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A4   U.S. NEWS
                 Saturday 5 auguSt 2017
               Baltimore residents propose 3-day cease-fire plan

                Continued from front                                                               Evans’ firm, Illume, is behind  these  kids  need  to  react.
            “NOBODY KILL ANYBODY”                                                                  the  “Stop  Shooting,  Start  That is what we’re trying to
            Erricka  Bridgeford,  a  pro-                                                          Living” slogan used by a lo-  do:  empathize  with  these
            fessional  conflict  mediator                                                          cal chapter of the commu-    young  guys,  and  say,  ‘We
            in  Baltimore,  is  one  of  the                                                       nity-based    anti-violence  understand  that  your  situ-
            organizers  of  the  cease-                                                            organization  Safe  Streets.  ation  is  challenging;  don’t
            fire,  whose  motto  is  “No-                                                          Now,  he’s  trying  to  com-  make it more so.’”
            body Kill Anybody.”                                                                    bat  the  bloodshed  with  Evans  created  the  cam-
            Bridgeford says no individ-                                                            an  advertising  campaign.  paign  after  discussing  the
            ual  or  organization  alone                                                           As he does with any cam-     idea  with  Daniel  Webster,
            has  taken  credit  for  the                                                           paign, Evans said he treats  the director of Johns Hop-
            event,  and  that’s  inten-                                                            his  anti-violence  pitch  like  kins  Center  for  Gun  Policy
            tional:  That  way,  she  said,                                                        a  product  he’s  selling.  He  and Research.
            it  belongs  to  every  single                                                         said he’s conducted focus
            Baltimore resident.                                                                    groups with victims, active  “NO SHOOT ZONES”
            The  idea  is  to  persuade                                                            shooters  and  drug  dealers  Tyree Colion is on a mission
            shooters to put down their                                                             to try to figure out how best  to  convert  areas  of  gun
            guns for three whole days,   In  this  Wednesday,  Aug.  2,  2017,  photo  Tyree  Colion  spray   to market the message. In  violence  into  “No  Shoot
            and  remember  what  it      paints  the  words  “No  Shoot  Zone”  on  a  brick  wall  behind  a   one  video,  a  fight  breaks  Zones.”
            feels like to make a positive   convenience  store,  in  a  spot  near  where  a  13-year-old  girl   out  and  a  man  opens  fire  He tries to create what he
            decision  for  themselves,   was  fatally  shot  in  Baltimore  County,  Md.  County  police  later   on  a  group,  only  to  have  calls  “invisible  force  fields”
                                         arrested Colion for what they say was destruction of property,
            and for their city.          although he claimed he was given permission to paint the wall   his infant daughter caught  against violence by spray-
            “We  understand  that  this   by a store clerk.                                        in the crossfire.            painting   messages     on
            is  not  what  normal  should                               (AP Photo/Juliet Linderman)  “Humanizing  the  victims  buildings  and  other  struc-
            be, and we deserve some-                                                               is  really  important,”  Evans  tures  where  violence  has
            thing  better,”  Bridgeford   “I heard shots that woke me  OPPOSITION  TO  VIOLENCE    said.  “People  talk  about  occurred.
            said.  “Looking  at  each    up out of my sleep (when)  THROUGH ADVERTISING            Baltimore  city  and  crime,  Those most likely to pick up
            other  and  saying,  ‘We     my  friend  Mike  was  shot.  I  As  James  Evans,  a  Balti-  and they talk about it in the  guns recognize these zones
            deserve  peace,  for  three   saw him on the blacktop, I  more-based      advertising   voice of fear, not the voice  and neutral areas: They re-
            whole days’ — that’s pow-    heard him crying not to let  executive,  watched  the     of  empathy.  The  voice  of  spect the space, he says.
            erful.”                      him die,” she said. “I went  body  count  in  Baltimore   fear  suggests  that  crime  The messages “stop shoot-
            Bridgeford is no stranger to   to funerals all through high  skyrocket  earlier  this  year,   just exists here, not that vic-  ings,  first  and  foremost,”
            the  effect  of  violence  on   school.”                  he  thought  he  might  be   tims exist here.             Colion  said.  “At  worst,  it
            communities:  She  first  saw   She’s lost friends and cous-  able  to  help.  How?  By   “We’re  incentivizing  kids  looks like graffiti. But to dif-
            someone  shot  and  killed   ins  to  gunshots,  she  said.  reaching the unreachable:   not to become criminals in  ferent  gangs,  they  know
            when she was just 12 years   “So many cousins.”           those most likely to pick up   the  first  place.  You  could  what  this  means:  ‘I  don’t
            old.                                                      a gun and pull the trigger.  go from being a hardwork-    fear police, I don’t respect
                                                                                                   ing  citizen,  lose  your  tem-  anything else, but I respect
                                                                                                   per,  do  the  wrong  thing  this.’”
                                                                                                   and become a criminal in  He’s  christened  27  such
                                                                                                   five seconds.                zones in Baltimore city. The
                                                                                                   When you’re 18, you’re liv-  fatal shooting of a 13-year-
                                                                                                   ing in an underserved com-   old  girl  Tuesday  is  what
                                                                                                   munity,  you’re  frightened  brought him across the line
                                                                                                   all  the  time.  People  don’t  into  Baltimore  County  for
                                                                                                   understand  how  quickly  the first time. q

                                                                                                   San Francisco park where shooting
                                                                                                   occurred is plagued by crime, drugs

                                                                                                   By PAUL ELIAS                book  founder  Mark  Zuck-
                                                                                                   LINDA WANG                   erberg’s  $10  million  home
                                                                                                   Associated Press             overlooks the park.
                                                                                                   SAN  FRANCISCO  (AP)  —  But  the  13-acre  (52,600
                                                                                                   The  San  Francisco  park  square-meter)  park  with
                                                                                                   where  three  people  were  spectacular  skyline  views
                                                                                                   shot on a sunny afternoon  and  a  high  school  across
                                                                                                   underwent  a  $20  million  the  street  sits  in  the  mid-
                                                                                                   renovation  last  year  and  dle  of  the  Mission  District
                                                                                                   immediately  became  one  neighborhood, which is still
                                                                                                   of  the  city’s  most  popular  dominated  by  gangs  and
                                                                                                   destinations — and a mag-    homeless drug users.
                                                                                                   net for drug use, gang ac-   The  shooting  Thursday  af-
                                                                                                   tivity and violence.         ternoon  at  the  park  that
                                                                                                   The  new  playground,  ad-   sent families and other visi-
                                                                                                   ditional  bathrooms  and  tors scurrying for cover ap-
                                                                                                   improved amenities of the  peared  to  be  a  targeted
                                                                                                   park in a gentrifying neigh-  incident,  and  investiga-
                                                                                                   borhood  of  trendy  restau-  tors  are  looking  into  gang
                                                                                                   rants and bakeries attracts  ties,  San  Francisco  police
                                                                                                   dog  walkers,  families  and  spokesman  Robert  Rueca
                                                                                                   young tech workers. Face-    said. q
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