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                 Saturday 5 auguSt 2017

                      With live-fire drill, China warns India not to test Beijing

            By LOUISE WATT                                                                                                      said  Thursday  that  while
            Associated Press                                                                                                    Chinese armed forces had
            BEIJING  (AP)  —  Beijing  is                                                                                       shown  “utmost  goodwill”
            intensifying  its  warnings  to                                                                                     and  a  “high  level  of  re-
            Indian troops to get out of                                                                                         straint”  in  the  face  of  the
            a  contested  region  high                                                                                          Indian troops, “restraint has
            in  the  Himalayas  where                                                                                           its limits.”
            China,  India  and  Bhutan                                                                                          “No country should under-
            meet,  saying  China’s  “re-                                                                                        estimate the Chinese forc-
            straint  has  its  limits”  and                                                                                     es’ confidence and capa-
            publicizing  live-fire  drills  in                                                                                  bility  to  safeguard  peace
            Tibet.                                                                                                              and  their  resolve  and  will-
            Indian  troops  entered  the                                                                                        power  to  defend  national
            area in the Doklam Plateau                                                                                          sovereignty,  security  and
            in  June  after  New  Delhi’s                                                                                       development      interests,”
            ally, Bhutan, complained a                                                                                          Ren said in a statement.
            Chinese  military  construc-                                                                                        China  and  Bhutan  have
            tion  party  was  building  a                                                                                       been  holding  talks  over
            road  inside  Bhutan’s  terri-                                                                                      their  border  dispute  since
            tory.                                                                                                               the  1980s  and  Bhutan
            Beijing  says  Doklam  is  lo-                                                                                      feared  the  road  con-
            cated in Tibet and that the                                                                                         struction  would  affect  the
            border  dispute  between                                                                                            process  of  drawing  their
            China  and  Bhutan  has                                                                                             boundary.  India  said  its
            nothing to do with India. It   In this video image from Friday, Aug 4, 2017, a target explodes during a live-fire drill by the Chi-  troops were attempting to
            has demanded that Indian     nese army in China’s Tibet Autonomous Region that border India. Beijing is intensifying its warnings   urge  the  Chinese  forces
            troops  withdraw  before     to Indian troops to get out of a contested region high in the Himalayas where China, India and   not  to  change  the  status
            any talks.                   Bhutan meet. Chinese characters in yellow reads “Artillery soldiers high altitude live fire drills”.   quo  and  that  any  con-
            On  Friday,  China  Central                                                                          (CCTV via AP)  struction would have “seri-
            Television broadcast video   shown  loading  and  fir-    tempt to increase pressure  and immediate withdrawal      ous security implications for
            it said showed an army unit   ing  other  missiles,  some  of  on  India,  however,  along  of  Indian  troops  from  the   India.” In New Delhi, Exter-
            in  an  unidentified  part  of   which landed in fiery explo-  with strongly worded state-  region,”  said  a  commen-  nal Affairs Minister Sushma
            Tibet  carrying  out  live-fire   sions.                  ments  this  week  from  Chi-  tary  Friday  by  the  official   Swaraj  told  Parliament  on
            firing  exercises  in  the  past   The report, which was also  na’s  foreign  and  defense  Xinhua News Agency.     Thursday  that  India  was
            few days.                    carried  in  other  state  me-  ministries, as well as in state  “If China backs down now,   concerned  about  China’s
            A  commander  sitting  in  a   dia, didn’t mention the dis-  media.                    India may be emboldened      actions  affecting  the  tri-
            vehicle  shouted  “3,  2,  1,   pute  with  India,  and  said  “China  has  made  it  clear  to  make  more  trouble  in   junction  boundary  point
            fire!”  into  two  telephones   the  unit  has  been  training  that there is no room for ne-  the future,” it added.  between  Bhutan,  China
            and a missile was launched   for three months.            gotiation and the only solu-  Chinese  Defense  Ministry   and  India  as  well  as  the
            into  the  sky.  Troops  were   It  appeared  to  be  an  at-  tion  is  the  unconditional  spokesman Ren Guoqiang   India-China border. q

                 Russian military police deploy north of Syrian city of Homs

            By BASSEM MROUE              of four planned cease-fires  forces  shelled  the  central  day  as  Russian  troops  be-  districts and three observa-
            Associated Press             reached  in  recent  months  town of Talbiseh just before  gan  deploying  in  the  re-  tion posts in the districts of
            BEIRUT  (AP)  —  Russian  mili-  under  an  agreement  bro-  midnight  Thursday  killing  gion.                     Khmeirat,  Qubeibat  and
            tary police deployed north  kered  by  Russia,  Iran  and  one person and wounding  The  Observatory  said  doz-    Tel Ameri.
            of the central city of Homs  Turkey in May that aims to  several  others,  according  ens  of  Russian  troops  de-  Russian military police from
            on Friday, setting up check-  “de-escalate”  the  violent  to  the  Britain-based  Syr-  ployed  on  front  lines  be-  the  de-escalation  monitor-
            points   and   observation  Syrian  civil  war,  now  in  its  ian Observatory for Human  tween  government  forces  ing forces will have to “en-
            points  as  part  of  a  cease-  sixth year.              Rights and activist Moham-   and opposition fighters.     sure the disengagement of
            fire  in  a  third  safe  zone  in  Russia and Iran are provid-  med al-Homsi who is based  Russian  Defense  Ministry  the opposing sides, monitor
            war-torn  Syria,  but  opposi-  ing military support to Presi-  in Homs province.      spokesman  Igor  Konash-     compliance  with  the  ces-
            tion activists said the truce  dent  Bashar  Assad,  while  Al-Homsi said that the shell-  enkov announced the mili-  sation of hostilities and also
            was  violated  by  govern-   Turkey sponsors some of the  ing also targeted the near-  tary police deployment on  ensure unhindered deliver-
            ment forces.                 opposition  forces  arrayed  by  villages  of  Teir  Maaleh  Thursday,  saying  the  Rus-  ies of humanitarian supplies
            The  truce  that  began  against him.                     and Gharnata. The Obser-     sian  military  police  will  es-  and evacuations of those ill
            Thursday  and  the  deploy-  The   deployment     came  vatory  and  al-Homsi  said  tablish  two  checkpoints  in  and injured,” Konashenkov
            ment  are  part  of  the  third  hours  after  government  the  situation  was  calm  Fri-  the Harb Nafseh and Dayr  said.q
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