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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Saturday 5 auguSt 2017

            Convicted Shkreli has an image problem, lawyer concedes

            By TOM HAYS                  discussing  in  the  next  few
            LARRY NEUMEISTER             days,” he said, adding that
            Associated Press             while  Shkreli  was  a  brilliant
            NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  Mar-     mind,  sometimes  his  “peo-
            tin  Shkreli,  the  eccentric  ple skills” need work. As he
            former     pharmaceutical  spoke,  Shkreli  smiled  and
            CEO  notorious  for  a  price-  cocked his head quizzically
            gouging  scandal  and  for  in mock confusion.
            his snide “Pharma Bro” per-  Brafman  predicted  that
            sona on social media, was  Shkreli  would  someday  go
            convicted  Friday  on  fed-  on to develop cures to ter-
            eral  charges  he  deceived  rible  diseases  that  afflict
            investors in a pair of failed  children. Within an hour of
            hedge  funds.  A  Brooklyn  leaving  the  court,  Shkreli
            jury  deliberated  five  days  was at home live-streaming
            before finding Shkreli guilty  on YouTube and calling the
            on  three  of  eight  counts.  split  verdict  a  victory,  de-
            He had been charged with  spite his conviction on two
            securities fraud, conspiracy  of the most serious counts.
            to  commit  securities  fraud  Prosecutors had a different
            and conspiracy to commit  take.  “There’s  one  state-
            wire  fraud.  Shkreli,  upbeat  ment  that’s  most  impor-
            and  defiant  outside  the  tant  and  that’s  the  jury’s
            Brooklyn  courthouse  after-  statement:  guilty  on  those
            ward,  called  his  prosecu-  counts,” said Acting U.S. At-
            tion  “a  witch  hunt  of  epic  torney Bridget Rohde.    Martin Shkreli, right, and his attorney Benjamin Brafman, left, leave federal court in New York,
            proportions”  but  conced-   Prosecutors  had  accused    Friday, Aug. 4, 2017. The former pharmaceutical CEO has been convicted on federal charges he
            ed that maybe the govern-    Shkreli  of  repeatedly  mis-  deceived investors in a pair of failed hedge funds. A Brooklyn jury deliberated five days before
            ment  had  found  “one  or  leading  investors  about     finding Shkreli guilty on Friday on three of eight counts.
            two broomsticks.”            what  he  was  doing  with                                                                   (AP Photo/Seth Wenig)
            Asked  about  his  client’s  their money. Mostly, he was  had  $40  million  in  one  of  for who he really is — a con  Shkreli’s   scheme   actu-
            social-media  antics,  at-   blowing it with horrible stock  his funds at a time when it  man  who  stole  millions,”  ally  succeeded  in  making
            torney Ben Brafman said it  picks,  forcing  him  to  cook  only had about $300 in the  added another prosecutor,  them richer, in some cases
            was something they would  up  a  scheme  to  recover  bank,  Assistant  U.S.  Attor-   Jacquelyn Kasulis.           doubling  or  even  tripling
            be  working  on.  “There  is  millions in losses, they said.  ney Alixandra Smith said in  But the case was tricky for  their  money  on  his  com-
            an  image  issue  that  Mar-  Shkreli,  34,  told  “lies  upon  closing arguments. The trial  the  government  because  pany’s  stock  when  it  went
            tin  and  I  are  going  to  be  lies,” including claiming he  “has exposed Martin Shkreli  investors  who  testified  said  public.q

            Priest accused of embezzlement seeks $800K seized by police

            MASON,  Mich.  (AP)  —  The  more from St. Martha Parish  by Michigan State Police as  Martha  Parish  in  1988,  was  from Wehrle’s family could
            attorney  for  a  Michigan  in  Okemos,  Michigan,  but  part  of  the  ongoing  inves-  placed  on  administrative  have paid for it.
            priest accused of bilking a  prosecutors  say  an  ongo-  tigation,  the  Lansing  State  leave  by  the  Diocese  of  The  lien  application  states
            Catholic church that’s miss-  ing audit shows an estimat-  Journal reported.           Lansing on May 9.            that  Wehrle  had  “sole  ac-
            ing millions of dollars asked  ed $5 million is missing from  A judge who heard that re-  Prosecutors  filed  an  ap-  cess” to St. Martha Parish’s
            a  judge  Friday  to  autho-  the  Lansing-area  Roman  quest must decide whether  plication  in  June  for  a  lien  finances   and   offerings,
            rize the release of $800,000  Catholic church.            there’s  enough  evidence  against  an  11,000-square-    “with  no  oversight  within
            seized  by  police  to  his  cli-  Wehrle’s  attorney  argued  to send Wehrle to trial. The  foot  home  the  priest  owns  the parish” and lists 10 resi-
            ent.                         during a Friday court hear-  hearing  resumes  Sept.  1  that’s  worth  more  than  $1  dences Wehrle owns or has
            The  Rev.  Jonathan  Wehrle  ing  that  the  priest  and  his  with testimony from Bishop  million and sits on 10 acres.  owned  since  1988  in  sev-
            (WUR’-lee) is charged with  mother should have access  Earl Boyea.                     Wehrle’s lawyer, Lawrence  eral Michigan communities
            embezzling    $100,000   or  to  nearly  $800,000  seized  Wehrle,  who  founded  St.  Nolan,  has  said  money  and in Florida.q
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