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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Saturday 5 auguSt 2017
               Sessions vows crackdown on leaks of classified information

                                                                                                   leakers,  and  the  timing  of  prosecuting a contractor in
                                                                                                   the  Justice  Department’s  Georgia  accused  of  leak-
                                                                                                   announcement      —    one  ing a classified government
                                                                                                   week  after  the  president  report  to  a  media  organi-
                                                                                                   complained on Twitter that  zation.
                                                                                                   Sessions  had  been  weak  “This  nation  must  end  this
                                                                                                   on “intel leakers” — raised  culture of leaks.
                                                                                                   questions  about  whether  We  will  investigate  and
                                                                                                   the  attorney  general’s  ac-  seek  to  bring  criminals  to
                                                                                                   tion was aimed at quelling  justice.
                                                                                                   the anger of the man who  We  will  not  allow  rogue
                                                                                                   appointed him.               anonymous  sources  with
                                                                                                   Sessions said in his remarks  security  clearances  to  sell
                                                                                                   that  his  department  has  out  our  country,”  Sessions
                                                                                                   more than tripled the num-   said in his remarks.
                                                                                                   ber  of  active  leaks  inves-  Media  organizations  also
                                                                                                   tigations  compared  with  had  an  often-tense  rela-
                                                                                                   the number pending when  tionship  with  the  Obama
                                                                                                   President  Barack  Obama  administration,  whose  Jus-
                                                                                                   left office, and the number  tice  Department  brought
                                                                                                   of  referrals  to  the  Justice  more leaks cases than dur-
                                                                                                   Department  for  potential  ing all previous administra-
                                                                                                   investigation  of  unauthor-  tions  combined  and  was
            Counselor to the President Kellyanne Conway walks back to the West Wing of the White House,   ized  disclosures  had  “ex-  criticized  for  maneuvers
            Thursday, July 27, 2017, in Washington.                                                ploded.”  The  Justice  De-  seen as needlessly aggres-
                                                                           (AP Photo/Alex Brandon)
                                                                                                   partment  under  Sessions  is  sive and intrusive.q

                 Continued from front    ton Post on Thursday pub-
            Media  advocacy  orga-       lished transcripts of his con-
            nizations     condemned      versations with the leaders
            the  announcement,  with     of Mexico and Australia.
            Bruce Brown, the executive   Trump    counselor   Kelly-
            director  of  the  Reporters   anne  Conway  told  “Fox
            Committee  for  Freedom      &  Friends”  that  “it’s  easier
            of  the  Press,  saying  the   to  figure  out  who’s  leak-
            decision  to  review  existing   ing  than  the  leakers  may
            guidelines  was  “deeply     realize.” And might lie de-
            troubling.”                  tectors be used? She said:
            Meanwhile, a White House     “Well, they may, they may
            adviser  raised  the  possi-  not.”
            bility  of  lie  detector  tests   Trump’s  outbursts  against
            for  the  small  number  of   media organizations he de-
            people  in  the  West  Wing   rides as “fake news” have
            and elsewhere with access    led  to  predictions  that  his
            to  transcripts  of  Trump’s   administration  will  more
            phone  calls.  The  Washing-  aggressively try to root out

            Trump strategist may have

            improper PR arrangement

            By  JULIE  BYKOWICZ,  Asso-  Integrity  quotes  an  associ-
            ciated Press                 ate  of  Preate’s  saying  she
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  The  doesn’t  receive  pay  from
            Campaign Legal Center is  Bannon.
            complaining  in  a  letter  to  The Campaign Legal Cen-
            the White House that a top  ter says that appears to be
            adviser  to  President  Don-  a violation of what’s called
            ald Trump may be illegally  the Antideficiency Act.
            accepting  outside  profes-  The  law  says  government
            sional services.             employees  “may  not  ac-
            Steve  Bannon  has  worked  cept  voluntary  services  for
            with  publicist  Alexandra  (the)  government  or  em-
            Preate since he was head  ploy  personal  services  ex-
            of Breitbart News.           ceeding that authorized by
            Preate  has  continued  to  law.”The White House says
            work with reporters on Ban-  it  is  permissible  for  Bannon
            non’s  behalf  even  though  to seek personal represen-
            she  is  not  a  government  tation for personal matters.
            employee. A recent article  Preate did not immediately
            by  the  Center  for  Public  comment.q
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