. Taxis are
have a list of basic—but Oranjestad: HOH hospital: Drinking water land. Generally though, pretty much always avail-
important—information that +297-527-4000 The water that flows most supermarkets are able and you can ever hire
we think may come in han- San Nicolas: ImSan: +297- through the sinks of every open from 8am to 9 or one for $45 an hour.
dy to Aruba’s visitors. 527-8833 house, hotels and other 10pm, Monday through
establishments is distilled Saturday. On Sundays, su- Safety
Emergency services Electrical power and perfectly safe to drink. permarkets generally close Aruba is one of the safest
Even though most people Aruba generally operates Aruba’s drinking water ex- earlier; mostly around 2pm. islands in the Caribbean,
don’t even want to think on 110V to 127V supply ceeds WHO’s international and many tourist that visit
about having to contact voltage and 60Hz. There standards for water qual- Taxis have often told us how
emergency services—es- are also three types of out- ity, so there is no need to Prices for taxi fair are set they feel safe to explore
pecially not while on their lets used on the island: type buy bottled water from the by the Department of Pub- the island or walk around
vacation, it is still important A with two flat prongs; type store. lic Traffic and are based at night. However, rare in-
to know what number to B with two flat and one on destination rather than cidents do occurs, so keep
dial in case of the unlikely grounding prong, and on Supermarket hours mileage. Most taxis can yourself and your belong-
event of an accident or se- occasion, type F with two Supermarket hours may take up to five passengers, ings safe.q
Visit the island’s hidden natural pools
(Oranjestad)—Amongst peared just a few years
the countless beaches sur- ago, when a part of the
rounding the island that are dried up coral floor broke
well-known and frequently off and created a partition
visited, there are an addi- between the ocean and
tional two “hidden” natural what is now the natural
pools that are situated in pool that is hidden there.
the northern coast of the is- Because it’s still so new,
land, two ideal stops in your there is no official name for
tour itinerary. it, but most people just call
it the cave pool.
Conchi (Natural Pool) Just like the Conchi, the
For many years, Conchi new natural pool is situated
was the only natural pool on the northern coast of
that we had on the island. Aruba. However, this pool is
Located in the Arikok Na- much easier to reach with
tional Park, near Boca Keto any type of vehicle, and
and the Daimari Ranch, there is no hiking needed.
Conchi—also known “Cura This spot has also become
di Turtuga (Turtle’s Cove) or a regular stop for touring
just Natural Pool—is reach- visitors.
able with any 4x4 vehicle
or by foot if you’re up for a When you get there, may-
long hike. However, since it a natural rock formation of the island (where the sea and you can climb up the be you won’t be able to
is part of the National Park, that protects you from the is largely rough and largely rocks and jump in! spot the pool immediately,
you must first get permission wild waves on the other no suitable for swimming), because you will probably
from park management to side. Though the pool is lo- the pool itself is very calm. Cave Pool notice the moon-shaped
enter. You would have to cated on the northern side It’s also relatively deep, This relatively new pool ap- lagoon where wild northern
purchase a day pass, and waves crash into each oth-
receive a wristband as er. Sounds scary, but if you
proof of payment. Once look down on your right,
you’ve completed that, you’ll see a calm, crystal
you are set! blue little pool in the cor-
ner. To get there, you have
If you decide to hike from to climb down some stairs.
the entrance of the Arikok Be careful when climbing
National Park, this is also down and follow the in-
possible: do bring plenty structions of your tour guide
of protective clothing and if you have one.
enough water and food—it
could take you up to three And just like Conchi, this
hours to hike there! pool also has a jumping
spot, and a rope to climb
However, when you even- back up the boulder.q
tually do get there, you
will be greeted with crystal Picture of cave pool is cred-
blue water surrounded by ited to RockaBeach Tours